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Art’s Food – Questions

Table of Contents

Position of Educational Area..................................................................................................4


Needs Company Requires......................................................................................................5


Stages of Evolution in Work..................................................................................................7

Forming Stage.....................................................................................................................7

Storming Stage....................................................................................................................7

Norming Stage....................................................................................................................7

Performing Stage................................................................................................................7

Adjourning Stage................................................................................................................8

Formal and Informal Team.....................................................................................................8

Role of each Worker...............................................................................................................8


Power of Roger.......................................................................................................................9

Management Functions Roger Performs................................................................................9

Aspects on which Roger Should Work................................................................................10

Actions to Improve Skills.....................................................................................................11

Style of Leadership...............................................................................................................11


Benefits of Empowerment and Improvements.....................................................................13

Goals to Achieve..................................................................................................................14


Empowerment Techniques...................................................................................................14

Chronological Order.............................................................................................................15

 Introduce plan................................................................................................................15
 Formulate techniques....................................................................................................15

 Evaluate Alternatives....................................................................................................15

 Induce the techniques among employees......................................................................15

Position of Educational Area
Employees in the Educational Sector may get demotivated as a consequence of the comments
they receive, and their professional life may suffer as a result. A poisonous work atmosphere
will ultimately result in lower job performance. These negative emotions might affect staff
morale and harm the professional image. This may potentially have an impact on the staff
turnover rates. Retaining worker confidence and faith is critical for creating great income.
Customer satisfaction may suffer as well. As a result, the Educational Area workers may
suffer as a result of this predicament. Human resources are critical to an organization's
growth because they supply the labour and expertise required to fulfill objectives.
Management of human resources enables the organization to enhance each employee's
capability and increase production. Poor human resources management on the other side may
result in the existence of important issues that impair the performance, such as a lack of
enthusiasm and high levels of turnover. These challenges typically arise when leadership fails
to identify its workers' demands or employs unproductive techniques that do not match the
traits and behaviour of the hired workforce (Saeed, 2018).

The firm's educational personnel can work as a team, but they are uninspired owing to the
business director's terrible treatment of his employees. After the resignation of one of their
colleagues, additional workers may be contemplating leaving the organization. Human
resource management needs organizational strategies to fit not just the changing customer
demands of a firm, but also a constantly changing global job market. Independent contractor
programs must be assessed for their expense to the employer on a routine basis. Retooling the
packages also allows you to increase employee happiness by increasing vacation days
flexible work schedules or modifications to retirement accounts. Many human capital experts,
for example, have recently overseen the incorporation of preventative care components into
standard health coverage for both employment recruitment and retention activities (Dumont,

The resignation of co-workers who serve as the sole source of inspiration for those other
individuals in the educational sector may be the decisive reason for most workers becoming
less receptive to the firm director's autocratic style of management and seeking alternative
career prospects. This scenario has arisen as a result of a rise in demand in the educational
sector. Purchases from schools produce a significant amount of money for the firm. It has
risen with time, which has also enhanced income rotation. Poor management practices, on the
other hand, led to worker unhappiness and conflict inside the firm. If the issue is not
successfully managed, it may result in problems such as:

 Employee dissatisfaction causes a drop in production.

 A demanding work environment setting can be created by an unpleasant working
environment that affects the work of all workers.
 Generally lower efficiency tarnishes the organization's brand reputation.
 This type of productivity results in lower income.
 Quality of work has deteriorated.

The motivation for a person's resignation may be varied and subtle, but the outcome is
ruthlessly simple: the departing worker gathers her stuff and departs all of her information,
talents, and competence. Workers who stay may share some of the repertoire, not all of it,
rendering it challenging for them to keep pace with the workload and diminishing assessment
practices that existed previous to the person's departure (Tang, 2017). The idea holds that the
more specialized the task, the higher the "output drag."

The resignation highlighted a pattern in which a sizable proportion of employed persons are
actively seeking a new job or professional path. This might be frightening for a company.
The last thing they want is for the staff to vanish without being able to replace them. Instead
of viewing the departure as a "resignation" trend, the corporation might consider this motion
to be the "great rearrangement." Employees are rearranging themselves into good positions
that correspond more precisely with their professional and life/balance objectives, rather than
just abandoning their employment. Businesses should think about the departure from this
angle. Instead of fretting about job losses, explore how they may restructure their company to
better reflect the objectives of their workers (Løkke, 2020).

