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Adaptations to Endurance and Strength Training

David C. Hughes,1 Stian Ellefsen,2,3 and Keith Baar1

Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior, Functional Molecular Biology Laboratory, University
of California Davis, Davis, California 95616
Section of Sports Sciences, Lillehammer University College, 2604 Lillehammer, Norway
Innlandet Hospital Trust, 2380 Brumunddal, Norway

The capacity for human exercise performance can be enhanced with prolonged exercise
training, whether it is endurance- or strength-based. The ability to adapt through exercise
training allows individuals to perform at the height of their sporting event and/or maintain
peak physical condition throughout the life span. Our continued drive to understand how to
prescribe exercise to maximize health and/or performance outcomes means that our knowl-
edge of the adaptations that occur as a result of exercise continues to evolve. This review will
focus on current and new insights into endurance and strength-training adaptations and will
highlight important questions that remain as far as how we adapt to training.

n response to exercise, humans alter the phe- Exercise is generally separated into aerobic/
I notype of their skeletal muscle; changing the
store of nutrients, amount and type of metabolic
endurance and power/strength activities. En-
durance exercise is classically performed against
enzymes, amount of contractile protein, and stiff- a relatively low load over a long duration, where-
ness of the connective tissue, to name but a few as strength exercise is performed against a rela-
of the adaptations. The shift in phenotype is the tively high load for a short duration. However,
result of the frequency, intensity, and duration of pure endurance and pure strength exercise is
the exercise in combination with the age, genetics, rare. Most activities combine endurance and
gender, fueling, and training history of the indi- strength and this type of training has been
vidual (Joyner and Coyle 2008; Brooks 2011). termed concurrent exercise. Furthermore, re-
Therefore, even though exercise is often referred cent work showing that short high-intensity ex-
to as a single stimulus and we have looked for ercise can lead to endurance adaptations and
generalized responses, how any individual re- low-load exercise that approaches failure can
sponds to exercise training will vary based on lead to strength adaptations has challenged
things we understand and (likely) many more our understanding of which type of exercise
that we do not. As is the norm, this article will results in which phenotypic shift in muscle.
focus on the things that we already understand, Classic endurance training is known to result
but will highlight important questions that re- in enhanced cardiac output, maximal oxygen
main as far as how we adapt to training. consumption, and mitochondrial biogenesis

Editors: Juleen R. Zierath, Michael J. Joyner, and John A. Hawley

Additional Perspectives on The Biology of Exercise available at
Copyright # 2018 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a029769
Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2018;8:a029769

D.C. Hughes et al.

(Holloszy 1967; Coyle et al. 1983, 1986, 1988; substrates generated in the tricarboxylic acid
Holloszy and Coyle 1984; Favier et al. 1986). (TCA) cycle (Egan and Zierath 2013; Bishop
The overall improvement in both central and et al. 2014). Recent studies have begun to inves-
peripheral tissues allows for enhanced exercise tigate the impact of exercise-induced mito-
economy and a greater ability for an individual chondrial biogenesis adaptations from the per-
to run for longer distances and times (Brooks spective of mitochondrial content and function
2011). In contrast, strength training results in with varying exercise intensity paradigms (Ser-
increases in muscle size (cross-sectional area piello et al. 2012; Granata et al. 2016a,b; Mac-
[CSA]), neural adaptations (motor output), Innis et al. 2016). Studies investigating the role
and improved strength (maximal force produc- of the intensity and volume of exercise on mi-
tion) (Narici et al. 1989; Staron et al. 1991; Pyka tochondrial adaptations have been conducted
et al. 1994; Häkkinen et al. 1998a). These pos- using long slow-distance (LSD) training, sprint
itive alterations in physical capacity allow an interval training ([SIT]; 30 sec maximal
individual to be stronger, more powerful, and bouts) and high-intensity interval training
maintain a better quality of life throughout the (HIIT; 1– 4 min all-out bouts) (Gibala et al.
life span (Visser et al. 2005; Goodpaster et al. 2014). Traditional LSD training entails an indi-
2006; Newman et al. 2006). vidual sustaining a submaximal workload for a
Indeed, both endurance and strength-train- long period of time, or successfully completing
ing adaptations not only contribute toward a fixed distance/time through a higher than av-
potential sporting excellence but, in most in- erage power output (Coyle 1995). On the other
stances, contribute toward the delayed onset of hand, HIIT and SIT require the individual to
age-related diseases (McGregor et al. 2014; perform repeated bouts at close to maximal in-
Zampieri et al. 2015; Cartee et al. 2016). This tensity for a short period of time with a reduced

