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1.) Liquid preparation consisting of resin Varnish

dissolved in vehicle, when spread and allowed to
dry forms a hard, lustrous, usually transparent.

2.) Year where the Britain’s Pilkington Brothers, 1959

Ltd. Introduced the floating technique of making
3.) Reheated, to just below softening point, and Tempered Glass
partially cooled, to induce compressive stress on
the surface and tensile stress on the interior, 3-5
times stronger than annealed glass.
4.) Thin, pigmented coat applied to finish coat to Mist Coat
improve luster.
5.) Solution of a dye or suspension of pigment in Wood Stain
a vehicle, applied to penetrate and color a
surface without obscuring the grains.
6.) Prevention of pigment from setting. Extender
7.) Obtained by coagulating the milky juice of Natural Rubber
rubber trees and plants.
8.) Two or more glass sheets are separated by Insulating Glass
airtight airspace, usually filled with argon.
9.) Synthetic rubber similar to natural rubber. Elastomer
10.) The panes or sheets of glass or other Glazing
transparent material made to be set in frames, as
in window, doors, or mirrors.
11.) Drying oil or varnish oil vehicle Oil Stain
12.) The setting of glass in a window frame with Wet Glazing
glazing tape or liquid sealant.
13.) A glazing system in which the framing Flush Glazing
members are set entirely behind the glass panes
or units to form a flush exterior surface, the glass
adhering to the framing with a structural silicone
14.) It causes or accelerates chemical reaction in Catalyst
plastic production.
15.) Year for the discovery of clear glass by the 100
16.) Capable of softening or fusing when heating, Thermoplastic
and hardens when cooled.
17.) Final coat applied to a surface Topcoat
18.) Molten glass flows through a bath of molten Floating
tin and then allowed to cool.
19.) The setting of glass in a window frame with a Dry Glazing
compression gasket instead of glazing tape or
liquid sealant.
20.) A glazing system in which sheets of Glass Mullion System
tempered glass are suspended from special
clamps, stabilized by perpendicular stiffness of
tempered glass, and joined by structural silicone
sealant and sometimes by metal patchers.

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