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By Chris Beardsley

August 2020 Edition
Editorial by Chris Beardsley
I was excited to see this study come out,
because it confirmed the hypothesis that
I had formed upon seeing the previous
investigation. It seems that many of the
neural adaptation measurements that are
taken after these short-term training stud-
ies might reflect motor learning rather than
increases in voluntary activation (an in-
crease in the ability to recruit motor units).

Two of the other studies covered in the

strength training section addressed the
way in which central nervous system (CNS)
fatigue differs between either upper and
lower body muscles (in one study) and
between eccentric and concentric contrac-

W elcome to the August 2020 edition!

The lead article this month reviews
a study that assessed the nature of the
tions (in the other study). CNS fatigue is
still very poorly understood in the context
of strength training, and yet and it has the
neural adaptations in the first weeks of a
potential to influence adaptations quite
strength training program, and explored
substantially. As we learn more about how
how these adaptations differ depending
CNS fatigue differs depending on the situa-
on whether the program involves dynam-
tion, we will be able to manipulate training
ic contractions with a self-selected tempo,
programs to minimize its negative effects.
dynamic contractions with a fixed (metro-
nome-paced) tempo, or isometric contrac-
The hypertrophy section is full of contro-
tions. This study builds on the findings of
versy this month. Each of the studies cov-
an earlier investigation that compared the
ered addresses a topic that has been de-
effects of dynamic training with either a
bated extensively by both researchers and
self-selected or a fixed tempo, as well as
other strength training experts alike. Read
motor skill training involving tracking the
on to learn more! See you next month.
position of an object in space over time.

Published by Strength
and Conditioning
Research Limited
August 2020 Edition

Strength training
Neural adaptations to dynamic and isometric strength training
How do corticospinal excitability and inhibition change after training with different contraction modes?

Effects of cluster training with three different intra-set rest intervals

Does the additional fatigue that is caused by shorter intra-set rest intervals enhance hypertrophy?

Central nervous system fatigue in upper and lower body muscles

Do spinal and supraspinal mechanisms of central nervous system fatigue differ between the biceps and the quadriceps?

Central nervous system fatigue during eccentric and concentric contractions

Does central nervous system fatigue differ between eccentric and concentric contractions?

Athletic performance
Associations between ground reaction forces and sprinting performance
How do horizontal and vertical ground reaction forces relate to sprinting performance in each phase of a sprint?

Effects of using different techniques during plyometric training

How do stiff and soft landings during training affect changes in maximum strength, tendon stiffness, and jumping ability?

Hypertrophy after training with free weight and machine exercises
Is there any difference in the amount of muscle growth produced by training with free weights or machines?

History effects of workout volume on strength training adaptations

Does the amount of volume performed in one training block affect the adaptations produced by the next training block?

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy occurs after moderate volume strength training?

Does sarcoplasmic hypertrophy occur only after training with lighter loads and higher volumes?

Assessing the role of satellite cells in sarcomerogenesis

Do satellite cells have a larger role to play in increasing muscle fiber length than in increasing muscle fiber diameter?

Published by Strength
and Conditioning
Research Limited
Neural adaptations to dynamic and
isometric strength training

D uring the first few weeks of a strength training

program, maximum strength in the trained exercise
increases rapidly, but changes in strength of other exer-
cises involving the same muscle group are minimal. This
suggests that the major contributor to strength gains
in the early phase of a training program is an improve-
ment in coordination. Such changes in coordination
have been shown to differ between dynamic strength
training programs with fixed and self-selected tempos.
Whether dynamic and isometric contractions each cause
different effects is unclear.

Key findings
In untrained subjects, dynamic training (with self-selected or a fixed tempo) produces
greater gains in maximum dynamic strength (1RM) than isometric training, while isomet-
ric training produces greater gains in maximum isometric strength (MVIC force). Only dy-
namic strength training with a fixed tempo altered corticospinal excitability and inhibition,
but these changes were unrelated to the strength gains.

Practical implications
The coordination-related neural adaptations that occur after isometric strength training
and after fixed tempo dynamic strength training are unlikely to benefit maximum strength
to the same extent as the neural adaptations that occur after self-selected tempo dynamic
strength training (although it is quite likely that using a maximal effort would be superior
to a self-selected tempo).

