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R. B. Thieme, Jr.
These doctrines on computer diskettes are available to pastors, evangelists
and missionaries, and are not for public distribution. R. B. Thieme, Jr.
hopes this detailed presentation of his teaching will increase your
perspicacity of Bible doctrine as you faithfully teach God's Word.

R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries

5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056
(713) 621-3740

(c) 1991, by R. B. Thieme, Jr. All rights reserved.

Isr 149ff 12/22/91


A. Introduction.
1. This doctrine deals with the blockage of metabolization of Bible
doctrine--the hindrances to the metabolization of doctrine.
2. The Background.
a. When Bible doctrine is taught by the spiritual gift of pastor-
teacher, it goes to various stages.
(1) Positive volition is exercised by concentration under
the filling of the Spirit, called "hearing the Word of God." The Holy
Spirit teaches the human spirit so that the doctrine becomes PNEUMATIKOS or
spiritual phenomena understood academically.
(2) Then doctrine goes to the NOUS or left lobe to the
mentality of the soul. Here spiritual phenomena becomes GNOSIS doctrine,
which is academic understanding only. GNOSIS has no spiritual content as
such. It is a staging area for metabolism.
b. Metabolization of doctrine is moving GNOSIS doctrine in the
left lobe of the soul to the KARDIA or heart, which is the right lobe of the
soul. The heart has two concepts: the stream of consciousness with its
seven compartments and the subconscious. In the heart or right lobe of the
soul, Bible doctrine is metabolized as EPIGNOSIS. EPIGNOSIS is the only
doctrine that has a spiritual connotation.
3. When there is a blockage between the conversion of GNOSIS to
EPIGNOSIS, then you have the most disastrous condition for the believer.
4. GNOSIS is not the spiritual life. The spiritual life is EPIGNOSIS.
EPIGNOSIS is spiritual growth, metabolized doctrine.
5. What is the basis for blockage? How is it possible for a believer
to come to Bible class on a consistent basis, to accumulate GNOSIS only, and
therefore, to have no spiritual life, but rather to go from self-
fragmentation to polarized fragmentation to the eight stages of reversionism
to Christian moral or immoral degeneracy, and to become involved in
dissociation (which is so much garbage in the subconscious that the believer
becomes a psycho Christian).
6. Every believer uses his volition or free will to become a vessel of
honor or a vessel of dishonor. The difference between a vessel of honor and
a vessel of dishonor is the blockage between GNOSIS and EPIGNOSIS. This
blockage is what causes people to say, "Doctrine does not work."
7. Eph 4:18, "They have darkened their way of thinking, and they have
been alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance which is in
them, because of scar tissue in their hearts."
a. The "life of God" is metabolized doctrine circulating in the
compartments of the stream of consciousness.
b. Alienation from the life of God is lack of metabolized
doctrine in the heart's stream of consciousness or replacing that doctrine
with reversionism. It is GNOSIS without EPIGNOSIS.
8. Principles.
a. When you have GNOSIS and fail to metabolize doctrine, you have
academic understanding. You never apply academic understanding to yourself
but only to others through self-righteousness.
b. Self-righteous arrogance is non-forgiving, implacable,
vindictive, guilty of vilification, revenge, seeking to hurt those persons
whom you will not forgive.
c. Arrogant preoccupation with self is a major block in the
metabolization of Bible doctrine, and thereby, spiritual life and spiritual
d. A flawed believer is a vessel of dishonor even though that
vessel was prepared by salvation to be a vessel of glory.
e. All believers sin, which we will classify as faults. But
flaws are all of the sins that result from blocking metabolization of
doctrine. A flawed believer has lots of GNOSIS but little or no EPIGNOSIS.
The sins of the arrogance complex and the sins of the emotional complex
prevent metabolization and produce the flawed believer. Any association
with a flawed believer is a tragedy in life. For example, people who marry
a flawed believer have instant terrible problems. In churches, flawed
believers are legalistic bullies.

