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Reported questions

Match the questions in direct speech with the sentences in reported speech.

A. Where will you live? 1. She asked if I had lived there.

B. Where do you live? 2. She asked where I had lived.

C. Do you live here? 3. She asked where I lived.

D. Where are you living? 4. She asked where I would live.

E. Where did you live before? 5. She asked where I would like
to live.
F. Where were you living? 6. She asked whether I was
going to live there.
G. Are you living here? 7. She asked if I could live there.

H. Will you live here? 8. She asked how long I had

lived there.
I. Are you going to live here? 9. She asked whether I was
living there.
J. Can you live here? 10. She asked if I would live
K. Have you lived here? 11. She asked where I was living.
L. How long have you been 12. She asked how long I had
living here? been living there.
M. How long did you live here? 13. She asked if I lived there.

N. Where would you like to live? 14. She asked where I had been

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