article focuses on recent concepts and new lit- training volume (Laursen and Jenkins 2002; Gi-
erature in the field of endurance and strength bala et al. 2006). Many studies have highlighted
training and how this new information has similarities in adaptations for mitochondria
changed the dogma of how exercise enhances markers (e.g., peroxisome proliferator-acti-
physical performance and overall adaptation. vated receptor g coactivator 1a [PGC-1a])
Finally, the combination of endurance and and skeletal muscle oxidative capacity in both
strength exercise and recent advances in our un- training models (Gibala et al. 2009; Little et al.
derstanding of concurrent training will also be 2010b, 2011; Jacobs et al. 2013b; Cochran et al.
briefly discussed in the latter part of this article. 2014), and, therefore, HIIT/SIT has been pro-
posed as a time-effective strategy for enhancing
aerobic adaptations (Gibala and McGee 2008;
Gillen and Gibala 2013).
Endurance training leads to adaptations in both More recent studies have begun to directly
the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system address the importance of exercise intensity ver-
that supports an overall increase in exercise sus volume in relation to mitochondrial content
capacity and performance (Brooks 2011). The and function (Daussin et al. 2008; Jacobs et al.
local adaptations in skeletal muscle, such as in- 2013b; Cochran et al. 2014; Granata et al. 2016b;
creased mitochondrial biogenesis and capillary MacInnis et al. 2016). Granata and colleagues
density, aid in the body’s ability to transport (2016b) used all three exercise protocols (LSD,
and use oxygen to generate energy and therefore HIIT, and SIT), matching volume in the tradi-
delay the onset of muscle fatigue during pro- tional and HIIT groups, on young moderately
longed aerobic performance (Joyner and Coyle trained men. After 4 wk of training, the investi-
2008). The mitochondrion is the main gators observed a 25% increase in maximal
organelle for energy production through the mitochondrial respiration only in the SIT
generation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) group, with no changes seen in either the LSD
via the electron transport system (ETS), using or HIIT groups. The increased level of mito-

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Adaptations to Endurance and Strength Training

chondrial respiration within the SIT group was (MacInnis et al. 2016). However, the predomi-
accompanied by changes in PGC-1a, p53, and nant marker used to determine alterations in
PHF20 protein content. PHF20 is important mitochondrial content has been CS activity.
for both stabilizing and up-regulating p53 (Cui Future studies should look to use electron mi-
et al. 2012; Park et al. 2012), whereas p53 is a croscopy and identify other markers that may
tumor suppressor and involved in the regula- more be reflective of mitochondrial activity
tion of mitochondrial function (Matoba et al. (e.g., subsarcolemma vs. intermyofibrillar loca-
2006; Park et al. 2009). In contrast to the Gra- tion of mitochondria) and mass changes in
nata study, HIIT alone has been shown to influ- skeletal muscle.
ence mitochondrial content and respiration Classically, PGC-1a has been anointed as
(Daussin et al. 2008; Jacobs et al. 2013b). Jacobs the “master regulator of mitochondrial biogen-
et al. (2013b) observed increased mitochondrial esis” and a fundamental component of exercise-
respiration along with alterations in content induced adaptations with endurance training
(measured by cytochrome c oxidase [COX] ac- (Baar et al. 2002; Pilegaard et al. 2003; Little et
tivity) culminating in increased exercise capac- al. 2010a). In recent years, another protein, p53,
ity after only 2 wk of HIIT training. Further has emerged as a key player in substrate metab-
support for mitochondrial adaptations with olism and mitochondrial biogenesis (Park et al.
HIIT comes from a within-subject study that 2009; Saleem and Hood 2013; Bartlett et al.
showed 2 wk of training resulted in increased 2014). p53 was the first tumor suppressor pro-
mitochondrial volume density and respira- tein discovered (Baker et al. 1989; Nigro et al.
tion (MacInnis et al. 2016). The discrepancies 1989). In this role, p53 regulates cell-cycle ar-
between these studies may be because of differ- rest, apoptosis, angiogenesis, DNA repair, and
ences in subject training status, experimental cell senescence (Levine et al. 2006). Initial stud-

