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Ananiza S.



Year 1

1. What is your invention? What does it do?

➢ This invention is an umbrella but a multifunctional one. It is a flying umbrella for
the farmers to protect them from the climate changes while they are working. This
umbrella provides comforts because it is less hassle than wearing a raincoat when
it is raining or any protective gear from the sunlight.

2. How is your invention similar to or different from existing tools or technologies in

terms of function?
➢ I didn’t know if there is an existing invention that was the same as this invention
but in terms of function it is similar to other or existing tools because it uses natural
power to operate such as the sun, rain and wind. This invention will help individual
farmers from the scorching heat of the sun because when the environment is to
hot this umbrella will provides a cool air to helped you relax, and vice versa if the
environment temperature is cold, but you can adjust everything in the setting menu
of this tools. It has a special function because it also inhale the unhealthy and
harmful gases and return a healthy one.

3. Why is there a need for this invention, will this invention make the world a better
place to live in?
➢ There is a need for this invention because its primary function is to helped our
farmer and lift up some burden or stress from their shoulder, as a daughter of a
farmer I have experienced how difficult to deal with climate changes, there is no
assurance that it will be a fine day the entire time. For me this invention will make
a better place to live in maybe a little bit but as we go farther small efforts when
add up it will becomes something.

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