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The Downside to the Dream

on September 29, 2022

So we have looked at the dream, or more specifically what your dream ought to be, and

although I've got definitely no notion what that dream is in your case, you definitely do. I

suppose that it's most likely that you've not actually identified that thing that motivates you

out of your socks yet, and it is likely to be that you aren't certain whether or not your dream is

really YOUR dream. I have met people who for many years believed that their fathers’ dream

for them was their dream. At times it was a spouse or perhaps a sibling or possibly a close

friend or perhaps even a mentor that injected their dream into an additional person’s dream
muscle. Now, I realize that the name “dream muscle” seems extremely phallic but I’m going

to stay with it anyway because it is likely among the best analogies we are able to use for this

concept. So if it helps, try and visualise a bicep or leg muscle as opposed to us need to “R”

rate this posting just because you have a dirty mind. So, Getting back to the dream muscle

you will find a few things we need to realise: 1)All of us has one 2)Some are bigger than

others 3)At times they're out of condition or they've shrunk due to lack of use. 4)They need to

be exercised on a regular basis to stay healthy. 5)No person can exercise it for you. 6)If it’s

weak you will be less than optimally effective. A whole lot less.

This analogy is getting much better as I type. If we visualize in our thoughts a person’s

condition or level of fitness as representing the health of their dream muscle, firstly we see
those who have never worked on their dream muscle their entire life. Nobody has taught them

to dream, that it truly is Okay to have a dream, or they just didn’t want to listen. They manage

to just get through their day-to-day or monthly targets with just sufficient dream to get them

to their upcoming pay cheque. No person has shared the concept of the value in their very

own dream. These people invariably finish up working their lives away expending what

minor motivation they have on someone else’s dream, then go home every night and throw

their brains at a television set and cramming popcorn into their face with grubby fingers

rather than putting their free time to better use. They're carrying out all the things they can

being able to withstand or escape the nightmare and are not able to even conceive of chasing

a dream. They detest waking up in the morning and so they negotiate with the alarm clock till

the very last possible minute.

By the way, with very few exceptions a Telly can't be used to build your dream muscle. Did

you realize that your brain is really more active sleeping than when you're watching TV! At

the least when you are sleeping you are dreaming, your mind is active. Watching TV assists

the media moguls to accomplish it for you. In justifying this observation, ask yourself how

many times you’ve read a fantastic novel and nevertheless when the movie came out you

ended up being so disappointed with it because it was not in any respect how you had
imagined it ought to be. Personally, my mind immediately thinks of the recent Lord of the

Rings trilogy. As much as I may well have enjoyed the films, I was so much more entertained

by reading the books. The characters were as I wanted them to be. Without a doubt, even the

author’s intention, most times is irrelevant. I don’t read a book to satisfy the author – I do it

to please me!

The next type of person, is the person who had a BIG dream – once. But its shrunk! It was

needed to be big and bouncy, flexible and strong, robust and punchy all on its own. But, It

just couldn’t maintain mainly because all of that persons attention was focussed elsewhere,

drawing the nourishment away from the dream muscle. I’ll not go through the entire Telly

issue once again here, but you can not expect your day to be an exciting motivational activity
when your mind hardly ever works at the dream. Your heart will practice what you think of

most and my guess is that much too many of the patrons of my neighborhood mall are

committing an excessive amount of time thinking about ”Big Fat Gypsy Weddings”, “The

Biggest Losers” or ”Keeping Up With The Kardashians”. Possessing a dream once doesn’t

imply that it's going to sustain inevitably. The dream takes work. How many people do you

know who end up looking absolutely nothing like their fit, trim, athletic selves of twenty

years past? Just because you played first team rugby in high school doesn’t imply you might

look and feel like that should you hit thirty-something. A lot of times the extended beer

bellies are much more reminiscent of a scene from Alien than buff bodies that we imagine we

have in our minds’ eye.

An additional kind of dreamer would be the one who doesn’t stick to their dream gym work

out program. Even though they realise that they ought to build the dream muscles it can be

too much like hard work to stick with the plan that means probably the most to them. Quite

possibly they don’t in fact believe it's attainable for them. Quite possibly their self esteem (or

someone else) tells them they’re not good enough. They're flighty and unfocussed rather

exercising on the treadmill where they will chat to their buddy, or check out the chicks! One

month they deal with a single issue as their BIG dream, the subsequent month it’s something
totally different. They just can’t seem to stick with one particular thing and just as they may

be starting to make some progress, they alternate to something else. There isn't any actual

focus. No dedication. No commitment. No pain, no gain. I am not by any ways implying that

your dream can’t alter. Obviously they are able to. Any dream can grow. It could be

enhanced and it can be expanded on. We change, why can’t our dream? Sometimes our

dream can change in an completely different direction once we realise a new found talent or

passion or love. I knew a man once who was absolutely sold out to his dream of climbing the

corporate ladder and becoming his definition of success, when one light heart attack altered

his whole approach to living. Suddenly the things that money couldn’t buy became the one

eyed focus of his dream. The thing is that even though the dream can change, it cannot

continuously alter.
Is it just me, or does it seem that you will discover more and more things within this world

that happen to be intended to distract us from our dreams and in fact all the things of lasting

importance? A lot of things, in reality, are just obsessive time wasters and they are the kinds

of things you can waste hours on but with absolutely no lasting consequence. Soap operas,

Computer games, FaceBook, arbitrary cellphone texting, chat lines, even sports stations and

so forth.. All I’m stating is usually that in two weeks time you might remember nothing at all

and there's almost nothing to show for it. Nevertheless I'm not condemning these things in

entirety, so often its these things that detract us from your dream and the issues which can be

incredibly important in life like good quality time with our family, mastering a fresh talent,

gaining new knowledge of value, building a partnership, and so forth.. A good rule of thumb

possibly can be to question ourselves at times “what will the benefit of this time spent be in

two weeks time?”

Then lastly, there exists the real dreamer. He’s the dude at the mall who is just not looking

left or right, not window shopping. He’s walking at a brisk, upright and determined pace to

where he is going to post his letter. That’s it. Everything he does is about finding the shortest,

quickest or easiest way to his dream. Its urgent, its important and he’s going to move towards

it irrespective of what. He’s the guy who works out in the gym, sticking with a program 4 or
5 days every week, winter summer, spring and autumn. He’s the guy who cycles his

prescribed distance no matter if it’s raining or shining, freezing or boiling. He’s out there and

he’s getting it down. He doesn’t care if his buddies can make it or not. He’s around anyway.

Often these are the men who're training on their very own, because there are so few that may

be discovered who're sold out to their dream!

How do you think that the story ends for these individuals? Is it really worth it? Could you

turn into one of them? In answering these questions for you, be careful that you simply be

sure that you initially know what your dream actually is.

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