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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 1999, 13(3), 242–246

q 1999 National Strength & Conditioning Association

Validity of 1RM Prediction Equations for

Older Adults
Department of Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Western Washington University,
Bellingham, WA 98225-9067.

ABSTRACT been identified as one of the factors related to in-

This study examined the validity of 6 1-repetition maximum creased risk of falls (1, 12, 13, 27, 34, 35, 38). Strength
(1RM) repetitions-to-fatigue prediction equations on 11 ma- has also been determined to be an important factor in
chine lifts for 51 older adults (70.7 6 6.1 years). In the first efficient walking, stair climbing, rising out of a chair,
session, subjects selected a weight that they could lift for 7– and other activities of daily living (30, 31, 33, 37).
10 repetitions on each machine exercise, and a 1RM was pre- Strength-training programs for older adults have
dicted using 6 different equations. In session 2, subjects com- been very effective in increasing strength in targeted
pleted an actual 1RM by selecting the maximum load that muscle groups. Recent training programs and research
they could safely lift once (1–3 reps). Correlations between studies using older adults have incorporated high-re-
the actual and the 6 predicted 1RM scores demonstrated a
sistance training programs similar to those used with
moderate to strong relationship for all exercises (upper ex-
tremity: r 5 0.77–0.90; lower extremity: r 5 0.60–0.80). The
the younger counterparts of the elderly. The results
average predicted 1RM value was lower than the actual 1RM have been very satisfactory, yielding substantial
for all exercises and all prediction equations (p # 0.001). The strength gains across all fitness levels and proving to
use of a prediction equation for older adults appears to be a be effective for even the frail elderly (1, 6, 8, 9, 11, 16,
valid measure of 1RM within a range of 1–10 kg, depending 26, 28).
on the machine lift. In all cases, the prediction equation un- With the increased prescription of high-resistance
derestimated the actual 1RM. strength-training programs (as compared with the
lower resistance, 5–30-lb. protocols prescribed in the
Key Words: strength, seniors, weight training past), the evaluation of the 1-repetition maximum
Reference Data: Knutzen, K.M., L.R. Brilla, and D. (1RM) has become very important. A strength pro-
Caine. Validity of 1RM prediction equations for older gram might require that older adults progress very
adults. J. Strength Cond. Res. 13(3):242–246. 1999. quickly to a workload that is in the range of 75–80%
of 1RM in the training cycle (8, 9, 16), and accuracy of
measurement of the 1RM is important to determine
accuracy of the training load. Regular evaluation of the
Introduction 1RM is also necessary in any strength-training pro-
gram in order to maintain a specific training intensity
S trength training has become a popular form of ex-
ercise for older adults, particularly because of the
positive relationship that has been demonstrated be-
in order to show appreciable strength gains (10).
Using a prediction equation for determining the
tween strength and daily function (8, 9, 14, 24, 30, 31). 1RM may offer an alternative for the older adult who
More and more older adults are starting weight-train- is hesitant to lift a maximal weight or who is medically
ing programs at the urging of their physicians or out restricted from a maximal exertion. Such use also al-
of a desire to increase or maintain strength in specific lows the 1RM to be determined from data collected in
areas of the body. A major motivating factor in the an actual workout session and is a tool that can be
strength-training area for older adults is the desire to used to efficiently implement a prescription based on
maintain strength so that daily activities do not be- a percentage of maximum effort.
come unmanageable and eventually impossible. The There are a number of prediction equations avail-
desire to be independent well into the later years has able for determining 1RM (2, 4, 10, 17, 20–23, 25, 32).
brought many more seniors to the weight room. Prediction equations for determining 1RM have been
The role of strength in activities of daily living has shown be more or less accurate depending on the
been shown to be significant. For example, strength loads and the repetitions used (22). Some researchers
impairment, particularly in the lower extremity, has suggest that the use of the equations may be more

