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r 1d20 + 5
.r 1d4 + 5
.r 1d20 + 8
.r 2d6 + 5

.r 6d6

.r 2d6 + 1d4 + 5


Quirk Name: Tremor King

Unarmed Damage: 1d4+str

Available Actions:

-Unarmed Strike

-Boulder Strike

-Shift Earth

Available Bonus Actions:

-Unarmed Strike

-Mould Earth

-Precise shake


Available Passive Actions

-Tremor sense

--Boulder strike

-You can spend 2 SP to stomp the ground to levitate a boulder. You can propel this towards the enemy
within 20ft for 1d8+str damage (Roll to hit.)
--Shift Earth

-For 1 SP you can move any earth, 10 feet, in a 20 foot radius of your body (up, down, left, right, slanted,

--Mould Earth

-For 1 SP you can mould any earth up to 5 by 10ft in size precisely. This is done in a 20 ft radius (Once
radius is left. Earth returns to normal)

--Precise Shake

-For 1 SP you can impose dis on physical actions made by a singular opponent for 1 Turn by shaking the
ground under them


-For 1 SP you can make any 1 by 1 piece of earth float in the air within a 20ft dome of you. This costs 1 SP
at the start of each round to maintain.

--Tremor sense

-You can passively sense presences in a 20ft dome around you as long as they are touching the ground.
Granting advantage on perception checks finding things.

--Boulder Charge

- If you run more than 20ft in a straight line, you can choose to spend 2SP to cover yourself in stone and
bash into an opponent dealing an extra 2d6 in addition to an unarmed strike

--Almighty Orb -You may spend 6SP summon a gigantic boulder to collide with anyone in a
10x20 space in-front of you. If they fail a DC 8+prof+str (16) dex save, they take 6d6
bludgeoning dmg

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