Needs Company Requires

The organization demands motivating requirements, which may be met by providing more
money for longer work time and recognizing performance targets met. Leadership is
inattentive towards the motivating demands of workers since they assume that the supplied
base salary is sufficient to compensate for the severe effort. Human resource management
improves the capability of people and teams within a business. Apart from empowering
individuals, human resource management tries to advance groups to the performance stage,
where they may use their abilities and be at their most productive. Companies profit from
human resource progress and expansion due to the benefits of production and reliability. The
following are the firm's requirements that the administration has not identified:

 Managing organizational negativity is critical, since failing to do so may result in

decreased production rates.
 Personnel should be allowed to express their concerns since they are the lifeblood of a
company and hurt its operations.
 Appreciate the workers and attempt to acquire their trust; this will result in a calm work
 Effective communication is crucial to solving all the difficulties internally in a business.
 Make sure that management recognizes staff for their efforts since this pushes them to
perform much better.

HR professionals may also advise on how to increase the company's employee loyalty. This
begins with utilizing the recruiting process or making connections with suitable career
opportunities depending on their talents. Individuals must be committed to their jobs and feel
pressured by their bosses throughout the year. Assisting managers in placing their staff in
higher-paying roles. As already said, low pay is a key reason that numerous individuals are
unwilling to attend college. Assist the supervisors in developing a more advantageous wage
plan for educators. Consider the Pittsburgh Public Schools. By changing their achievement
timesheet with one based on experience and educational levels, among other factors, they
were able to grant increases to current instructors and higher beginning wages to young
teachers (Rumawas, 2021).

Organizational help is more essential to some instructors than financial considerations when
it comes to leaving or remaining in the industry or at a certain institution. Discontent with the
effect of school assessment and accountability mechanisms on their instruction or content
was cited as a major factor in the decision to leave by nearly 25% of teachers in public
schools. As a result, it is critical to have a strong rewards program and framework in place to
retain instructors from varied backgrounds. Good compensation eliminates salary
discrepancies, boosts personal happiness, encourages staff to strive for pay rises and
advancements, and reduces employee complaints (Alsheref, 2022).

The educational area's staff is very collaborative and performs admirably, yet the majority of
them do not believe the firm appreciates them.
Stages of Evolution in Work
The people who are in charge of training are now in the forming phase. Each member of the
team can adjust for variances in behaviour and personality features. The issue is that owing to
a lack of desire within the unit, the entire squad is unable to get to the performance level.

Forming Stage
The team has not yet been created, and their duties have not yet been given. At this moment,
the overall performance is not particularly high. The organization is still very much in its
early stages and is underperforming. The first phase is an organization, which happens when
the group members first meet. It may be regarded as an introduction period, once everyone
gets to know someone else and becomes acquainted. Imagine the molding stage to be
analogous to the beginning of university or receiving a job offer. There's excitement in the
atmosphere, and everybody is itching to roll into their sleeves and get started on the work.
When cooperation and duties have yet to be established, a sporting director will often emerge
to assume leadership and direct the real humans (Rajeev, 2019).

Storming Stage
People must interact and appeal to each other’s strengths to remove hurdles and keep on
course during the storming phase to prevent describes. Also, spend the time and make the
effort to address and settle disagreements early on so that they don't become a problem later
on. Imagine this stage to be analogous to when one went in with a friend you'd never been to
before and progressively began to notice the tiny things concerning them that irritated you.
The same is likely to happen with colleagues. Although some groups feel they can escape this
phase, it is necessary to approach it expecting some conflict. Little conflicts begin to occur at
this phase. This is primarily due to a difference in managerial perspectives (Elsawy, 2022).

Norming Stage
The group gains maturity and learns to see past their differences. At this point, most feedback
is helpful. All agree that the authorities are, what each person's role is, and what will happen
subsequently. The group has also built a bond and is getting to know one another's
personalities and senses of humor (Super, 2020).

Performing Stage
The following level is the functioning stage, which is frequently the most pleasant work
environment, with individuals who are satisfied and eager, and team success at an all-time
high. The organization has a clear and robust framework in place, and everybody is
completely committed to achieving the objectives. All through the performance stage, every
member of the team, irrespective of job, is engaged, intentional, and connected (Dumont,

Adjourning Stage
The group has grown and is starting to disperse. As the load of the project reduces, members
of the team are typically removed from it and assigned to a separate platform. Members of
the group regularly discuss and analyze what went well and what might be altered for future
projects (Rajeev, 2019).

