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Mirando, Miguel Angel E.

4-EE A

In electrical engineering work fields, we all know that some of the common issue that we
are facing is about our materials that are being used and constructed in our working
place is being destroyed in means of destruction of materials by chemical or
electrochemical reaction with their environment. Especially if the materials are exposed
to different liquids, chemicals, waters and rains. And the common issue is called
Corrosion. Corrosion is a natural process that converts a refined metal into a more
chemically stable oxide. It is the gradual destruction of materials by chemical or
electrochemical reaction with their environment. Corrosion engineering is the field
dedicated to controlling and preventing corrosion (Wikipedia). So, it means corrosion
eats up the goods refined metal and being replaced into chemically stable oxide which
produces corrosion. It is important to understand in this kind of natural phenomenon
especially if we are dealing about safety and stability of our machinery and especially
the foundation of the machines is being built to an exposed area. But we all know that
corrosion is cannot be avoided that’s why some expertise are using some preventions
to their metals to prevent corrosion like plastic, greasing, oiling, galvanizing, chrome
plating or making alloys. But commonly some people are usually using is paint.
Sometimes they have a schedule when will be the machine or metals will be get painted
so the machinery and other metals won’t be affecting corrosion. In addition to it is Acidic
Corrosion, Stone and metals that are exposed to high salinity, chemicals, low oxygen
levels, and extreme environmental operating conditions suffer from acidic corrosion.
Acidic corrosion is the progressive deterioration and wearing a way of a substance
(such as metal) brought on by the presence of acidic chemicals in the environment. The
acids may come from water, industrial air, dirt, toxic chemicals, or industrial water that
react with the item they come into touch with.
According to Tim Loftus, Acidity levels in wastewater indicate its corrosive properties
and can take a leading role in regulating biological processes as well as in chemical
reactions (such as chemical coagulation and flocculation). Alkalinity, too, contributes to
the properties of wastewater, many of which also affect biological processes (such as
nitrification) and chemical reactions. It is usual practice to describe the quality of water
using measurements of pH, acidity, and alkalinity. The three variables are
interconnected and occasionally mistaken for one another. Water's acidity and alkalinity
are capacity factors, while its pH is an intensity factor. More specifically, the ability of a
water to neutralize strong bases or acids is what is meant by acidity and alkalinity. The
term “acidic” for pH values below 7 does not imply that the water has no alkalinity;
likewise, the term “alkaline” for pH values above 7 does not imply that the water has no
acidity. Total acidity and total alkalinity are both present in water that has a pH of
between 4.5 and 8.3. The logarithmic transformation of the hydrogen ion concentration
serves as the foundation for the definition of pH.
In conclusion, the importance on studying the corrosion It is employed to decide
whether corrosion is hypothetically feasible or not. In reality, the majority of metals and
alloys in use are in an unstable thermodynamic condition. Thus, they have a
fundamental thermodynamic propensity to stabilize through corrosion processes. While,
the acidity/alkalinity of materials, we can compare it to Corrosion because they have the
same components which destroy the refined mineral because of the acids, chemicals,
liquids, and salty waters that destroy the metal.

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