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In ter vi ew er

y eah ? H o w d o , y o u ?r e ju st in to w n fo
o r
ac t fo r th is g es it feel to b e in vi ted to a few n igh ts
at h er in g A n b e th e h ead l
w el co m e o u n in e
r N ew fr ien d ab el l e h as o r gan ized to
s to th e ci ty ?
Tu l ip : W el l ,
w an ted in th m ju st so fl at ter ed ! It ?s g
e r
th e p ar ti es an ci ty ? I?m so so r r y th at I eat to feel so
d S al o n s th at co u l d n ?t get
to b e ab l e to to
Sin g fo r eve w er e b ein g p u t to geth e al l
l o cati o n ? r y o n e at su ch r bu t
a H isto r ic
In ter vi ew er
:A n d to h av e
th at o p en in g
Tu l ip : Oh y e ac t as w el l ?
ah , I co u l d n ?
an d h is b an d t b e m o r e gr
, at e
so u l to it ? th su ch a b eau ti fu l Vo ic e, su fu l to Dam ien
e l ast ti m e I ch p o w er an
st ay ed w it h h
u s fo r w eek s ear d h im p er fo r m h is vo d
af ter w ar d s! ic e
In ter vi ew er
: U s?
Tu l ip : M e, I
h e?d h av e m ean , I co u l d n ?t get h im o
ad u
feel b l essed e a gr eat ad d it io n to o u t o f m y h ead ,
th at I?ve h ad r l it tl e gr o u p
w it h h im . th e o p p o r tu ,
n it y to p er fo b u t I
In ter vi ew er
th at y o u m ig n d th at r em in d s m e; I?ve
h t p er fo r m al
n igh t? o n gsi d e th em h ear d a r u m o u r
d u r in g th e
Tu l ip : W h o
to l d y o u th at
o r d en y th at ? W el l , I can
? ?t p
b r in g th e h o b u t w o u l d n ?t th at b e a r o ssib l y co n fi r m
u se d o w n ! io t? It ?d r eal
In ter vi ew er
: I can ?t w ai t
A n y l ast w o r to
d s b efo r e w e h ear if m y so u r ces ar e tr
fi n ish th is in u e!
Tu l ip : Yes, co ter vi ew ?
m e al o n g h u
y o u ?l l w an t to n gr y. I can as
su r e y o u th at
sw eet th e V it feed l at er ,ever y o n e al w
ae is af ter a g ay s tel l s m e
o o d n igh t? h ow

Who ar e the Daughter s of Cacophony?