design, and methodological measures imple- ies using mouse knockout (KO) models lacking
mented for assessing mitochondrial adapta- p53 identified a further role for this protein in
tions. The optimal study to conclusively address controlling mitochondrial content, with KO
this issue would use all three training models mice displaying reduced mitochondria in both
and a within-subject crossover design. subsarcolemmal and intermyofibrillar com-
When the intensity of training is maintained partments, together with reduced COX activity
and only the volume manipulated, the mito- and PGC-1a compared with wild-type animals
chondrial adaptation differs again, using a de- (Saleem et al. 2009). Furthermore, the loss of
sign in which 10 subjects performed HIITonce a p53 and subsequent decrease in mitochondrial
day three times a week, then twice a day three content and function resulted in reduced exer-
times a week, followed by once a day two times a cise capacity and performance (Park et al. 2009).
week. Granata and colleagues (Granata et al. The current proposed mechanisms for how
2016b) showed that mitochondrial respiration p53 may regulate mitochondrial biogenesis is
and citrate synthase (CS) activity increased through targeting the mitochondrial genome
(50%) during only the high-volume training and specifically interacting with mitochondrial
period. The increase in mitochondrial respira- transcription factor A (Tfam) (Saleem and
tion was accompanied by increased ETS and Hood 2013). Saleem and Hood (2013) reported
regulatory proteins, such as PGC-1a, p53, and that, with acute exercise and muscle contrac-
PHF20. Following 2 wk of decreased training tion, p53 translocates from the nucleus and pos-
volume, mitochondrial-specific respiration re- itively modulates Tfam activity. In terms of cur-
mained high, with a slight decrease in CS activ- rent human data, Bartlett et al. (2012) observed
ity being the only sign of detraining. Overall, increased p53 phosphorylation 3 h postexercise,
these studies suggest that high-intensity training although this alteration in p53 phosphorylation
is important for increasing mitochondrial ac- occurred after acute bouts of both continuous
tivity, whereas a greater training volume is need- endurance and HIIT exercise. In contrast, Gra-
ed to increase mitochondrial mass (Fig. 1) nata and colleagues showed that p53 increases

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D.C. Hughes et al.


Intensity Volume

Mitochondrial respiration Mitochondrial content

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of training intensity and volume on mitochondrial respiration versus content
adaptations through endurance training. Recent evidence suggests that increases in exercise intensity (sprint
interval training [SIT]; high-intensity interval training [HIIT]) lead to enhanced mitochondrial respiration and
function, whereas prolonged low-intensity and high-volume (long slow-distance [LSD] training) endurance
exercise appears to aid in increased mitochondrial content within skeletal muscle.

with maximal sprint training, whereas HIIT ability to store and use elastic energy more ef-
or continuous endurance training has no effect ficiently. An increase in elastic energy storage

on p53 content (Granata et al. 2016b). It is and recoil results in decreased ground contact
important to note that the regulation of p53 time and reduced energy cost (Arampatzis et al.
may not only be influenced by exercise intensity 2006; Fletcher et al. 2010). Indeed, runners who
but also the nutritional status of the working display and/or develop a longer and stiffer
muscle during training sessions, for example, musculotendonous system appear to have a
reduced carbohydrate availability (Bartlett et lower oxygen uptake (VO2) when performing
al. 2013). Future research is required to un- at submaximal running velocities (Craib et al.
derstand the time course of p53 activation and 1996; Albracht and Arampatzis 2013; Barnes
involvement in mitochondrial biogenesis with et al. 2014). A second factor contributing to
respect to endurance exercise (Bartlett et al. improved running and cycling economy is neu-
2014). Understanding this signaling cascade ral adaptation. Muscle recruitment patterns
will not only be important from a human per- vary greatly between highly trained individuals
formance perspective but also from a health and novice counterparts (Paavolainen et al.
standpoint in which exercise might be used to 1999b,c; Chapman et al. 2008). Highly trained
support treatments in cancer therapy (Saleem individuals may have the capacity to elicit in-
and Hood 2013). creased muscle coactivation, leg stiffness, and
In addition to alterations in oxygen deliv- greater eccentric to concentric muscle activity,
ery, substrate metabolism, and mitochondrial which allows for more efficient usage of stored
mass within skeletal muscle after endurance elastic energy, lowering the metabolic cost of
training, other factors contribute toward the exercise (Paavolainen et al. 1999b; Heise et al.
resulting enhanced exercise performance and 2008). In contrast, stretching interventions
improved running economy (Saunders et al. used to enhance flexibility tend to decrease
2004; Barnes and Kilding 2015). One such fac- economy, although these results have been
tor is the stiffness of the muscle – extracellular equivocal (Craib et al. 1996; Nelson et al.
matrix (ECM) – tendon unit, because adapta- 2001; Shrier 2004). Some of the possible rea-
tions within this system will enhance the body’s sons for the contrasting evidence with stretch-

