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Original Research

Muscle Hypertrophy Is Affected by Volume Load

Progression Models
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Sanmy R. Nóbrega, Maı́ra C. Scarpelli, Cintia Barcelos, Talisson S. Chaves, and Cleiton A. Libardi
MUSCULAB—Laboratory of Neuromuscular Adaptations to Resistance Training, Department of Physical Education, Federal University
of São Carlos—UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil
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Nóbrega, SR, Scarpelli, MC, Barcelos, C, Chaves, TS, and Libardi, CA. Muscle hypertrophy is affected by volume load progression
models. J Strength Cond Res 37(1): 62–67, 2023—This exploratory secondary data analysis compared the effects of a percentage of
1 repetition maximum (%1RM) and a repetition zone (RM Zone) progression model carried out to muscle failure on volume load
progression (VLPro), muscle strength, and cross-sectional area (CSA). The sample comprised 24 untrained men separated in 2 groups:
%1RM (n 5 14) and RM Zone (n 5 10). Muscle CSA and muscle strength (1RM) were assessed before and after 24 training sessions,
and an analysis of covariance was used. Volume load progression and accumulated VL (VLAccu) were compared between groups. The
relationships between VLProg, VLAccu, 1RM, and CSA increases were also investigated. A significance level of p # 0.05 was adopted for
all statistical procedures. Volume load progression was greater for RM Zone compared with %1RM (2.30 6 0.58% per session vs.
1.01 6 0.55% per session; p , 0.05). Significant relationships were found between 1RM and VLProg (p , 0.05) and CSA and VLProg
(p , 0.05). No between-group differences were found for VLAccu (p . 0.05). Analysis of covariance revealed no between-group
differences for 1RM absolute (p , 0.05) or relative changes (p , 0.05). However, post hoc testing revealed greater absolute and relative
changes in CSA for the RM Zone group compared with the %1RM group (p , 0.001). In conclusion, RM Zone resulted in a greater
VLPro rate and muscle CSA gains compared with %1RM, with no differences in VLAccu and muscle strength gains between progression
Key Words: concentric muscle failure, resistance training prescription, progressive overload, training volume

Introduction RM [RM Zone]) in which training loads are adjusted to ensure

concentric muscle failure in the desired repetition range (1). As a
From the beginning of the century to more recently, volume load
result, VL can increase not only when training load is increased but
(VL 5 sets 3 repetitions 3 load [kg]) has been proposed as one of
also when the number of repetitions increases within the stipulated
the main driving forces behind adaptations to resistance training
range. Although both models result in VLPro, it is currently un-
(RT). This subject has been comprehensively reviewed (9,11), and
known whether the VLPro rate is differently affected by these pre-
studies suggest a dose-response relationship between the number
scription models and whether such differences will affect muscle
of weekly sets (consequentially greater accumulated VL [VLAccu])
strength and hypertrophy adaptations.
and muscle strength and mass gains (15,22). In addition to
Therefore, through a secondary data analysis, this exploratory
VLAccu, it has been recently suggested that the nature of the
study aimed to compare the effects of a %1RM and an RM Zone
progression of VL (VLPro) throughout the training period also
model, both carried out to concentric muscle failure, on VLPro,
influences RT adaptations (19). Recent studies have also dem-
muscle strength, and cross-sectional area (CSA). We hypothesized
onstrated that RT protocols with a similar VLPro rate did not
that RT adaptations would favor the model with greater VLPro.
show differences in muscle strength and mass gains, even with
significant differences in VLAccu (2,5). These findings suggest that
the VLPro rate is of similar importance to the total VLAccu during Methods
an RT period. However, it remains unclear how different VLPro Experimental Approach to the Problem
rates affect changes in muscle strength and mass.
Throughout an RT program, individualized VLPro is recom- This study was conducted as a secondary analysis of some of the
mended, according to the adaptive capacity of each subject (9). data published in Nóbrega et al. (13) and Barcelos et al. (2). These
Two models can be used when aiming for individualized pro- studies shared a similar population (i.e., untrained healthy young
gression in VL. The first consists of a loading prescription based on men) and design, with 1RM and CSA assessments occurring after
relative load (e.g., percentage of 1 repetition maximum [%1RM]) the same number of training sessions. Data from each subject within
with repetitions carried out to concentric muscle failure. In this each of the designated groups from these previous studies were
model, VL increases whenever the number of repetitions to failure analyzed with intent to examine raw data in an unbiased manner.
an individual is able to perform increases. The second progression Thus, the 14 subjects from Nóbrega et al. (13) submitted to high-
model consists of determining a specific repetition zone (e.g., 8–12 intensity resistance training to failure (HIRT-F) were considered a
group, and the group name was modified to %1RM. Similarly, the
Address correspondence to Dr. Cleiton A. Libardi, 10 subjects from Barcelos et al. (2) submitted to resistance training
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 37(1)/62–67 at a 9–12 repetition maximum zone 3 times per week (RT3) were
ª 2022 National Strength and Conditioning Association conserved as a group and renamed to RM Zone. In short, before the