Singer s and Musicians, Oper a Divas and Punk Rocker s,
Per for mer s, Public speaker s and Poets: all of these and
more find their place among the r anks of the Sirens ? so
called because of the hypnotic power inherent in their
voices. This bloodline isn?t widely known, but when
people meet one, they can be hard to for get. The typical
view from without is of the Daughter s as purely singer s,
and also purely Female. While this may hold tr ue for a
good major ity of them (and indeed, r umour s of a pur ge of
the Males many year s ago continue to circulate, despite a
number of known Males in the group), it isn?t the whole
stor y. As with most groups in Kindred society, they are
more diver se than they can appear from the outside
looking in.
The Bloodline is attr acted to those with power ful and
memor able voices, to those who know how to use that
voice to create something beautiful. There are a great
many singer s that fill the r anks, but that is not the extent
of them. Speech wr iter s and or ator s also fill their
number s, and famously the Whip to the Pr ince of good amount of lever age in any bar gaining.
Barcelona hails from the Daughter s ? whilst their Pr esence: Presence comes as natur ally to the Sirens
sopr ano leaves much to be desired, their honeyed as dr inking blood. Natur al attention seeker s and
words have helped keep the peace on a number of per for mer s, they?re not above using a little bit of
occasions. extr a power to enhance their per for mance and create
Exactly how the Daughter s of Cacophony came into the per fect mood for them to bask in. As well as more
being and to what pur pose is unknown, which public displays, they also cr ave intimate connections,
consider ing the relatively young age of the Bloodline deliver ing a one to one show is not unheard of and is
is a myster y unto itself ? how is it that no one knows a great way to really dazzle someone. Finally, for
the fir st of this line, when it is barely Two Hundred ever y Oper atic Diva or Lounge singer, you?ll find a
year s young and it?s Elder s are still around? Why is it number of Punk, Goth and Rock singer s in the mix,
that despite a number of sur face similar ities to the Presence?s ability to create different and more
Malkavians, they often have more in common with unner ving atmospheres also see use.
the local Toreador or Br ujah? When the Sirens are
not listening, kindred talk of exper iments, of forced
attempts to break young minds dur ing the advent of Sensor y Depr ivation
Psychoanalysis. Some of the ver y Par anoid talk of
If the Daughter s of Cacophony are a Malkavian
the Daughter s being created by a weapon, but most
Bloodline, then why don?t they always have
who hear these stor ies laugh them off ? after all who
Auspex? The exact nature and or igins of the
would suspect the har mless songstresses of
Sirens are lost to time, with no one wanting to
anything so dark? take the Credit (or blame) for their genesis, and
One thing is for cer tain, whatever was behind their no one knowing who exactly was the fir st of the
or iginal creation has created something unique, a bloodline. Regardless of their tr ue Histor y,
group bound together by more than just shared they?ve often identified closely with the Lunatics
blood. Each of the Sirens is always attuned to the and they cer tainly seem to share a lot in common
melodies that follow the bloodline around, that with them in ter ms of their Bane and the ur ges
constantly per vade their ever y waking moment. This of the blood.
tune binds them together, keeps them on the same But that isn?t always the case, and the lack of
rhythm, and if the stor ies are to be believed, keeps Auspex shows how the blood can deviate from its
them singing from the same Hymn sheet. source given enough of a push. Whilst the gain of
Presence fits most of them down to the ground, a
Daughter is free to keep Auspex as an in- clan
discipline if they prefer.
Dominate: The Daughter s are used to being able to
get what they want, and whilst it is a stereotype, Bane: Fugue St ate
there are still a fair few Diva?s within the bloodline. While there is significant debate as to the tr ue
Whilst the Sirens would r arely think they use it as parentage of the bloodline, what is accepted is that
the Malkavians do, the use of Dementation is wherever they came from, they brought a little bit of
common in the group as they use it to create madness with them. Often sur facing in the for m of
vir tuoso per for mances that leave the audience Manias, obsessions and par anoia due to the near
enr aptured. None would admit it, but occasionally constant voices they hear, the Beast r ises in them,
they have to resor t to memor y alter ing power s to these mental Der angements will come to the sur face
cover up a per for mance they feel is less than stellar. in whatever for m the player chooses. Unlike the
Obfuscate: Fame has its downsides - when ever yone Malkavians, the Daughter s don?t embr ace as often
knows who you are, getting some Pr ivacy and time from those with these afflictions in life, but a cer tain
to your self can be a real blessing. The Sirens use this amount of instability always manifests in them after
to get a little bit of Peace and quiet, to limit exter nal Death.
distr action (they have enough as it is), and be able to When the Char acter Rolls a Bestial Failure or a
pass unknown among the masses. The ability to Compulsion, their cur se comes to the fore. Suffer a
watch other ar tists unknown, or spy on prospective penalty equal to your char acter ?s Bane Sever ity to
employer s to work out what they want gives them a one categor y of dice pools (Physical, Social, or
Mental) for the entire scene. This is in addition to especially impassioned Per for mance. This other wise
any penalties incur red by Compulsions. behaves identically to the mainstream power and
can be used in the same way when appropr iate.
You and the Stor yteller decide the type of penalty
and the exact nature of the char acter ?s affliction Level 5
dur ing char acter creation
The Banshees Wail:
Compulsion: Delusion Amalgam: Presence 2
While the Sirens don?t typically opt for the
extr asensor y gifts of the Malkavians, some par t of Each Siren has their own way of using this power, for
them is still attuned to the ether. For the Malkavians some it is a shr iek, other s a high note or a low growl.
this manifests as visions and possible tr uths, for the Regardless of their vocal stylings, the results are the
Daughter s of Cacophony this delusion is purely same. The noise causes both living beings and
auditor y, with melodies and voices plaguing their inanimate objects to shake and r upture, Bleeding
senses making it nigh impossible to concentr ate. eyes, Noses and Ear s are common outward signs, but
While the fugue is always with them, in times of the damage to inter nal or gans can be catastrophic.
stress it becomes over whelming to them. What is The ability to hear is ir relevant as this tr auma isn?t
ver y str ange is how when a groups of them just deafening noise ? it shakes the victims to their
congregate together, they?ve been known to hear core.
the same songs? Cost: One Rouse check
While still functional, the vampire?s mind and Dice Pools: Composure + Dominate Vs Stamina +
perceptions are distr acted and impaired. They Athletics or For titude (if possessed)
receive a two- dice penalty to rolls involving
SYSTEM: The Banshee makes one Rouse check and
Dexter ity, Manipulation, Composure, and Wits as
unleashes the power against the victim. The tar get
well as on rolls to resist ter ror frenzy, for one scene.
must be within ear shot, but only the heaviest of
cover will protect them. Objects and light cover
Discipline Power s (Wood panels, glass) that are directly in the way will
also receive the full br unt of the force and likely
Dominate break and shatter, Heavier mater ials my cr umble
and war p and can offer a modicum of protection to
Level 2 the victim at Stor yteller s discretion (Gener ally if the
victim could still hear the noise just as well as
Dementation: without the cover, it won?t help). Each success of
Amalgam: Obuscate 2 mar gin inflicts one health level of aggr avated
damage. If using this power on an inanimate object,
While this is not a new Power, the Sirens tend to use
the Stor yteller deter mines how many successes are
it differently. Rather than just engaging in
needed to completely shatter it.
conver sation, they deliver their own par ticular
br and of madness via their song. It is not Durat ion: One Tur n
uncommon to see people weeping after an


