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Adverbial Clauses Spring Term 2021

Variant 2
Task: Define the types of subordinate clauses. Indicate how the clauses are introduced.
1.I was now free to live and work wherever I liked.
2.His smile was so friendly, that Laura recovered.
3.But his writing table, beautiful as it was, was no pretty toy.
4.Since he seemed nervous even at the dress rehearsal, Isabel agreed not to go.
5.I’ll change the ticket so that you may be able to go with the evening train.
6.He went into the house by the back door as though he had something to hide.
7.When I was ushered into the drawing room I found that Mrs. Strickland had a visitor.
8.I was so taken back that I lost my head, I accepted the offer before I was able to collect myself.
9.They pinched and saved so that I should have enough to live on.
10. The man had to touch him twice on the shoulder before he woke.

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