2. James 1:20-25.
1. Jam 1:20, "For the anger of persons does not achieve virtue from
a. Anger can and often does represent the implacable and
vindictive believer who replaces mandated forgiveness ("Forgive as Christ
forgave," Eph 4:32) with anger.
b. Anger and hatred is the first representative of a gnosis
Christian, one who has not metabolized doctrine.
2. Jam 1:21, "Therefore remove all pollution and excess of evil,
receive with humility the implanted doctrine, which is able to deliver your
a. "Excess of evil" describes a flawed person, not a believer who
fails, not a believer who sins.
b. This verse is teaching that problem solving begins with
rebound and the filling of the Spirit, and then moves to faith perception
which metabolizes doctrine.
c. Only metabolized doctrine can produce problem solving devices.
Only metabolized doctrine can deliver your souls.
3. Jam 1:22, "Moreover, keep on becoming doers of the word, and not
hearers only, constantly deluding themselves."
a. If you have GNOSIS minus EPIGNOSIS, you are a hearer of the
teaching of the Word of God but not a doer of the Word. This passage has
nothing to do with Christian service.
b. A doer of the Word is: the believer with metabolized doctrine
circulating in the right lobe of the soul, the believer who extrapolates
from epignosis doctrine the problem solving devices, the believer who avoids
the flaws through metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness, the
believer who fulfills the principles of his spiritual gift, the believer who
functions under his priesthood and represents himself before the Lord with
occupation with Christ, the believer who uses his royal ambassadorship to
witness for Christ.
c. The believer who never metabolizes doctrine constantly deludes
themselves. These are the believers who think they are great, those who are
filled with their own self-importance. They never see themselves in light
of the Word of God but with gnosis, they see everyone else. These are the
believers who are critical, vindictive, implacable, on the one hand full of
self-pity and on the other hand constantly nagging, pushing, and building
themselves up at the expense of everyone else.
d. Self-fragmentation through the sins of the arrogance and the
emotional complexes hinder the metabolization of doctrine.
(1) Absence of epignosis in the heart or right lobe means a
flawed believer. A flawed believer cannot apply doctrine to self and
distorts doctrinal application to others.
(2) Absence of epignosis means that a flawed believer
converts the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of
stress in the soul. The believer who is a hearer but not a doer of the Word
lives under stress in the soul.
(3) The doer of the Word has maximum metabolized doctrine in
the stream of consciousness and maximum use of the problem solving devices
and develops what we do not have naturally--humility and authority
4. Jam 1:23, "For if anyone is a hearer of the word but not a doer,
this person is like an individual who looks at his natural face in a
a. The believer who hears Bible doctrine and fails to metabolize
it, so that it remains only academic understanding, is a hearer but not a
doer of the word of God.
b. The hearer of the word cannot prevent the conversion of the
outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the
soul. Stress in the soul blocks metabolization of doctrine.
c. Inevitably, the hearer builds up the most phenomenal blind
arrogance and they make a role model out of self, so that when their self-
righteousness is ever challenged, they become competitive by maligning,
judging, gossiping. They express their implacability and their hatred in
inordinate competition and they seek to put down and destroy anything that
gets in their comfortable position of building up self from gnosis. This is
the description of the flawed believer. The hearer only distorts self-
righteous arrogance into anger, hatred, vindictiveness, implacability,
vilification, revenge, no genuine forgiveness, and a total absence of virtue
5. Jam 1:24, "For once he looks at himself and departs, he has
immediately forgotten what kind of person he was."
a. If all you have is gnosis, you never see yourself in the light
of the word of God. The flawed believer never applies doctrine accurately
to himself, yet he applies gnosis doctrine to others critically. He sees
flaws in others in his left lobe, but never sees his own flaws. The flawed
believer is very hypersensitive about himself and totally insensitive toward
others. The flaws of the arrogance complex blind the believer to his own
failures and hinder the function of faith perception. Yet the flawed
believer has a remarkable ability to see the failures of others and to be
critical of them. They never see others in the sense of impersonal love.
b. When the flawed believer uses his own mental attitude sins and
verbal sins to prevent gnosis from being metabolized into epignosis, he has
used the law of volitional responsibility to become a vessel of dishonor.
Garbage in the subconscious then comes in to help hinder metabolization.
c. The doer of the word applies doctrine to himself and sees
himself in the light of the word of God.
6. Jam 1:25, "But he who looks intently into the perfect law of
freedom, and has persisted, not having become a forgetful hearer but a doer
of accomplishment, this man will be happy in what he does."
a. The perfect law of freedom is Bible doctrine.
b. The believer who is a hearer and doer of the word of God has
doctrine circulating in his stream of consciousness, and this doctrine works
for him in every possible way. He avoids the flaw of self-righteous
arrogance with a critical attitude toward others.
c. The characteristics of the hearer and doer of the word are:
(1) He converts gnosis into epignosis through faith
perception and metabolized doctrine circulates in the seven compartments of
the stream of consciousness.
(2) He applies epignosis doctrine in the stream of
consciousness to himself. As a result, he clears the garbage out of the
(3) He extrapolates the problem solving devices from
metabolized doctrine in his stream of consciousness and puts them in the
forefront of his thinking for application.
(4) He uses the problem solving devices to prevent outside
pressures of adversity into inside pressure of stress in the soul.
(5) He produces divine good through the principle that
spiritual skills must precede production skills for the performance of
divine good. He glorifies God in time through the fulfillment of His plan,
purpose, and will.