he Daughters of Cacophony are renowned as
extraordinary singers, with their vocal talents rarely
matched even by the most dedicated of the Toreador.
However, their talents aren?t just limited to Song, with
some members of the young bloodline using their vocal
talents for oration and other public speaking engagements.
Typically, the Sirens will find a way to exploit any situation as
long as it allows them to use their voices.
There is so much more to the Sirens than just a bloodline of
gifted entertainers, and even those that fit the stereotype will
have much more going on under the surface. Their talents are
well placed to put them squarely into many intrigues and
plots, and their ability to socialize and manipulate a situation
to their advantage rivals that of the Ventrue, Malkavians and
Toreador ? all clans they?re frequently mistaken for.
Many have made the mistake of considering the Banshees as
harmless entertainers and underestimating them, thinking of
them as vampires lost in thought and dedicated to following
their own silent song. Those that have made this mistake
vocally and publicly tend to never make that error again, after
all there is a reason that they are sometimes referred to as

- Ventriloquist: No one well known among the Kine meaning successfully navigated and performed
understands how or why this if you are ever exposed and your for), or One major boon from the victor
bloodline is able to pick up such a identity or mask compromised, these and a dot in Adversary from the
difficult skill with no training or points will all be lost as well. Vampire you snubbed.
practice, and yet the Daughters
manifest this talent frequently. This --- Born to Perform: While the
----- Finger on the Pulse: Many
allows the character to perfectly people find themselves getting
Banshees are almost all superb emotional when listening to music or a
project their voice as far as it would vocalists regardless of how they
normally travel and with no rousing speech, and the Siren who
started out, some of them find the has mastered this power can ensure
noticeable outside signs ? only endless music so inspiring that it that everyone feels that tug on their
Sense the Unseen can detect urges them to greater and greater heartstrings. By Rousing their blood
anything happening. The Siren uses feats. You gain 2 dice to all and making a successful Charisma +
the highest of either Obfuscate or performance checks involving Performance roll, they can increase
their highest rating in the Sirens Singing or Public Speaking (Choose the resonance of all listeners in
Song in the resistance roll. This one), as well as being able to ignore attendance. If using the random roll to
Merit can be purchased twice, with a single One or Ten from a Hunger determine strength of Resonance,
the second purchase allowing the dice on these rolls. then add the successes to the roll
user to carry on a normal
conversation at the same time. ---- Pathway to Power: The number (So if Four successes were
Daughters are highly sought after in rolled, and then the Resonance
Note, this doesn?t disguise the users strength check rolled a Six, this would
voice in any way, and appropriate Elysiums and Anarch gatherings the
world over ? to have one of these then be treated as a Ten). Anyone
rolls must be made to mimic a who hunts from this audience gains
fabulous singers or Orators perform
voice. is often a real mark of Prestige and this benefit. The Siren can also
in certain situations, bidding wars change the resonance of a single
-- Star Power: You?ve put in the have taken place. You?re are one target to a resonance type of their
work, built up a loyal following and such lucky soul, not only do you gain choosing instead of the above effect ?
performed in as many venues as the equivalent of Status 3 in your in this case the above roll is resisted
you could ? now the effort has city, but also access to many of the with Stamina + Composure. The
finally paid off! You gain 4 dots to movers and shakers in town. Finally, strength will always be fleeting unless
split between Herd and Fame, you gain either 2 minor boons (with the Player wins on a Critical.
however your name and face are the different Kindred who you

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