Copyright © 2022 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume Load Progression Models (2023) 37:1 |

training intervention, subjects were familiarized with the 1RM test young men (24 6 5 years, 71.5 6 12.5 kg, and 173 6 6 cm; mean 6
procedures and exercises. Forty-eight to 72 hours later, 1RM as- SD). All subjects were untrained in RT (i.e., at least 6 months since the
sessments were performed, with reassessments every 72 hour until a last structured RT session) and had no contraindications to the exer-
variation below 5% was found between tests. Seventy-two hours cise and tests used. Group characteristics can be found in Table 1. Both
after the final 1RM test, vastus lateralis CSA was acquired. The RT studies were approved by the Federal University of São Carlos ethical
period was initiated, with groups performing their respective pro- committee and were conducted following the Declaration of Helsinki.
tocols (i.e., %1RM or RM Zone). Reassessments in 1RM and CSA All subjects were instructed about potential risks and benefits and
were performed 72 hours after the 12th training session and 72 provided written informed consent after complete methods disclosure.
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hours after the final training session (session 24). Load adjustments
were made according to each study’s protocol. For the purpose of
this secondary analysis, only the groups HIRT-F, from Nóbrega Procedures
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et al. (13), and RT3, from Barcelos et al. (2), were selected because
they shared the same number of training sessions (24 sessions), Resistance Training. Both groups underwent a lower-body re-
relative load (;80% 1RM), and performed repetitions to concen- sistance training program composed of 24 training sessions of uni-
tric muscle failure. An overview of the experimental design and each lateral knee extension exercise on a conventional leg-extension
group’s protocol characteristics can be seen in Figure 1. machine (Effort NKR; Nakagym, São Paulo, Brazil), with 5 kg as the
smallest load adjustment available on the machine alone. Dumbbells
were used to fine-tune load increases, with a minimal increase of 1
kg. All training sessions were initiated with a 5-minute general
warm-up on a cycle ergometer (Ergo-Fit; Pirmasens, Rheinland-
This study’s sample comprised 14 subjects from Nóbrega et al. (13) Pfalz, Germany) at 20 km·h21. Both %1RM and RM Zone groups
and 10 from Barcelos et al. (2) for a total of 24 healthy untrained shared the same number of sets (3 sets) and rest interval (2-minute

Figure 1. Overview of the design and characteristics of the studies used for this secondary data analysis. RM 5 repetition
maximum; 1RM 5 1 repetition maximum; CSA 5 cross-sectional area; HIRT-F 5 high-intensity resistance training to failure;
HIRT-V 5 high-intensity resistance training to volitional interruption; LIRT-F 5 low-intensity resistance training to failure; LIRT-
V 5 low-intensity resistance training to volitional interruption; RT5 5 resistance training 5 times per week; RT3 5 resistance
training 3 times per week; RT2 5 resistance training 2 times per week.


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Volume Load Progression Models (2023) 37:1

rest). The %1RM performed as many repetitions as possible per set- tool while taking great care to avoid connective and bone tissues.
up to the point of concentric muscle failure (i.e., unable to perform a Muscle CSA was reconstructed and measured 3 times, and the mean
repetition with full range of motion), and load was adjusted after 12 value obtained from the 3 calculations was adopted as the CSA true
sessions based on a 1RM reassessment. On average, subjects per- value. Assessments were performed by the same evaluator for both
formed 26 repetitions per session throughout the experimental pe- Nóbrega et al. (13) and Barcelos et al. (2). The CV and TE values
riod. The RM Zone group trained at 9–12 RM, with concentric were ,1.39% and ,0.33 cm2, respectively.
muscle failure occurring every set. Load was adjusted on a set-by-set
approach whenever repetitions fell outside the desired range, and Volume Load. For VLProg assessment, the VL produced during
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load could be increased or decreased at 1-kg intervals (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, session 1 was used as each subject’s reference value, and the
and 5 kg) according to the number of repetitions performed and percentage differences in the VL produced between sessions 1 and
researchers’ perception of subject’s performance. Specific protocol 2–24 were individually calculated as follows:
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characteristics can be found in Figure 1.  

