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Timothy Vasheka, group 302

The Crammed Story

This story happened a long time ago, but I still remember it. The main character's
name was Tom and he dreamed of starting a new life in a foreign country. He was an
experienced and famous artist, but he felt devastated. He lost his motivation and
inspiration in drawing his unsurpassed masterpieces, and he did not know what to do
next. The only way out of this situation was to move to another country and start a new
life there. He chose France. It was there that he was going to find inspiration to continue
painting his landscapes and portraits. In addition, he was going to break with tradition
and create his own style in art.

When he flew to France, he remembered the story of his success. He recalled how
he became famous overnight and at the same time he was afraid to die forgotten and
penniless. He remembered very well how he graduated from art school with honors and
almost immediately sold his first painting. He dreamed of becoming a famous artist
from childhood and he managed to achieve this. And now he did not know what to do
next, and it depressed him.

When he arrived in Paris, a group of artists met him. They helped him settle in a
new house and introduced him to other artists. And then the inspiration suddenly
returned to him: the color scheme was predominated by only bright colors, and in
general the pictures were relaxing. He again began to be awarded the prizes at
exhibitions and it was obvious to the naked eye that he was in advance of his time. In
addition, this talent in drawing still lifes was suddenly revealed. And he finally realized
that it is not necessary to create your own style in painting, but you can develop an
existing style. And suddenly an unexpected thought came to him: he can teach other
people to draw! He created his own drawing school and the following week almost a
dozen children were already in their first drawing class. It was a really unexpected
success for Tom and he got a lot of pleasure from teaching.

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