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Test - Chapter 1

Date : 15/2/22

Time: 1 hour

Number of Qs: 8

Total marks: 40 marks

Q1. Fill in the blanks :- (only write the blanks in the answer sheet. No need to copy entire sentence)

I. Watashi wa Indo (______ ) desu.

II. Watashi wa Jyuuichi (_______) desu.
III. A: Maiku san (_______) Amerikajin desu.
B: Santosu san (_______) Amerikajin desu.

IV. C: Aomine kun wa (______) desuka.

Aomine: Kyuu sai desu.
V. Yuki san wa nan gumi desu (______).
VI. Watashi (______) D gumi desu.

---- 4 Marks

Q2. Karina – 28 years old – Egypt

Yamada – Japan- 12 Years old –

Class 7 Section C

Watto – India – Class 11 Section B –

17 years old.

Answer the following questions using the information given in the box. (Answer in Nihongo)

a) Yamada san wa nan nensei desuka.

b) Karina sensei wa nan sai desuka.
c) Watto san wa nan gumi desuka.

----1.5 marks

Q3. Translate from Japanese to English

Mira : Shitsurei Shimasu Sensei.

Maiku : Hai, Douzo.

Aomine : Shitsurei shimasu sensei.

Maiku : Hai, Douzo.

Mira : Konnichiwa sensei.

Maiku: Konnichiwa. Maiku desu. Indoneshia jin desu. San jyussai desu.

Mira: Watashi mo Indoneshia jin desu. Kyuu nensei C gumi desu. Aomine san wa nan nensei nan
gumi desuka.

Aomine: Watashi wa Jyuu nensei desu. A gumi desu. Minami Afurika jin desu.

Mira: Satou kouhai mo A gumi desu. Hassai desu. Ousutoraria jin desu.

Aomine: Akaichan mo Ousutoraria jin desu. Nana sai desu.

Maiku: Sugoi desu. Sayonara.

Mira: Arigatou gozaimasu sensei.

Aomine: Sayonara. Matane.

--- 6.5 marks

Q4. Match the following: (write the ans like --- S-23 )

a) Eigo 1) Practice
b) Ganbattekudasai 2) What
c) いえ 3) Russian Language
d) Rei 4) Ninety three
e) San jyuu kyuu 5) All the best
f) いいえ 6) Twenty Years
g) Kyuu jyuu san 7) Stand up
h) Roshia jin 8) Ninety Years old
i) Nani 9) No
j) Renshyuu 10) Bow
k) Senpai 11) English language
l) Hatachi 12) Thirty Nine
m) Roshiago 13) Sri Lankan
n) Kiritsu 14) King
o) Kyuujyussai 15) Love
p) Ou 16) Russian Person
q) Surirankajin 17) Senior
r) Ai 18) House

---9 marks

Q5. Write True/ False. (Correct the False Statements)

a) Japan is also known as the Land of the Rising Sun.
b) There are 5 scripts in Japanese Language.
c) If it is 4:30 pm in India, it is 8pm in Japan
d) Dumplings are a Japanese dish.
e) The flower viewing festival is called hanabi.
f) Kyushu is an island of Japan.
g) The currency of Japan is yen.
h) The colours in the flag of Japan are pink and white.
---4 Marks

Q6. Write self-Introduction of the following:- (In Nihongo)

a) Nora – 71 years old – China

b) Chihaya – England- 10 Years
old – Class 5 Section F
c) Usui – Brazil – Class 12
Section B – 18 years old.

---3 Marks

Q7. Fill in the table

Word Hiragana Meaning


---10 marks

Q8. Write your self-introduction. (In Nihongo)

---2 marks

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