VLsession X 2 VLsession 1
VLprog ðsession XÞ ¼ 3 100;
Maximal Dynamic Strength Test. Tests were performed on a knee VLsession 1
extension machine (Effort NKR; Nakagym). Each leg was tested at where X is the training session of interest. Values were recor-
a time in a unilateral design. Procedures similar to those described ded and used for slope analysis. In addition, VLAccu was calcu-
by Brown and Weir (3) were adopted. Testing procedures initiated lated for each subject as the sum of the training volume (sets 3
with a 5-minute general warm-up on a cycle ergometer at 20 km·h21. repetitions 3 load [kg]) produced in each RT session throughout
This was followed by a specific warm-up for the tested muscle group. the experimental period (sessions 1–24).
Subjects initially performed 8 followed by 3 repetitions at 50 and
70% of their estimated 1RM, respectively. A rest interval of 2 mi-
nutes was allowed between warm-up sets. Then, 1RM was initiated Statistical Analyses
by having subjects lift their estimated 1RM throughout their full First, visual inspection was performed, followed by the Shapiro-
range of motion. The highest load that the subjects were able to lift Wilk normality test. Unpaired t-tests were used to compare age,
within 5 attempts was considered their 1RM value. A 3-minute rest body mass, height, 1RM, and vastus lateralis CSA at baseline
was given between attempts. The coefficient of variation (CV) and between %1RM and RM Zone. Considering that baseline 1RM
typical error (TE) were ,3.65% and ,1.57 kg, respectively. and CSA could affect the changes in muscle strength and CSA, an
analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was implemented to compare
Muscle Cross-Sectional Area Assessment. Muscle CSA assess- both absolute and relative changes in 1RM and CSA, having
ments were performed using an ultrasound device with a 7.5-MHz protocol as a fixed factor, baseline 1RM and CSA as covariates,
probe (MySono U6; Samsung Industria e Comércio Ltda., São and subjects as a random factor. Bonferroni’s post hoc test was
Paulo, Brazil), following the protocol previously validated by Lix- used for between-group comparisons in case of significant F
andrão et al. (10). After refraining from vigorous exercise for at least values. VLProg slopes were generated using linear regression and
72 hours, subjects were placed in a supine position for 15 minutes to compared through a 2-tailed F-test. In addition, simple linear
allow fluid homogenization. Subsequently, femur length was man- regression analysis was used to investigate the relationship be-
ually measured, and its midpoint was identified as the 50% distance tween VLProg and 1RM and CSA relative increases and VLAccu
between the greater trochanter and the lateral epicondyle. Each and 1RM and CSA increases. Whenever possible, between-group
subject’s skin was marked at the identified point and every 2 cm effect sizes (ESs) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were
toward the medial and lateral aspects of the thigh. Transmission gel calculated using Hedges and Olkin (8) adjustment for small
was applied to promote acoustic coupling between the probe and samples. The effect size was considered significant when the in-
the skin while preventing dermal deforming due to excessive pres- ferior and superior confidence limits did not cross zero. Values are
sure. The point where the vastus lateralis became first visible was shown as mean 6 SD. The significance level was set at p # 0.05.
identified, and skin markings were used to guide probe displace- Analyses were performed on SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary,
ment. Images were acquired on the mark and every 2 cm laterally NC) and on RStudio (RStudio, Boston, MA) software.
from there using the ultrasound’s B-mode. After image acquisition,
complete vastus lateralis CSA was reconstructed on PowerPoint
version 2007 (Microsoft, Redmond, WA) according to procedures Results
described by Reeves et al. (16) (Figure 2). After CSA reconstruction,
Baseline Comparisons
images were exported to ImageJ software. The muscle CSA value
was measured by outlining the muscle tissue using the polygonal No significant differences were found between groups at baseline
for any of the compared variables (Table 1).