Older Adult Predicted 1RM 243

accurate on free-weight or multiple-joint exercises (36), Equipment Corporation (Des Plaines, IL). Test–retest
whereas others have found very significant relation- reliability for older adults performing on similar
ships between free weights and machine lifts (32). equipment was found to be 0.95–0.98 for selected ex-
Some equations have been shown to overpredict, ercises (15). The order of testing was the same for both
whereas others underpredict the 1RM (2, 5). Still oth- the actual and predicted measurements. There were no
ers suggest that a prediction equation can be inter- injuries reported as a result of testing for either the
changed and used successfully with multiple exercises actual or predicted measurements.
(22). The present study examined the validity of 6 pre-
diction equations that use repetitions-to-fatigue re- Procedures
gression formulas. Machine Lifts. Actual and predicted 1RM measure-
ments were made on 11 machine lifts: triceps press,
Methods biceps curl, lateral row, bench press, supine leg press,
hip flexion, hip extension, hip abduction, hip adduc-
Subjects tion, plantarflexion, and dorsiflexion. Both triceps
Fifty-one subjects volunteered and provided written press and biceps curl exercises were measured while
consent to participate in the study. All subjects were the individual was in a seated position. In the triceps
enrolled in an 8-week high-resistance training pro- press, press action was initiated at the waist level and
gram (80% of 1RM), which was part of a longitudinal completed at full extension. In the biceps curl, the arm
study assessing the effect of strength training on func- was stabilized on a pad at approximately 458. With the
tion in older adults. All of the subjects were cleared forearm supinated, subjects flexed the forearm from
for high-resistance weight training by their physicians. the extended position up through the full range of mo-
Subjects were excluded from participation if they had tion. Lateral row and bench press measurements were
any unstable cardiorespiratory, cardiovascular, meta- also performed from a seated position, with the trunk
bolic, musculoskeletal, or neurological disorders that stabilized anteriorly (lateral row) or posteriorly (bench
would interfere with their ability to complete the pro- press). Full range-of-motion measurements were eval-
gram. The subjects had a history of many different uated. The supine leg press was evaluated from a
medical conditions, with the largest number of sub- starting position, with both feet placed on the vertical
jects having a history of high blood pressure and high plate at shoulder width’s distance apart. With the knee
cholesterol. On the activity questionnaires, the major- angle at 908, subjects extended until terminal range of
ity of the subjects rated themselves as being mildly or motion was achieved. The upper extremity was stabi-
moderately active in terms of their general activity lev- lized with trunk support and hand contact with sta-
el, and the majority of the subjects reported being suc- bilizing bars. All hip measurements were made on a
cessful in numerous daily living tasks. The majority of multihip machine and recorded in the standing posi-
the subjects were on medication and wore corrective tion, with subjects holding on to stabilizing bars to
lenses. keep the trunk vertically aligned. The machine was ad-
The subject characteristics (M 1 SD) were as fol- justed for the anthropometric characteristics of each
lows: gender—21 males, 30 females; age—females, subject so that the contact was made at mid-thigh,
69.1 6 5.72 years; males, 73.1 6 6.04 years; total, 70.7 with the axis of the machine aligned with the anatom-
6 6.12 years; height—females, 164.2 6 6.8 cm; males, ical hip joint. Both plantarflexion and dorsiflexion
172.3 6 7.5 cm; total. 167.6 6 8.1 cm; and weight— measurements were recorded on an Elgin Ankle Ex-
females, 71.9 6 13.7 kg; males, 76.6 6 15.1 kg; total, ercise Machine, which allowed plate loading on the an-
73.9 6 14.3 kg. terior or posterior aspect of the foot. From the seated
Participants completed 2 experimental sessions, 5 position with the knee at 908, the foot was moved from
to 8 days apart, on 11 machine exercises. During test a 908 tibia orientation to the end of the active range of
session 1, the repetitions-to-fatigue data for the pre- motion.
dicted 1RM equations were collected over 1 to 2 days. Actual 1RM. A 3-trial protocol to reach the maxi-
In session 2, subjects completed an actual 1RM on each mum weight was used. After a warm-up of 7–10 rep-
exercise. Subjects were given verbal instructions on etitions, subjects estimated a weight based on their lift-
both test routines, and actual testing took place after ing record for the previous 8 weeks. The subject per-
a 10-minute warm-up routine. Testing took place at the formed the lift, and if he/she perceived the lift to be
end of an 8-week high-resistance training program, easy, the weight was increased by 10 lb. The 1RM val-
and all subjects were familiar with both equipment ue was recorded as the highest weight recorded in 3
and proper techniques for each machine lift. Partici- trials (10).
pants were also familiar with both the actual and the Predicted 1RM. Subjects warmed up with light
predicted measurement techniques. The equipment weights and stretching. In consultation with the train-
used in the testing was manufactured by Badger Fit- er, subjects selected a weight that they could lift 7–10
ness (Magnum II, Milwaukee, WI) and Elgin Exercise times. Lifts were completed in a slow, controlled
244 Knutzen, Brilla, and Caine