3. The Blocks to Metabolization of Doctrine.

1. Eph 4:30-31, "Stop grieving the Holy Spirit, the God, by whom you
have been sealed until the day of redemption. All bitterness, both anger
and wrath, verbal brawling and slander, must be removed from you, along with
all malice."
a. A bitter soul never metabolizes doctrine.
b. Bitter people slander because they have placed themselves on a
c. Malice is one of the most descriptive words of gnosis without
epignosis, of the hearer but not the doer of the word. Malice is the desire
and the motivation of the gnosis believer to inflict suffering and injury on
2. Eph 4:32, "But become kind toward one another, compassionate and
forgiving each other, just as God also by means of Christ has forgiven us."

4. Summary.
1. Believers can be positive toward doctrine and still fail to
metabolize that doctrine.
2. Every preconceived notion that is wrong, every notion that
contradicts the plan of God that you have learned from childhood finds its
way into the stream of consciousness. Preconceived notions circulating in
the stream of consciousness contradict Bible doctrine that has reached the
left lobe of the soul as gnosis. They give you a false impression of self
and are just waiting for gnosis doctrine to come along so they can reject it
and not believe it. This believer immediately forgets the doctrine they
have just learned. Gnosis doctrine cannot be converted into epignosis
because the preconceived notions are busy trying to throw all that doctrine
out of the soul. These preconceived notions are firmly planted in the
stream of consciousness; they have been there since childhood; they are
reality up to that point in a person's life. Doctrine slaps down these
preconceived notions, so that now you must make a decision as to what is
right: your preconceived notions of how great you are, or the truth of Bible
3. Before positive volition existed toward Bible doctrine, the stream
of consciousness was loaded with inculcated myths of life, such as: marriage
is a state of happiness, sex is happiness, money is happiness, approbation
is happiness. Reality is that virtue, integrity, and honor based on
metabolized doctrine is happiness. Most believers have been propagandized
with the myth that circumstances constitute happiness or legalism is
4. The inner resources of Bible doctrine cannot formed in the state of
positive volition when preconceived notions contradict gnosis (doctrine
understood academically in the left lobe of the soul). Because of the
conflicts with preconceived ideas in the stream of consciousness, there is a
grid lock, a bottle neck. The accumulation of gnosis in the left lobe is
never metabolized because of fallacious, unsound, misleading, and erroneous
reasoning which has saturated the stream of consciousness (sometimes for
years) with deceptive, contradictory ideas which resist gnosis being
converted into epignosis and prevent the metabolization of Bible doctrine.
5. Three things make this identification of myths sometimes difficult
and sometimes impossible.
a. Self-righteous arrogance, which is self-centered arrogance,
blind arrogance plus the arrogance complex of sins.
b. Dissociation, which results in garbage in the subconscious
which hinders identification of problems and stimulates emphasis on the
problems and failures of others.
c. Lack of authority orientation.

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