The educational sector is still in the storming stage since there are several internal

Formal and Informal Team

The Educational Area includes a staff of 19 personnel. Raquel is in charge of another team of
12 regional coordinators. Both of these are established teams inside a company. There is an
informal organization that emphasizes the lack of regard at work. They are the institution's
most unified unit. The formal groups are created by the organization, but the informal groups
are formed by employee disagreements with leadership. The official teams include the whole
academic region, the sector supervisors, and the direct team of six persons who specifically
relate to the academic region team leader. These three groups are classified as direct methods
since they share comparable tasks, collaborate on the same tasks, and are included in the
organization's structure, even though not all of the members answer the office. Informal
teams include office workers because they can communicate more tightly and create personal
relations outside of the corporate ladder and layout.

Role of each Worker

The job role allocated to each worker using Meredith Belbin's typology is:

 Raquel serves as the team's shaper.

 Joan is the implementer, and he works hard to meet his goals.
 Enrique is the coordinator because he gets along well with all of his co-workers.
 Lorena is a full finisher since she completes her task flawlessly and is extremely skillful.
 Anabel is the expert since she is well-liked by her co-workers and has much expertise.
Employees regard the business director as a director who likes to centralize all activities and
is unconcerned about their personal and professional demands.

Power of Roger
Roger Art is the company's founder and director. He has an authoritative role over the other
employees, with a distinct advantage and complete control. Roger has ultimate decision-
making authority, and he does not take his subordinates' comments seriously. He wants his
staff to obey his commands without question or hesitation. This form of power may not be
well received by the employees and may appear unjust. The director of the corporation wields
both lawful and coercive power. He wields power to compel people to work excessive hours
and satisfy performance targets.

Management Functions Roger Performs

To comprehend why the business fails to attain its ideal performance while having brilliant
and collaborative personnel, the director of a company has to be more people-oriented.
Learning how to communicate effectively and being more approachable to workers may aid
in resolving the business's lack of drive.

Roger's managerial responsibilities are as follows:

 He leads and controls all significant organizational decisions.

 He takes charge of all activities, with little to no direct interaction from subordinates.
 He has complete authority over the teams without regard for the opinions of other
 He makes all rules and judgments without any outside intervention.

Roger is lacking in:

 Because of his leadership style, he may induce fear in his employees.

 He lacks the drive to motivate staff.
 It does not value other people's ideas or consider staff suggestions.
 He falls short in ensuring employee pleasure.

The amount of worker enthusiasm and job happiness is influenced by the level of leadership
demonstrated by executives. Leaders use several styles based on their personality
characteristics, competencies, and accomplishments. Many employees stated that they quit
their employment due to inadequate management which alienated them from making
decisions and did not recognize their hard work and dedication. Leaders employ three basic
ways of making decisions, according to the prescriptive decision process. These techniques
include authoritarian procedures, deliberative procedures, and group dynamics. Many
managements and the employee’s superiors use authoritarian decision-making methods.
Autocratic procedures entail the leader gathering data from staff and using it to make choices
without the engagement of the workforce (Li, 2018).

Another factor that caused people to abandon their employment was their bosses'
characteristics and their influence on their employment. Leaders' characteristics influence
how they interact and engage with their subordinates, as well as how they respect them.
According to several employees, their managers had negative attitudes and dispositions that
influenced how they interacted and behaved. Certain supervisors were encouraging and
relationship-focused. Others, on the other side, were judgmental, unsupportive, and the main
objective. Workers who resigned cited the latter circumstance as the reason for their
resignation. According to the situational approach, leaders have strong behavioral
characteristics that influence how they interact with other personnel (Gile, 2018).

Aspects on which Roger Should Work

The business director must first own his shortcomings in staff treatment and management.
Once he is conscious of his disrespectful behavior, he must practice listening to his workers'
recommendations and concerns. These procedures will allow the corporate director to
practice the fundamentals of effective communication.

The following particular elements require improvement:

 Giving weight to other employees' opinions will make them feel needed and motivated.
 Take no conclusions without first doing a reasonable analysis of the circumstance.
 Do not make premature decisions because the company's prospects are dependent on a
single person.
 Consider employee well-being to be an essential aspect of corporate development.
 Accepting responsibility for failing work rather than criticizing others.

A huge part of reaching individuals (who spent 40 hours or more each week together) is
improving their identity and happiness as people, not simply workers. Initiating group
cohesion may be an excellent method to foster the respect and compassion required for a
productive team. When corporate personnel engage with each other and get to understand
each other from outside their professional jobs, team cohesion improves. Treating others with
regard daily is among the most important things a manager could do. It will minimize
conflicts and friction while also building trust and having a major impact. Creating a culture
of respect includes more than simply avoiding rudeness. Empathy may be shown in a range
of ways, but it usually starts with just being a good listener who really tries to comprehend
the perspectives of others (Rumawas, 2021).