Table 1. Actual and predicted 1RM scores (mean 6 SD kg).

Brzycki Epley Lander Mayhew O’Connor Wathan

Exercise Actual RM predicted RM Predicted RM predicted RM predicted RM predicted RM predicted RM

Triceps press 58.00 6 19.22 52.19 6 15.94* 52.94 6 15.76* 52.93 6 16.08* 52.40 6 15.56* 49.94 6 14.84* 53.38 6 15.90*
Biceps curl 27.34 6 13.02 24.96 6 11.57* 25.92 6 11.99 25.51 6 11.92* 25.20 6 11.37* 24.06 6 10.88* 26.63 6 14.12
Lateral row 43.55 6 13.96 41.49 6 12.56* 41.53 6 13.09* 41.66 6 12.81* 41.35 6 12.71* 39.38 6 12.11* 41.67 6 12.77*
Bench press 33.75 6 12.99 31.86 6 11.19* 32.75 6 10.95* 32.44 6 11.30* 32.27 6 10.85* 30.75 6 10.38* 32.87 6 11.40*
Supine leg press 58.87 6 19.20 53.32 6 17.85* 53.59 6 17.83* 53.53 6 18.23* 52.80 6 17.16* 50.35 6 16.52* 53.93 6 17.87*
Hip flexion 71.59 6 21.21 66.56 6 24.79* 65.09 6 23.69* 65.96 6 24.98* 64.03 6 23.16* 61.19 6 22.29* 65.60 6 23.89*
Hip extension 79.74 6 20.35 72.29 6 24.95* 70.70 6 24.03* 71.64 6 25.00* 69.56 6 23.60* 66.49 6 22.55* 71.30 6 24.22*
Hip abduction 64.75 6 23.68 62.54 6 24.95 61.46 6 24.76* 61.87 6 25.28* 60.58 6 24.31* 57.84 6 23.21* 61.99 6 24.97*
Hip adduction 67.84 6 24.70 65.10 6 24.95* 63.74 6 24.72* 64.16 6 25.22* 62.79 6 24.28* 60.00 6 23.20* 64.30 6 24.99*
Plantarflexion 17.67 6 7.03 17.25 6 6.36 17.33 6 6.13 17.64 6 6.64 17.03 6 5.97 16.29 6 5.71 17.45 6 6.18
Dorsiflexion 11.69 6 4.38 10.99 6 3.43* 10.94 6 3.27* 11.04 6 3.48* 10.81 6 3.11* 10.35 6 2.99* 11.07 6 3.31*

* p , 0.001.