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Adaptations to Endurance and Strength Training

ing include the length of intervention program in the opposite limb indicative of a neural adap-
(acute vs. chronic), the influence of gender in tation (see below). However, these experiments
pooled studies, methodological designs, and have yet to be performed with endurance-type
treadmill familiarization (Craib et al. 1996; exercise. Further, caution is warranted for
Nelson et al. 2001; Shrier 2004; Allison et al. strength training to improve endurance perfor-
2008; Trehearn and Buresh 2009). mance as there is also evidence to suggest that
Training to improve the connective tissue increasing endurance and strength training vol-
stiffness and neuromuscular components is ume together may lead to impairments in both
quite different than classic endurance training. adaptations and performance (Hickson 1980;
Here, training is based on strength/power and Rønnestad et al. 2012; Jones et al. 2013).
plyometric exercises to heighten the neuromus- The last adaptation to endurance exercise
cular adaptations (e.g., muscle activation, training that we would like to highlight is muscle
motor unit recruitment) and the stiffness of hypertrophy and growth (Harber et al. 2009b,
the muscle – ECM – tendon unit (Storen et al. 2012; Konopka and Harber 2014). Over a 12-wk
2008; Yamamoto et al. 2008; Beattie et al. endurance-training program, muscle mass
2014). A good example of this work is an early has been reported to increase by 7% to 11%
study by Paavolainen and colleagues (1999a) (Konopka et al. 2010; Trappe et al. 2011; Harber
who investigated the impact of explosive-type et al. 2012). This increase in muscle mass is com-
strength training in well-trained endurance parable to resistance exercise training over the
athletes on endurance performance (5-km same time period (Trappe et al. 2011; Mitchell
time trial, running economy, etc.). After 9 wk et al. 2012). These reported increases in muscle
of training, the investigators reported a 3% im- mass with endurance training have been pre-
provement in 5-km time trial with a tendency to dominately observed in the quadriceps muscle,

decrease VO2max. The improved performance the mode of exercise used was cycling, and the
resulted largely from improvements in running individuals undertaking training had a limited
economy. Subsequent research has highlighted level of exercise experience and/or sedentary
an additive effect of incorporating a strength- lifestyle (Konopka and Harber 2014). Nonethe-
training program into the training of predomi- less, it appears that hypertrophy occurs in the
nately endurance-trained athletes, both during quadriceps muscle with classical motor endur-
preseason and in season (Rønnestad et al. 2010). ance training if the frequency of training and
The proposed mechanisms for these improve- load are high enough (Konopka and Harber
ments in endurance performance are improved 2014). From a mechanistic perspective, acute
neural function (maximal voluntary contrac- studies have reported increases in muscle pro-
tion, rate of force development [RFD]), in- tein synthesis (MPS) with aerobic exercise, in-
creases in type IIA muscle fibers (less fatigable), dependent of age (Short et al. 2004; Harber et al.
and increased muscle – ECM –tendon stiffness 2009a, 2010; Durham et al. 2010). For example,
(Aagaard and Andersen 2010; Aagaard et al. Short and colleagues (2004) observed a 22%
2011). Further, the addition of strength training increase in MPS with 4 mo of cycling (up to
has been observed to improve exercise economy 45 min at 80% peak heart rate, 3 – 4 days/wk).
better than endurance training alone (Sunde The observed increases in MPS with aerobic
et al. 2010; Beattie et al. 2014; Vikmoen et al. exercise do not appear to be driven by complex
2015) and the inclusion of strength training 1 of the mechanistic target of rapamycin com-
may enhance performance during the later plex 1 (mTORC1) (Durham et al. 2010; Philp
stages of competition (Rønnestad et al. 2011). et al. 2015). Using rapamycin (an inhibitor of
One way to distinguish between the muscle – mTORC1 activation), Philp and colleagues
ECM – stiffness and neural adaptations would (2015) reported increases in muscle and mito-
be to perform the strength/plyometric training chondrial protein synthesis rates following en-
on one leg and determine whether cross-limb durance exercise in rats, even when mTORC1
transfer has resulted in improved performance signaling was completely suppressed. The find-