Good communication and management are intricately intertwined. The best leaders are
excellent communicators who can participate in a variety of activities such as conveying
information, inspiring others, and teaching direct subordinates. You should also be able to
communicate and engage with people from a variety of occupations, geographies,
orientations, and experiences. The effectiveness and amount of communication among
leaders inside the organization have a direct impact on the plan's performance. Learn how
effective communication and enhanced discussion may actually improve a company's culture
(Super, 2020).

Actions to Improve Skills

Understanding the leader’s behavior provides the door to developing managerial talents that
are in tune with one's actual character. Is the leadership style egalitarian, creative, mentoring,
cooperative, dictating the pace, or able to command? Knowing where a leader falls in these
areas can help him understand how to enhance his leadership skills. This is a fantastic place
to begin because each style of leadership has inherent strengths and drawbacks (Løkke,
2020). For example, if the leader has a democratic style, Roger may struggle to deal with
problems. Visionary leaders may lack the capacity to plan and execute. Instead of seeing
these characteristics as fixed, adopt a development attitude and focus on working on them.

Here are some concepts for better communication and motivation:

 Organize a weekly performance evaluation meeting and invite staff to share their views
and comments.
 Inform staff about any new policies or initiatives that will be implemented.
 Boost employee input by holding sessions such as brainstorming sessions.
 Establish and clearly communicate to staff the organization's short- and long-term goals.
 Learn how to assist employees to enhance their talents and overcome their limitations.
Style of Leadership
Leadership is also an important component of human resource management since it directly
influences how plans are implemented and what objectives the organization considers. To
maximize company productivity, great leaders must be able to practice both task-oriented and
people-oriented leadership. Task-oriented leadership is based on allocating duties and
evaluating each employee's effectiveness in completing given tasks. The capacity of leaders
to interact with employees, build excellent working relationships, and be responsive to the
needs and difficulties in the business is referred to as people-oriented management (Pham,

Roger should begin by applying the Servant leadership ideology. This is most successful
because it recognizes and respects employee opinions, which is critical given the
organization's current circumstances. It contributes to the development of a positive work
environment and fosters trust in management. This will drive staff to perform better, resulting
in increased production and income. A servant leader, also known as a service-focused
leader, prioritizes the people in the business. Servant leaders think that team workers are
more effective and successful when they are professionally and personally satisfied. Servant
leaders get more loyalty and respect from their organizations by putting employee pleasure
first. A servant leader is likely to inquire about workers and what they require to be
successful in their positions and prioritize giving the appropriate assistance, tools, and
facilities. Employees that work with servant leaders are deeply committed to their jobs (Li,

After listening to workers, servant leaders attempt to put oneself in their shoes. This helps
them to correctly grasp the problems that their staff are experiencing and what can be done to
address them. Servant leaders are completely conscious of their own talents, shortcomings,
prejudices, emotions, and ideals. This insight helps them to successfully serve their audience.
Leaders may use their talents to bring everyone on board with decision making. They can
also work on their flaws and prejudices so that they not interfere with their capacity to assist
their followers. Servant leadership entails the leaders having vision. Vision helps servant
leaders to comprehend where the organisation has come from, where it is now, and where it
wants to go in the present, as well as how to get there. Servant leaders may convince and
persuade their people. Leaders wield great power because of their ability to convince and
connect to their followers. The capacity to persuade followers is critical, especially when
implementing organisational change. Leaders use their influence to persuade their people to
embrace change, and so organisational transformation is achieved with little or no employee
opposition (Rajeev, 2019).

An action plan for empowering employees will enable the company to motivate employees,
reduce turnover rates, and improve overall performance.

Benefits of Empowerment and Improvements

The primary goal of the empowering actions strategy is to boost work satisfaction. Employee
productivity has been closely linked to increased independence via more flexibility. Analysts
claim that employees who have more control over how, when, or where they perform would
perform harder and like their employment more. Individuals who are given the chance to
exhibit their talents are more likely to put their best foot forward and feel more gratified at
the conclusion of their day. When a leader gives a staff person the authority to make
decisions and get stuff accomplished in a reasonable manner, he is expressing that you
respect them and feel he is smart and capable. Employee empowerment has benefits. When
an employee understands that his boss trusts in his ability to achieve, he takes on greater
responsibility. That confidence in the accuracy that he will complete the assignment to the
best of his ability (Rajeev, 2019).