movement. Subjects completed the trial sequence up approximated the values generated in the leg press ac-
through 10 trials. Weight and trial data were entered tions, which would run contrary to the muscle mass
into the following 6 prediction equations: (a) Brzycki contributing to each exercise. However, the strength
(4): 1RM 5 rep weight (wt.)/(1.0278 2 2.78 3 reps); values in a triceps press in older adults have typically
(b) Epley (7): 1RM 5 (1 1 0.333 3 reps) 3 rep wt.; (c) been high because of the regular use of the press ac-
Lander (17): 1RM 5 100 3 rep wt./(101.3 2 2.67123 tion in rising out of chairs, the bath, or bed. Addition-
3 reps); (d) Mayhew et al. (22): 1RM 5 100 3 rep wt./ ally, the supine press movement was not a comfortable
(52.2 1 41.9 3 exp[2.055 3 reps]); (e) O’Connor et al. or functionally efficient action for the older adults,
(29): 1RM 5 rep wt. (1 1 .025 3 reps); and (f) Wathan many of whom were not comfortable exerting in the
(36): 1RM 5 100 3 rep wt./(48.8 1 53.8 3 exp[2.075 supine position. Finally, ankle-joint actions were the
3 reps]). All of the equations were computed using weakest movements for the older adults.
the 7–10-repetitions-to-failure scores. Many of these The range of strength values was considerable
equations have been shown to produce similar results across the population, primarily because of gender dif-
up through 10 repetitions (19, 23) and are highly cor- ferences and overall functional variability within the
related (.0.95) with actual 1RM measurements (18, group. Ranges in the upper extremity were sometimes
19). more than 60 kg, whereas in the lower extremity, rang-
Statistical Analyses es were as high as 100 kg. The specific ranges for each
machine lift for the actual 1RM measurement were as
Means and standard deviations were computed for ac-
follows: triceps press, 19.1–96.8 kg; biceps curl, 4.5–
tual and predicted 1RM measurements for all 11 lifts.
68.0 kg; lateral row, 9.1–79.1 kg; bench press, 11.4–61.4
A repeated measures analysis of variance was applied
kg; supine leg press, 18.2–104.5 kg; hip flexion, 36.4–
to identify whether the predicted values were signifi-
134.1 kg; hip extension, 36.4–134.1 kg; hip abduction,
cantly different from the actual 1RM measurement. A
Scheffe post-hoc analysis was applied to identify 22.7–134.1 kg; hip adduction, 22.7–134.1 kg; plantar-
where significant differences occurred. Significance flexion, 4.5–38.6 kg; and dorsiflexion, 3.2–27.3 kg.
was determined at the 0.05 level of significance. A cor- Correlations between actual and predicted 1RM
relation was applied to assess the validity of using the scores demonstrated a moderate to strong relationship
predicted 1RM by generating coefficients between pre- for all exercises, with higher coefficients for upper-ex-
dicted and actual 1RM measurements for all 11 lifts. tremity exercises (0.77–0.90), as compared with lower-
Confidence in the use of the correlation was assessed extremity exercises (0.61–0.80) (Table 2). The Brzycki
at the 0.05 level of significance. (4) equation generated the highest correlation in 7 of
11 exercises, but all of the correlation coefficients be-
tween actual and predicted values were similar for
Results each exercise. All coefficients were significant and in
Means and standard deviations for actual and pre- the range acceptable for the determination of predic-
dicted 1RM measurements on all 1 lifts are presented tive validity. Values in the range of 0.50–0.60 have been
in Table 1. The older adults could generate the greatest shown to be acceptable for predictive validity (3). The
loads in the hip-joint measurements followed by leg lower coefficients for the hip and ankle measures may
and triceps press exercises. The triceps press values be related to the uniqueness of both the ankle and the
Older Adult Predicted 1RM 245