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D.C. Hughes et al.

ings by Philp and colleagues are in contrast adaptations, increases in muscle CSA, and alter-
with previous findings reporting increased ations in connective tissue stiffness (Knuttgen
MPS and mTORC1 activation with aerobic ex- and Kraemer 1987). The result is a rapid initial
ercise (Mascher et al. 2011; Edgett et al. 2013; increase in strength as an individual learns an
Di Donato et al. 2014). As mentioned previous- exercise (Fig. 2) (Sale 1988), followed by slowed
ly with other facets of endurance adaptation, progression as the muscle grows (Fry 2004; Fol-
the impact of exercise intensity, modality, and land and Williams 2007; Wernbom et al. 2007).
level of muscle fiber recruitment may be a Strength training has classically varied the ex-
potential explanation for the contrast in find- ternal load and volume to enhance either the
ings between studies. Specifically, hypertrophy neuromuscular drive or muscle CSA, generally
has been observed almost exclusively following training with a load between 1RM (repetition
training for cycling. Future studies should seek maximum) to 10RM and a volume of four to
to implement other modes of endurance exer- 12 repetitions (Fry 2004). The adaptations to
cise such as running using different loads/ resistance training are generally evident after 8
modes (uphill vs. flat) with the same volume to 12 wk (Häkkinen et al. 1998b; Folland and
to determine whether this affects MPS acutely Williams 2007). However, some studies have
and muscle size following training. From a observed increases in muscle strength and
mechanistic standpoint, subsequent studies CSA after only 2 to 4 wk (Staron et al. 1994;
will need to assess the contributions of feeding, Seynnes et al. 2007; DeFreitas et al. 2011; Brook
myostatin signaling, and other mTOR-inde- et al. 2015; Damas et al. 2016). This early in-
pendent mechanisms toward endurance-related crease in strength is likely caused by neuromus-
muscle hypertrophy. cular and connective tissue adaptations (Sale
1988), whereas the early increases in muscle

CSA size may be the result of edema (Damas

et al. 2016).
Strength training leads to an increase in muscle Because of the rapid nature of the neuro-
strength and power as a result of neuromuscular muscular adaptations and the ability to mea-

Training Long-term Elite

studies strength training athletes

gth c

Neural adaptation



Figure 2. Alterations in strength, mass, and neural adaptations with resistance exercise over time. Resistance
exercise studies (8 to 12 wk of training) display an early increase in strength as a result of neural adaptations. With
prolonged strength training, muscle mass slowly increases and drives the later changes in strength after neural
adaptations begin to plateau. Finally, at the elite level, individuals show small changes in all three core adap-
tations that accompany strength training. At this point, new stimuli ( possibly targeting the extracellular matrix
[ECM]) are needed to increase strength.

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Adaptations to Endurance and Strength Training

sure changes in CSA, most early studies within (2015) highlighted a greater cross-transfer of
this field have focused on these responses (Cu- strength with an eccentric (47%) versus concen-
reton et al. 1988; Narici et al. 1989; Staron et al. tric (28%) loading group. One of the possible
1991, 1994). Adaptations observed within the reasons for the greater effect with eccentric
neuromuscular system have centered on in- loading was a larger increase in corticospinal
creases in skill acquisition through the nervous excitability, which has been proposed as the
system and increased maximal muscle activa- mechanism underlying the effect (Latella et al.
tion by way of motor unit synchronization, 2012). However, given that it was first observed
muscle recruitment, and increased neural acti- in 1894 (Scripture et al. 1894), we still under-
vation (Enoka 1988; Jones et al. 1989). In terms stand very little about the contralateral strength-
of hypertrophy, the main focus for adaptation training effect and the role of the systemic
has been on increases in CSA for individual environment in this phenomenon (Yasuda
muscle fibers, adding sarcomeres in parallel and Miyamura 1983; West et al. 2015).
(Cureton et al. 1988; Frontera et al. 1988; Staron Another adaptation observed with strength
et al. 1990). Early mechanistic studies focused training is an increase in the RFD (Aagaard et al.
on alterations within the hormone milieu after 2002; Suetta et al. 2004; Andersen and Aagaard
acute resistance exercise as a potential contrib- 2006; Maffiuletti et al. 2016). The RFD refers to
uting factor toward hypertrophy (Kraemer et al. the rate of increase in force at the onset of con-
1991; Häkkinen and Pakarinen 1993; McCall traction, that is, the slope of the force– time
et al. 1999). However, recent evidence appears curve (Sleivert and Wenger 1994; Aagaard
to cast doubt over the hypothesis that hormones et al. 2002). An early study by Aagaard and col-
contribute to exercise-induced muscle hyper- leagues (2002) demonstrated a 15% increase in
trophy and growth (West et al. 2009, 2010, RFD after 14 wk of heavy strength training. In