Task-dependent modulation of corticospinal excitability and inhibition follow-

ing strength training. Siddique, U., Rahman, S., Frazer, A., Leung, M., Pearce,
A. J., & Kidgell, D. J. (2020). Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology,
102411. (PubMed)
OBJECTIVE To compare the effects of dynamic (with a self-selected or a fixed tem-
po) and isometric training on changes in maximum dynamic and iso-
metric strength and corticospinal excitability, in untrained subjects.

Subjects in the training groups did 3 workouts per week for 4 weeks.
In each workout, the subjects in 2 groups did 4 sets of 6-8 reps of 42 untrained subjects (22
dumbbell biceps curls to failure, with 3 minutes of rest between sets, males and 20 females),
using 80% of 1RM as the starting weight and increasing the weight aged 25.1 ± 5.8 years,
once all reps could be achieved. One of these groups (PACED) trained
allocated into 3 train-
with a fixed tempo (a 3s concentric phase and a 4s eccentric phase)
ing groups and a control
in synchronization with a metronome. The other group (SELF-PACED)
group (CONTROL)
trained with a self-selected tempo. A third training group (ISOMETRIC)
did 4 sets of 6-8 elbow flexion isometric contractions of 7s in duration
(with 7s rest between reps) with 3 minutes of rest between sets, and
starting with 80% of maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC)
force. Once all reps could be achieved with the same force, force was
increased by 1.5%. CONTROL did not train during the study period.

Maximum strength: By 1RM Dynamic strength (1RM) increased to a significantly great-
and by MVIC elbow flexion er extent in PACED and SELF-PACED than in either ISO-
strength. METRIC or CONTROL. There was only a non-significant
tendency for 1RM to increase more in SELF-PACED (by
25%) than in PACED (by 18%). Isometric strength (MVIC
force) increased to a significantly greater extent in ISO-
METRIC than in the other three groups.

Corticospinal excitability CE increased to a significantly greater extent in PACED

(CE): By biceps brachii motor than in the other three groups. Despite a large but
evoked potential (MEP) ampli- non-significant reduction in CE in SELF-PACED, there were
tude, produced by single pulse no significant differences between the other three groups.
transcranial magnetic stimula- Importantly, there were no associations between the
tion (TMS). changes in CE and the gains in maximum strength in any
of the groups.

Corticospinal inhibition: By SICI decreased to a significantly greater extent in PACED

biceps brachii short-interval than in the other three groups, and there were no signif-
intracortical inhibition (SICI), icant differences between the other three groups. There
produced by paired pulse TMS. were no associations between the changes in SICI and the
changes in maximum strength in any of the groups.

In untrained subjects, dynamic training (with self-selected or a fixed
tempo) produced greater gains in maximum dynamic strength (1RM) than isometric train-
ing, while isometric training produced greater gains in maximum isometric strength (MVIC
force). Only dynamic strength training with a fixed tempo altered corticospinal excitability
and inhibition, but these changes were unrelated to the strength gains.

T his study reported that in untrained

subjects, dynamic strength training
(with either a self-selected tempo or a
This study raises two important issues.
Firstly, it addresses the extent to which
dynamic strength training can transfer
fixed tempo) produced greater gains in to maximum isometric strength, and the
maximum dynamic strength (1RM) than extent to which isometric strength train-
isometric strength training with a similar ing can transfer to maximum dynamic
volume of work, while isometric training strength. This is an important question,
produced greater gains in maximum iso- since strength coaches sometimes im-
metric strength (MVIC force). Even so, plement isometric training with a view to
only dynamic strength training with a fixed enhancing sporting performance, which
tempo affected corticospinal excitability involves dynamic movements. Secondly, it
and inhibition, and these alterations were addresses the effect of tempo on strength
unrelated to the strength gains. gains and neural adaptations.
#1. Transfer between dynamic and For example, recent research has shown
isometric strength types that multi-joint strength training for four
The transferability of one type of strength weeks does not bring about any gains in
training (or exercise) to another is often single-joint strength, not even when the
debated, but is ultimately impossible to single-joint exercise tests the strength of
determine unless a time period is speci- the muscle that is the limiting factor in the
fied. During a strength training program, multi-joint exercise (10). If meaningful
many adaptations occur inside the central increases in voluntary activation (the abil-
nervous system and inside muscle-tendon ity to recruit high-threshold motor units),
units. Some of these adaptations occur lateral force transmission (the efficiency
quickly, while others develop slowly. For of force transfer from the muscle fiber to
example, coordination in the trained ex- the surrounding collagen layer), or muscle
ercise tends to increase very rapidly, and fiber growth had occurred, then the multi-
probably comprises the majority of the joint strength training program would have
strength gains in the first few weeks of a produced strength gains in the single-joint
training program (1–9). Increases in vol- exercise test.
untary activation are slightly slower, but
can sometimes also be observed within The effects of isometric strength training
four weeks of training (7,8). Muscle growth on maximum dynamic strength are less
is much slower, and gains in muscle size well-understood than the effects of dynam-
that contribute meaningfully to maximum ic strength training on maximum isometric
strength may take several months. strength. A small number of studies have
assessed the effects of isometric training
Consequently, when looking at short-term on dynamic strength gains (11–21) and
training programs (such as in this study), some of these have compared the effects
the transferability of one type of strength of isometric and dynamic strength training
training to another depends greatly on (11,12,14–18). A few of these latter in-
the extent to which coordination gains in vestigations found that isometric training
the trained exercise or contraction type was less effective than dynamic training for
can improve coordination in the untrained increasing maximum dynamic strength or
exercise or contraction type. Indeed, there related measures (12,14,17), while others
are indications that the other adaptations found that dynamic training was less effec-
that contribute to strength gains contribute tive than isometric training for increasing
to a very minor extent during the first few maximum isometric strength (15), which
weeks of a strength training program. agrees with the findings of this study.

