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To: All Parish Priests - Diocesan and Religious - in the Diocese

WORLD MISSION SUNDAY is a day set aside for Catholics to recommit

themselves to the Church's missionary activity. This year the Church is celebrating
several Jubilees: the 4o6th anniversary of the founding of the Congregation dE
Propaganda Fide (Congregation of the-Propagation of the riith;, now thebiistery
lhg Evangelization of Peoples; and the roort anniversary of ihe designation of the
following Mission Societies as Pontifical -- Holy Childhood, irropagation oithe Faith, and
St. Peter the Apostle. In his message for World Mission Sunaiy 2g,22, pope Francis
expresses his "hope that the local Churches will find in these Socilties a sureheans for
fostering the missionary spirit among the people of God.,,

This yeat's World Mission Sunday will be celebrated on October 23, and the theme
chosen by Pope Francis is "You shall be my witnesses". Every pa.i"rl priest shouf
encourage their communities to assist in the mission of the Ctrurctr in spreading the
Gospel._ Special emphasis. is to be givel in
!h9 liturgy and at least the homily shoul"d be
about the missionary activity of the Church basedin the message of the Fioly Father,
y''hjch a copy is hereby attached. Posters are also available to bJposted in yo;.p;;i;ii
bulletin boards for everyone to see.

In this regard, I ask your collaboration and supporL for the Mission Animation
Ministry in our Diocese under the Chairmanship of ifev. Fr. Cesar Da Silva, SX, the lead
group for celebration in our Diocese. !n the same time may I remind all parishes to
a Special Collection in all Masses or-th" World Mission Sunday, October 23, including
those celebrated in the afternoon and evenings of the preceding Saturaay arid remit thE
collection to the Chancery as soon as possibl". We know that tf,is special collection will
lorm part of our country's contribution to the Solidarity Fund. of tne Society for the
Propagation of the Faith.

Given at the Obispado de Novaliches in Fairview, Quezon City, this zrst day of
September in the Year of Our Lord,2o2z.

Rev. Ro O. Gaa, DD
of Novaliches


Obispado de Novaliches, Good Shepherd Cathedral Compound, Regalado Avenue Ext., Fairview, 1118 Quezon City
Telcfm: (02) 461.5051 / (02) 461.5074 / E-mail:

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