2012; Schroeder et al. 2013; Morton et al. 2016). addition, there were increases in both EMG am-
The importance of the central neural com- plitude and rate of EMG increase with training,
ponent on strength adaptations is most evident indicating an enhancement in neural drive. This
when one limb is trained and the other limb suggests that RFD is related to alterations in
goes untrained. In this situation, muscle CSA neural drive. Other factors that contribute to
does not change in the untrained leg, yet a sig- RFD are muscle fiber type and force transfer.
nificant increase in strength occurs from train- Studies on the role of fiber type indicate that
ing the contralateral limb (Houston et al. 1983; type II fibers show a greater RFD (Korhonen
Yasuda and Miyamura 1983; Munn et al. 2004, et al. 2006; Aagaard et al. 2007); thus, increases
2005). A meta-analysis on the contralateral in type II fiber CSAwith strength training would
strength-training effect suggests that strength complement the increased neural drive (Staron
improves 7.6% in the nonexercised limb (56% et al. 1990, 1991; Mero et al. 2013). Our under-
of what happens in the exercised limb), with standing of how force transfer contributes to
training lasting for between 15 and 48 sessions RFD is in its infancy (Hughes et al. 2015). The
(Munn et al. 2004; Carroll et al. 2006). Some of cytoskeletal network within muscle transmits
the proposed mechanisms for this phenome- force both along the length of each muscle fiber
non are localized muscle adaptations, cross- (longitudinally) and from the center to the out-
limb cortical interaction, and adaptations in side of the fiber (laterally) (Hughes et al. 2015).
spinal cord excitability (Carroll et al. 2006). Ul- Importantly, .80% of force produced within a
timately, the unilateral strength training may fiber is transferred laterally from proteins within
cause adaptations in neural drive that “spill the fiber to ECM proteins outside the fiber
over” into the untrained limb and, in addition, (Ramaswamy et al. 2011). Key components of
the untrained limb may access the neuromuscu- the force transfer apparatus include intracellular
lar adaptations that occur within the control proteins (titin, dystrophin, etc.), transitional
system with this type of training (Carroll et al. complexes (dystrophin-associated glycoprotein
2006). Most recently, Kidgell and colleagues complex [DAGC] and integrins), and extracel-

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D.C. Hughes et al.

lular proteins (collagens I, III, IV, V, and VI) et al. 2014). Interestingly, there is cross-section-
(Fig. 3). Dystrophin is essential for lateral force al evidence for differing levels of force transfer
transmission (Ramaswamy et al. 2011; Hughes proteins between trained and untrained athletes
et al. 2015), whereas titin and nebulin are more (McBride et al. 2003). However, more studies
important for transmitting force longitudinally are required to address the influence of strength
and the stiffness of the sarcomere (Ottenheijm training on the cytoskeleton protein network
et al. 2012; Herzog et al. 2016; Powers et al. and force transmission. This is especially true
2016). The essential role of ECM proteins in as these groups of proteins appear to play a key
RFD was most clearly shown by Mebes and col- role in protecting against contraction-induced
leagues (2008) in women with Ehlers– Danlos muscle injury and possibly in mechanotrans-
syndrome ( joint hypermobility). In this work, duction (Lovering and De Deyne 2004; Boppart
women with hypermobile joints showed a 15% et al. 2006; Palmisano et al. 2015; Hughes et al.
slower RFD with no difference in maximal 2016).
force, showing the essential role of connective As with endurance training, a shift in the
tissue in RFD. There is limited data on the ad- existing muscle hypertrophy paradigm appears
aptations of these cytoskeleton proteins to to be emerging because recent evidence suggests
strength training, with some studies reporting that load does not determine the increase in
no changes (McGuigan et al. 2003; Woolsten- CSA that occurs with strength training. In these
hulme et al. 2006) and other studies indicating studies, lifting a low load to positive failure pro-
improvements (Lehti et al. 2007; Kosek and duces equal hypertrophy to using a high load
Bamman 2008; Parcell et al. 2009; Macaluso and fewer repetitions to reach failure (Mitchell

