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I. Learning Objectives
Content Standards: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the relationship
between faults and earthquakes.
Performance Standards: The learners shall be able to participate in decision making on
where to build structures based on knowledge of the location of
active faults in the community.
Learning Competency:
At the end of the session, learners should be able to:
1. Explain how movements along faults generate earthquakes using illustrations.
2. Differentiate epicenter of an earthquake from its focus, and active and inactive
3. Establish a sense of responsibility and preparedness during earthquake.

II. Learning Content

A. Subject Matter: Earthquakes and Faults
 Concepts: Stars vary in color and temperature. Stars maybe blue, white, yellow,
orange, red and black in color.

 Process Skills: Observing, Communicating and Classifying

 Product: Learners produce color drawings of models of stars and candle flame

 Subject Integration: Reading and Arts

B. Reference:  Science 9, Quarter 3, Module 6, pp.4-6.
C. Materials: Reading script entitled “Denebola”, candles, matches, bond paper, marker,
crayons or colored pencils and instructional device

D. Teaching Approach: Inquiry Based Learning

 Teaching Strategy: 5E Model: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate
 Teaching Philosophy: Pragmatism

E. Value Focus: Appreciate the works of God through relating how useful the stars are

in everyday life.

III. Learning Procedures

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer 
b. Greetings
c. Class Attendance
d. Class Rules
e. Drill (ENGAGE)
- Learners will be going to sing and Dance of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
- Teacher will ask how is the song related to the present topic.
f. Presentation of Learning Objectives
g. Pre-Test- True or False (Thumbs Up or Down)
h. Motivation
- Students will have an oral reading of Denebola Script.

B. Developmental Activities
a. Presentation of the Lesson

1. Picture Analysis (EXPLORE)

- Teacher will show picture of stars and students will going to analyze it.

- The teacher discusses what does the star all about

- The teacher presents the different characteristics of stars.

2. Group Activity
- The teacher grouped the class into two groups for candle flame drawing.
- The students are given 5 minutes only to complete the task.
- The materials are given to each group.

- The teachers rated the group output through scoring rubric.

3. Group Presentation of Output (Explanation)

- Each group will choose one discussant for the presentation of output.

- The teacher praises students’ output and gives scores to every group.
- The teacher provides additional inputs regarding the group activity.

4. Elaboration of the Topic

- The teacher discusses the relationship between color and temperature of stars.

- The teacher shows illustration the different colors and temperatures of stars.

- The teacher group again the class into 2 groups with the same group that they
had in the first activity.

- Students will present their group output.

- Teacher scored the output and praised the output of the learners.

5. Generalization
- The teacher asks the following questions to the class:
 Who can explain the relationship between color and temperature of star?
 What do the color of stars mean?
6. Application and Valuing
- The teacher asks students how useful the stars are in everyday life.
- The teachers ask students to explain this phrase: No stars, no Sun, no Life.”
7. Evaluation:
- The teacher conducts 5- items post-test.
8. Assignment
- Make an advance research about constellation.

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