M ost of the studies that have assessed

the effects of isometric training on dy-
namic strength are longer than four weeks,
#2. Effects of tempo
A couple of years ago, a very important
study discovered that strength training
and therefore involve multiple adaptations with a fixed tempo produced smaller gains
that could contribute to strength gains, in in maximum dynamic strength compared
addition to improved coordination (such as to strength training with a self-selected
increased voluntary activation or increased tempo, even though training with a fixed
muscle fiber size). The findings of this tempo also produced greater changes in
current study suggest that without these corticospinal excitability and inhibition,
extra adaptations, the effects of isometric which might be expected to underpin
training on dynamic strength are minimal changes in voluntary activation (24). This
(and this is apparent even when the test of same study also showed that the changes
dynamic strength involves a stretch-short- in corticospinal excitability and inhibition
ening cycle, as in this study). after strength training with a fixed tempo
were similar to the changes in corticospinal
Exactly why isometric strength training excitability and inhibition after skill train-
fails to contribute to gains in maximum ing involving position tracking. This finding
dynamic strength through improvements suggested that these neural adaptations
in coordination, even when the joint ac- did not relate to increases in voluntary ac-
tion is the same, is not entirely clear. It tivation but rather to an improved ability to
may be because the functions of stabilizing perform slow, controlled movements.
and antagonist muscles differs between
dynamic and isometric contractions of the This study agrees with the previous inves-
same joint. Changes in the activity of the tigation, as the fixed tempo training pro-
stabilizers and antagonists do seem to gram was the only one that altered corti-
contribute substantially to strength gains cospinal excitability and inhibition, and the
through improvements in coordination gains in maximum dynamic strength were
(6,22,23). Indeed, this possibility is sup- greater after using a self-selected tempo
ported by the observation that studies that than after using a fixed tempo. In practice,
have compared the effects of dynamic and it seems likely that the coordination chang-
isometric strength training have found that es after fixed tempo training differ from
when multiple joint angles are trained with those after self-selected tempo training,
isometric contractions, this produces sim- and a fixed tempo has a potentially nega-
ilar gains in dynamic strength to dynamic tive effect on strength gains, which is an
strength training (16). important consideration for athletes.
Conclusions Practical implications
In untrained subjects, dynamic training The coordination-related neural adapta-
(with self-selected or a fixed tempo) pro- tions that occur after isometric strength
duces greater gains in maximum dynam- training and after fixed tempo dynamic
ic strength (1RM) than isometric training, strength training are unlikely to benefit
while isometric training produces greater maximum strength to the same extent
gains in maximum isometric strength as the neural adaptations that occur after
(MVIC force). Only dynamic strength self-selected tempo dynamic strength
training with a fixed tempo altered cor- training (although it is quite likely that
ticospinal excitability and inhibition, but using a maximal effort would be superior
these changes were unrelated to the to a self-selected tempo).
strength gains.
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By Chris Beardsley

Knowing the science

of strength training
will help you write
better programs for
yourself, your clients,
and the athletes
you train


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