Types I and III


Type VI collagen

β α DAGC α
Type IV
Integrins collagen


Figure 3. Interaction of the extracellular matrix (ECM), connective tissue, and cytoskeleton protein networks
surrounding skeletal muscle myofibrils. Research on the cellular adaptations that occur with strength training
have predominantly focused within skeletal muscle. Recent research has begun to highlight the role of the
dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex (DAGC) and integrin complexes in force transmission and the
possible contribution of structures outside the muscle to force transfer and overall strength. Few studies have
investigated the contribution of the ECM to muscle force transfer and/or how these complexes may adapt over a
period of time with training. However, hyperlax individuals (with mutations in collagen VI) show slowed rates of
force development, indicating that the ECM is important in muscle function.

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Adaptations to Endurance and Strength Training

et al. 2012; Ogasawara et al. 2013; Schoenfeld et strength training alone (Hickson 1980). There
al. 2015; Morton et al. 2016). In the new para- is some evidence that concurrent training
digm, momentary muscular failure is impor- prevents muscle hypertrophy (Kraemer et al.
tant for hypertrophy. The hypothesis for the 1995); however, when the frequency or intensity
importance of failure centers on muscle fiber of concurrent training is decreased below 4 days
recruitment; at failure, all motor units are re- a week and 70% of VO2max, muscle growth can
cruited regardless of the load (Counts et al. occur normally. This suggests that something
2016). In an interesting recent investigation, about the volume and/or the intensity of
Counts and colleagues (2016) used a “no- training underlies the concurrent training ef-
load” intervention in which individuals repeat- fect. One suggestion is that the greater training
edly contracted a muscle as hard as they could volume and intensity results in a significantly
through a full range of motion. The investiga- greater caloric deficit and that this decreases the
tors observed similar increases in muscle thick- protein synthetic response to feeding (Areta
ness in the “no-load” and high-load groups. et al. 2014). Examining the caloric cost of
However, even though the increase in CSA training from the Hickson study (Fig. 4) shows
with no-, low-, and high-load training is equiv- that at week 5 of the study, the concurrent train-
alent, high loads are needed to maximize ing group was expending 6000 kcal per week
strength gains (Schoenfeld et al. 2015). The ef- compared with 2000 kcal per week in the
fect of low-load training on muscle mass should strength training alone group, and this differ-
not be surprising given the ability of cycling to
increase muscle mass (see above); however, the
molecular pathways that convert any load into a
biochemical signal that results in muscle hyper- 140

trophy remain elusive. Acute studies have sug- v em )
pr ou ed )
gested that there is a load-dependent increase in im gr nd
pe roup
g th gth ex
mTORC1 activity after resistance exercise that tg

Energy expended (kcal/wk)

n n y 6000
re re erg ren
St (st En ncur
correlates with the resulting increase in muscle (co
1RM squat (kg)

mass following training (Baar and Esser 1999).

The increase in mTORC1 activity is the result rovem
en t
th imp p) 4000
of signaling through a PI3K/Akt-independent Streng rrent grou
RxRxxS/T kinase (Jacobs et al. 2013a). How-
ever, whether the increase in mTORC1 activity ed
following acute resistance exercise is driving exp oup) 2000
rgy r
Ene ngth g
muscle hypertrophy or simply reflects the (stre
amount of injury and subsequent inflammatory
response and how the mTORC1 response is al- 0
tered by exercising to failure has yet to be shown. 0 5 10
Similarly, the role of mTORC1-independent Training duration (wk)
mechanisms, such as myostatin signaling and Figure 4. The impact of strength training and concur-
ribosomal biogenesis, requires more research rent exercise on energy consumption. The classic
before their role in training-induced muscle hy- Hickson (1980) study was the first to observe a de-
pertrophy is understood. cline in strength improvement and strength perfor-
mance (1RM [repetition maximum] squat) over time
with concurrent training (closed blue squares). The
CONCURRENT TRAINING decline in strength adaptations occurred once the
concurrent group was expending double the kcal/
Simultaneously participating in both endur- wk of the strength training only group (open circles).
ance and strength-training programs results in This suggests that the impairment in strength adap-
a similar increase in VO2max but impaired tations with concurrent exercise could reflect the role
strength adaptations when compared with of negative energy balance on muscle hypertrophy.