Table 2. Correlations between actual and predicted 1RM The values obtained for the maximum and pre-
scores.* dicted lifts were close enough to establish fairly high
confidence in the use of the prediction equation. If the
May- O’Con- Wa- predicted values were used to determine training in-
Exercise Brzycki Epley Lander hew nor than
tensity, the loads would be very similar to those gen-
erated from actual 1RM measurements. Since the pre-
Triceps press 0.798 0.782 0.790 0.774 0.778 0.779
Biceps curl 0.871 0.815 0.869 0.856 0.858 0.784 dicted values are slightly lower than the actual values,
Lateral row 0.855 0.862 0.871 0.852 0.857 0.828 there is an added safety factor in knowing that the
Bench press 0.896 0.881 0.901 0.901 0.900 0.898 intensity would not exceed the intended prescription.
Supine leg press 0.786 0.802 0.795 0.799 0.799 0.798 The results of the present study demonstrated high
Hip flexion 0.750 0.746 0.746 0.737 0.742 0.745 predictive validity on machine lifts such as triceps
Hip extension 0.709 0.614 0.620 0.604 0.609 0.543 press, biceps curl, lateral row, bench press, and supine
Hip abduction 0.749 0.757 0.748 0.756 0.757 0.758 leg press (.0.77). Acceptable validity coefficients cat-
Hip adduction 0.766 0.760 0.753 0.756 0.758 0.758 egorized in the moderate range were also obtained for
Plantarflexion 0.662 0.620 0.645 0.608 0.614 0.624
the hip machine lifts and for exercises on the ankle
Dorsiflexion 0.633 0.606 0.627 0.603 0.605 0.602
machine (0.60–0.75). In both cases, the uniqueness of
* All correlations significant at p # 0.05. the lifts may account for the low coefficients, since it
was difficult to produce maximum efforts on both ma-
chines. In the case of the hip machine, older adults
hip exercises and the difficulty in achieving actual were hesitant to load the hip joint maximally while
1RM measurements in these joint movements. standing on 1 leg. The adults also maintained consis-
In all of the exercises, the average predicted 1RM tent loads between agonist and antagonist exercises
value was lower than the actual 1RM (p # 0.001). and had a tendency to lift similar loads for flexion and
There were a few instances in which the predicted val- extension when the extensors would be capable of
ues were not significantly different from the actual higher loads. In the case of the ankle machine, the
1RM scores, specifically for 2 predicted values in the weights were loaded on anterior or posterior pegs of
biceps curl, for 1 predicted value in the hip abduction the machine, and participants were hesitant about gen-
exercise, and for all of the plantarflexion exercises. The erating high force values through the full range of mo-
prediction equations underestimated the 1RM by a tion from the seated position. It is predicted that the
range of 1–10 kg, depending on the lift, with the big- results of the plantarflexion exercise would be similar
gest differences apparent in the triceps press, hip flex- to the leg press results if a standing calf-raise exercise
ion, and hip extension exercises. In comparing the dif- was incorporated into the routine.
ferent prediction equations, the Wathan (36) equation
consistently predicted values closest to the actual 1RM
for all of the upper-extremity exercises, the leg press, Practical Applications
and the dorsiflexion exercise, whereas the Brzycki (4) The use of a prediction equation to determine a 1RM
equation predicted values closest to the actual 1RM for for older adults is a practical tool for trainers, thera-
all of the hip exercises. The O’Connor et al. (29) equa- pists, and other strength professionals who are en-
tion consistently predicted the lowest value of all of couraging weight-training participation in this age
the prediction equations across all of the exercises. group. A 7–10-repetition measurement for the predic-
tion equation could easily be incorporated into the
Discussion training routine of older adults and would be viewed
The actual 1RM values were consistently greater than as a tool for quickly calculating a training load when
the predicted values, varying 0.5–10.0 kg in magni- using a percentage of 1RM for prescription. Given the
tude, depending on the exercise. In exercises such as minimal variation between the values obtained in the
the biceps curl, lateral row, bench press, and the ankle- 2 tests, actual and predicted, the use of a prediction
joint measurements, the predicted values varied from equation seems warranted, even though the prediction
the actual values in the range of 0.5–3.0 kg. In the low- equations underestimated the actual 1RM perfor-
er-extremity exercises and in the triceps press, the mance. Programs prescribed using predicted 1RM val-
range of difference between actual and predicted val- ues appear to offer an appropriate training intensity
ues was as great as 10 kg. There was also considerable calculation, within a 1–10 kg range. No one prediction
variability in the performances, given the range of equation consistently outperformed the others in terms
strength of the participants in the study. The variabil- of accuracy or strength of prediction. It would be use-
ity was similar across the measurements, with stan- ful to conduct a follow-up study in order to determine
dard deviations being very similar between actual and specific equations for use with the older adult popu-
predicted measurements. lation.
246 Knutzen, Brilla, and Caine

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