Good leaders have followers who were more likely to be described as extremely inventive by
their colleagues. Surprisingly, managers who pushed their employees to think freely and
collaborate between teams generated more innovative ideas. Moreover, emboldened indirect
employees were much more inclined to volunteer for extra duties and assist their
organizations from outside their regular job activities. Researchers believed that received
power were more committed to significant goals and then used their creativity to achieve
them. Inspired workers are more likely to be content with their work since they believe their
boss appreciates and thinks in them. Imagine a worker who, by looking outside the box,
helped an irate customer secure the required compensation and then provided them a
substitute product. This employee will be overjoyed with his or her accomplishment. Such
incidents typically increase employee morale, supporting in the growth of young talent into
upper executives in the long run (Tang, 2017).

Employees ’ satisfaction with their jobs tend to stay longer, hence organizations with higher
levels of engagement among employees have fewer employees who leave. Better degrees of
involvement and lower drop out rates will surely move your organization forward and help
leaders perform better in today's more fiercely competitive marketplace. Companies in the
21st decade have discovered that the race to the top is worldwide, not simply local. Workers
who like their professions are more likely to maintain a positive work balancing. It's a win-
win situation for both sides. Companies are delighted with their employees' dedication as
their companies produce and they make better use of their time at office. Employee
participation assists workers in achieving their goals and objectives, and organizations' efforts
to recognize this encourage participation (Pham, 2020).

Goals to Achieve
The following are a few of the objectives that must be met.

 Encourages employees to be more productive.

 Increase the rate of employee retention
 Stop poaching for jobs.
 Increase your revenue.
 Maintain employee trust and enhance the success of the organisation.

The concept for the action plan is focused on empowering people to make their own choices
and contributing to the organization's growth. Employees' well-being and mutual progress, as
well as the company's, offer as sources of motivation. The connection factors always result in
the formation of an engaged group of employees, and an interested workplace environment
has a favourable influence on employee attitudes. Several engagement studies were
conducted to identify the drivers of employee engagement, with some of the factors being
career progression, learning and development opportunities; difficult job; obtaining salary
and benefits; being acknowledged; supporting management; respected and cherished. Long-
term employee satisfaction operational plans that will take more than a year will necessitate
extensive communication. Companies are often effective at talking to workers about another
long-term expansion plan, but when it concerns employee involvement, management tends to
remain silent. Make sure that the employee satisfaction action plan is integrated with the rest
of the organization's objectives and initiatives, and that it is properly communicated to your
employees. If there are any changes recommended to the plan, notify staff and fill up the gaps
(Gile, 2018).
Empowerment Techniques
First, the business's director must shift from an authoritarian to a democratic leadership style.
Following that, managers should make a concerted effort to acknowledge their own
management flaws. Following that, managers should listen to employees in decision making
and recognise their accomplishments and efforts to the organization's growth. The
organisation should then devise remedies to the major issues raised by employees. Finally,
leadership should provide staff greater opportunities to submit solutions to current issues and
strengthen their attempts to address any potential challenges. Employees who believe their
efforts are valued are motivated to work harder, and they develop the capacity to think
outside of the box and apply innovative problem-solving approaches to the issues they
confront at the workhouse. Showing admiration to your employees through words,
recognizing rewards, or the public over those on social media or a corporation blog will result
in a significant boost in employee satisfaction. One of the most effective methods to inspire
employees is to encourage them to work on topics that they are interested in. If leaders give
company employees challenges that stretch their talents, they will learn new skills and
become more invested in the company's future ambitions. An enabling leader will foster
creative thinking and allow people to try out new ideas (Dumont, 2016).

If Roger wants his staff to offer fresh ideas about how to develop the firm, he must ensure
that they have the appropriate abilities. Invest in education programs that will help employees
perform at their best, and provide tuition reimbursement so they can attend outside lessons as
required. He may also conduct workplace lectures and workshops. It is acceptable if someone
does not go from point A to B in the exact way that you would. Accepting since when the
firm assigns the assignment, the worker may perform it differently than you would. Give up
the control, quit micro-management, and accept that your method might not be the only (or
greatest) way to complete a task. Many insiders believe that when they first start
implementing worker empowerment programs in their companies, employees still go to their
workstations expecting their problems to be solved suddenly. Instead, offer information and
tools while also acting as a hearing ear for suggestions (Løkke, 2020).
Chronological Order
 Introduce plan

 Formulate techniques

 Evaluate Alternatives

 Induce the techniques among employees

 Analyze results

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