Table 1
Volume Load
Subjects’ characteristics per group at baseline.*†
%1RM RM Zone p For the simple regressions analysis, F statistics revealed significant
Age (y) 24 6 2 23 6 4 0.47 relationships between VLProg and 1RM relative increase (p 5 0.010;
Body mass (kg) 71.5 6 15.00 72.3 6 8.20 0.88 estimate 5 7.28; R2 5 0.26) and VLProg and CSA relative increase (p
Height (cm) 173 6 6.0 174 6 6.0 0.76 5 0.015; estimate 5 2.63; R2 5 0.24). No significant relationship
Knee extension 1RM (kg) 50.07 6 16.88 41.9 6 11.18 0.19 was found between VLAccu and 1RM relative increase (p 5 0.94;
Vastus lateralis CSA (cm2) 22.63 6 5.03 21.43 6 3.31 0.58 estimate 5 20.03; R2 5 0.0002), nor between VLAccu and CSA
*%1RM 5 percentage of 1 repetition maximum progressions model; RM Zone 5 repetition zone
relative increase (p 5 0.43; estimate 5 20.0001; R2 5 0.03). T-test
progression model; 1RM 5 1 repetition maximum; CSA 5 muscle cross-sectional area. comparisons revealed no significant differences in VLAccu between
†Values expressed as mean 6 SD. groups (%1RM: 26,695 6 6,785 kg vs. RM Zone: 30,936 6 8,391


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Volume Load Progression Models (2023) 37:1 |
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Figure 2. Representative image of a subject’s vastus lateralis cross-sectional area

(CSA) reconstructed on PowerPoint and delimitated on ImageJ before (A) and after
(B) the experimental period.

kg; p 5 0.1850; ES 5 0.57 [95% CI: 20.26 to 1.39]) (Figure 3A). Similarly, no statistically significant difference in 1RM relative
The 2-tailed F-test revealed that VLProg slopes differed significantly change was found between groups (F 5 1.353; %1RM 5 31.4 6
between groups (%1RM: 1.01 6 0.55% per session vs. RM Zone: 14.03%; RM Zone 5 38.3 6 14.1%; p 5 0.257; ES 5 0.49 [95%
2.30 6 0.58% per session; p 5 0.0001) (Figure 3B). CI: 20.33 to 1.31]) (Figure 4A).

Maximal Dynamic Muscle Strength Muscle Cross-Sectional Area

After adjustments for baseline 1RM, the ANCOVA revealed no For CSA absolute change, the ANCOVA revealed a significant dif-
statistically significant difference in 1RM absolute change be- ference between the %1RM and RM Zone groups after adjustment
tween groups (F 5 0.195; %1RM 5 14.0 6 6.88 kg; RM Zone 5 for baseline CSA (F 5 25.101; p , 0.001). Post hoc analysis in-
15.3 6 6.93 kg; p 5 0.662; ES 5 0.19 [95% CI: 20.62 to 1.00]). dicated that the mean CSA absolute change was significantly greater

Figure 3. Twenty-four sessions accumulated volume load (VLAccu) (A) and volume
load progression (VLProg) per session (B) for the percentage of 1 repetition maximum
(%1RM) and repetition zone (RM Zone) progression models, with VLProg slopes
(continuous straight lines) and 95% confidence intervals (dotted lines). Values are
presented as mean 6 SD.


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Volume Load Progression Models (2023) 37:1
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Figure 4. Relative changes (%) in maximal dynamic strength (1RM) (A) and vastus lateralis cross-sectional area (CSA) (B) for
the percentage of 1 repetition maximum (%1RM) and repetition zone (RM Zone) progression models. Results are presented as
mean 6 SD. The bars represent the adjusted means after Bonferroni’s adjustment. Individual dots represent subjects’ true
value. *Significant difference compared with %1RM progression model, as identified by Bonferroni’s post hoc.