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D.C. Hughes et al.

ence continued to increase for the last 5 wk of isoform of AMPK is activated to inhibit load-
the study. The resulting 4000 kcal per week dif- induced muscle growth in vivo (McGee et al.
ference in energy expenditure could easily un- 2008) and when this protein is knocked out
derlie the difference in muscle size and strength. the result is greater load-induced muscle hyper-
Another possible explanation for the impaired trophy (Mounier et al. 2009). This suggests that
strength adaptation is that endurance training the inhibition of mTORC1 as a result of activa-
decreases the neural drive associated with tion of AMPK by endurance exercise is likely not
strength training. McCarthy and colleagues the molecular mechanism underlying the im-
(2002) would argue against this hypothesis paired hypertrophy and strength with concur-
because they showed that there was no differ- rent training.
ence in EMG amplitude in men who performed
10 wk of concurrent training compared
with those who performed strength training
alone. However, it should be noted that these An important aspect to all training adaptations,
investigators failed to see an effect of concurrent be they strength or endurance, is genetics (Bou-
training on the strength adaptation, indicating chard et al. 2011). Over the last decade, the
that the training intensity or volume was not literature has begun to detail the role played
enough to see a concurrent training effect. As by heritability and genetic differences ( poly-
with other training modalities, the effect of morphisms) in training adaptations (Beunen
concurrent training on force transfer has yet to and Thomis 2004; Huygens et al. 2004; Tim-
be described. Grosset and colleagues (2009) mons et al. 2010; Bouchard et al. 2011; Hughes
have suggested that endurance training de- et al. 2011). Numerous studies have highlighted
creases force transfer; however, whether this the diversity of responses to endurance (Tim-

could contribute to the concurrent training ef- mons et al. 2010) or strength-training programs
fect has yet to be determined. (Petrella et al. 2008; Erskine et al. 2010) in hu-
As far as molecular mechanisms, the inter- mans and in rats (Koch et al. 2013), often clas-
action between the AMP-activated protein ki- sifying individuals as nonresponders or extreme
nase (AMPK), which is activated by high-inten- responders based on the muscle phenotypes
sity endurance exercise, and mTORC1, which is measured (Petrella et al. 2008; Timmons et al.
activated by resistance exercise, has been the 2010; Davidsen et al. 2011; Thalacker-Mercer
major focus of the research. This focus is the et al. 2013; Churchward-Venne et al. 2015;
result of work in vitro in dividing cells that Stec et al. 2016). However, Churchward-Venne
shows that AMPK can directly inhibit mTORC1 and colleagues (2015) have challenged the idea
via three distinct mechanisms (Inoki et al. 2002; of nonresponders to resistance exercise. In a ret-
Gwinn et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2014). In agree- rospective analysis of a resistance-type exercise
ment with the cell culture data, in rodent mod- program in older men and women, these inves-
els in which animals are treated with the AMPK- tigators reported that, even though a large het-
activating drug AICAR, the activation of erogeneity in the adaptive responses existed, all
mTORC1 is clearly decreased following resis- of the individuals displayed the capacity to
tance exercise (Thomson et al. 1985). However, adapt with resistance-type exercise training. A
in human studies, the activation of AMPK by similar challenge has recently been raised for
high-intensity endurance exercise has minimal endurance exercise, suggesting that nonre-
effects on mTORC1 activation following resis- sponders who exercised harder were able to
tance exercise (Apro et al. 2015). The difference show some adaptation (Montero and Lundby
between the rodent and human data could re- 2017). Although the existence of true nonre-
flect the fact that exercise preferentially activates sponders remains controversial, the extent of
the a2 isoform of AMPK (Lee-Young et al. strength and endurance adaptations that occur
2008), whereas AICAR would activate both through training does vary widely (Petrella et al.
the a1 and a2 isoforms. Interestingly, the a1 2008; Thalacker-Mercer et al. 2013; Stec et al.

10 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2018;8:a029769

Adaptations to Endurance and Strength Training

2016) based on messenger RNA (mRNA) and end, a combination of exercise and nutrition
microRNA profiles and translational capacity are required for the changes that we see in mus-
(Timmons et al. 2010; Davidsen et al. 2011; cle phenotype with training.
Phillips et al. 2013; Thalacker-Mercer et al.
2013; Stec et al. 2016). Further, the fact that
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