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A. Van Gogh lived in Paris for three years. FALS E

b He had a lor of money at that time. FALSE

c He wanted to try different ways of painting. TRUE

d He did not find the colour grey interesting. FALSE

e He uses the colour red to create a special effect. TRUE

f In the felt hat picture, he is wearing fashionable clothes. TRUE

g Van Gogh never painted other people. FALSE

h A straw hat would not normally be worn with a suit at that time. TRUE

i The main purpose of picture number 28 was to paint a suit. FALSE


What do these words and phrases in blue from Track 26 and Track 27 mean here?

a He was a moody young man ...

- unpredictable changes of mood

b ... became familiar with the new art movements developing at the time.

- tendency or style in art with a specific common philosophy

c ... scenes of the fields, the peasants and lives typical of the people who lived in the

- a person from the countryside who worked in the fields

d ... he began to use the swirling brush strokes ...

- circular movements done with a brush

e ... violent disagreements, culminating in a quarrel ...

- end up

f ... one of his most remarkable paintings, the ominous Crows in the Wheatfields ...
- sinister

g The picture is full of varying tones of grey ...

- different hues

h The red in his face and particularly in the beard makes the head stand out from the

- to be very noticeable

I Van Gogh was always looking for customers for portraits ...

- a painting of a person, especially the ones with faces, heads and shoulders

g. ... the range of colours in the jacket, bow-tie and background.

- a knot with two loops and loose ends

Making a presentation
1 Complete the following tasks.

a Choose a hobby or an activity that you would like to talk about, either because you do it just
for fun or because you would like to do it.

b Make notes in answer to the questions on page 65.

I have chosen to talk about make-up.

Why do you what to talk about?

I want to talk about it because it is one of my favourite activity to do in my free time.. I even
tinking about taking a proffessional course.

What is special about it?

I consider it to be special because it can enhance your inner and outer beauty.

Have you ever done it and what was it like?

I have not tried putting make up on someone else, just myself. I am not very confident that I
can manage to highlight other facial features other than mine, that is why I want to take a

Or would you like to do it?

I would like to try it on someone else but first I have to be confident in my skills.

What kind of person does this activity?

I consider that this activity can be done by a very creative person, who also like to interract
with people.

When and where is the best time to do it?

The best time to do it is everytime you want to make yourself feel even more special and
beautiful and of course, on special occasions.

Who is the best person to do it with?

The best person to do it with is another person who has the same level of interest in this

What would you say to encourage other people to do it?

We live in a world of appearences where the first impression is very important and also if it
makes you feel confortable with your imperfections.

What does it feel like?

Puttin make up on makes me feel happy, because I feel prettier and my mood changes

What else would you like to say about it?

Be confiudent in yourself with, or without make up.

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