in RM Zone compared with %1RM (%1RM: 1.62 6 0.85 cm2 vs. 1RM. In addition, the superior limit of the CI for the ES (20.33 to
RM Zone: 3.39 6 0.85 cm2; p , 0.001; ES 5 2.08 [95% CI: 1.31) could also be indicative of a possible favorable effect for RM
1.08–3.09]). Similarly, after adjusting for baseline CSA, comparisons Zone. Albeit statistically nonsignificant, the difference in 1RM
revealed a significant between-group difference in relative CSA gains increase was almost twice the CV value found for 1RM assess-
(F 5 23.401; p , 0.001). Post hoc analysis found significantly ments (CV ,3.65%), making it highly unlikely to be derived from
greater mean CSA relative change for the RM Zone group compared measurement variability. Thus, if proven to be of clinical or per-
with %1RM (%1RM: 7.86 6 4.0% vs. RM Zone: 16.0 6 4.02%; formance relevance, this nonsignificant difference would be an
p , 0.0001; ES 5 2.03 [95% CI: 1.04–3.02]) (Figure 4B). indicative that RM Zone models could be better for promoting
1RM increases. On a similar note, RM Zone resulted in a VLAccu
;16 pp above %1RM, with no statistical significance. As such, it
Discussion could be questioned whether this discrepancy in VLAccu was re-
Our results demonstrate that the RM Zone prescription resulted sponsible for the nonsignificant difference in 1RM increase be-
in significantly greater VLPro compared with the %1RM pre- tween groups. It is important to consider that simple regression
scription. Accompanying these results, significantly greater vastus analysis revealed no significant relationship between VLAccu and
lateralis CSA changes were found for the RM Zone group com- muscle strength increases. On the other hand, a significant re-
pared with the %1RM group. No significant between-group lationship was found for VLProg with an R2 of 0.26. While rela-
differences in 1RM changes were observed. In addition, signifi- tively small by itself, having 26% of the 1RM increase explained in
cant relationships were observed between VLProg and RT-induced a simple regression model could indicate its importance to RT
adaptations (i.e., 1RM and CSA relative changes), but not be- adaptations. Such results point toward VLProg being better related
tween VLAccu and the same adaptations. Collectively, our results to muscle strength increase after an RT program than VLAccu,
suggest that VLPro affects muscle hypertrophy. In addition, the adding to the current body of evidence that shows that VLAccu is not
RM Zone prescription model is more advantageous to muscle the only variable behind RT adaptations (4–6,12,18).
hypertrophy compared with a %1RM model when both are For our muscle CSA results, the RM Zone group demonstrated
carried out to concentric muscle failure. greater CSA changes, with the relative change being 2 times greater
Regarding muscle strength, neural adaptations are recognized as than that found for the %1RM group. Our findings are not so
one of the main contributors to RT strength increases (14,17). This surprising considering that many studies have already demonstrated
statement is especially true for RT beginners, with neural adapta- the lack of association between VLAccu and hypertrophic responses
tions occurring early on the exercise program (14,17). For this (4–6,12,18). Barcelos et al. (2) compared muscle strength and CSA
study, both groups initiated training at ;80% 1RM, with load adaptations between protocols performed with different RT fre-
adjustments being made at each set for the RM Zone group. As for quencies (i.e., 2, 3, and 5 times per week). Similar adaptations were
the %1RM group, load was adjusted after the 1RM retest on week found for all groups, despite the higher-training frequency group
6 in an attempt to optimize muscle adaptations to the protocol. As a resulting in a VLAccu of almost 3 times that of the lower-frequency
direct result, it is likely that the %1RM group trained with pro- one. When VLProg was analyzed, a similar behavior was found for
gressively lower relative loads until load adjustment, while the load all groups, with significant increases in VL occurring at similar time
was kept as constant as possible for the RM Zone group. However, points. Likewise, Damas et al. (5) investigated the effect of variables’
current evidence point toward increases of similar magnitude be- manipulation on protein synthesis of RT-trained subjects. Their
tween protocols performed at comparable load zones, especially results demonstrate no advantage for the variables-manipulation
with near-to-maximal loads lifted to or close to the point of con- protocol, despite the greater VLAccu produced by it. Of note, when
centric muscle failure (11,21). Thus, the minimal differences in load VLProg slopes were compared, a similar progression was found be-
lifted by each group would not explain any possible difference in tween the experimental groups. This finding led the authors to hy-
strength gains between groups. Although no significant difference pothesize that, at a group level, the VLProg slope could be an
was found for muscle strength increase between groups, relative important variable for muscle hypertrophy. Adding to the afore-
change for the RM Zone group, after adjusting for baseline 1RM, mentioned evidence, our results show that the RM Zone pre-
was 6.9 percentage points (pp) higher than that found for the % scription protocol favors VLProg more than the %1RM one, with


Copyright © 2022 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume Load Progression Models (2023) 37:1 |

marked hypertrophy for the protocol progressing more, at least #88887.634297/2021-00 to T.S.C.) and National Council for
when both are carried out to the point of concentric muscle failure. Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) (#302801/
The set-by-set load adjustment of the RM Zone model seems to 2018-9 to C.A.L.). The authors acknowledge all subjects of this
ensure that subjects’ training load is always at a near-optimal range study. The authors declare no conflicts of interest. This study and
for their adaptive capacity, apparently promoting increases on its results do not constitute an endorsement of the product by the
VLPro at an accelerated pace. When associated with our simple authors or the NSCA.
regression analysis, which indicates that 24% of the muscle CSA
increases could be explained by the simple regression model that References
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