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I. What is the importance of family planning in community health?

(Maximum of
100 words)-10 points

Philippines is one of the most populated country in the world, evident by its
current ranking as 13th in terms of population encompassing 1.41% of the total
world population. This is one factor why we are struggling to combat the current
pandemic because there are families that have unbalance ratio of number of
family member to bedspace and does this kind of situation may lead to faster
transmission of communicable diseases not just the COVID-19. Moreover, family
planning also serves as prevention of health risks that may be experienced by the
mother during childbearing or after childbirth such as hypertension, gestational
diabetes, miscarriage, infections, and so on.

II. Choose five family planning methods discussed in the video and share some take-
aways (minimum of two per method)- 20 points


1 Fertility Awareness Method a. Abstinence is the most effective because it

means having no sexual intercourse so there is
lower chance of being pregnant. However, the
downside of this is the difficulty in compliance.

b. Another possible method under this is the

Calendar method, it is knowing what date when
or when not to have coitus. It is preferably use
by women with regular menses but those who
have irregular menses may also use this.

2 Coitus Interruptus a. It means you are going to interrupt the sexual

intercourse when the man is about to reach his
orgasm. In more simple words the man will be
withdrawing his penis from the vagina before
ejaculation occurs.

b. It is ineffective because some sperm are

already present in the pre-ejaculatory fluid. So,
during the sexual intercourse there is already a
fluid that comes out that could impregnate the

3 Condom a. It is very effective for it protects both couple

from Sexually Transmitted Diseases, however
there is decrease sensation and some have
allergy on latex.

b. It is not advisable to put the condom on the

wallet, pocket, or in the bag wherein it will be
expose to pressure and hot temperature because
this kind of environment could lead to tear
which is not preferable for the purpose of this

4 IUD a. This is another Barrier Method, it is 93-95%

effectivity and has a span of 5 years for its
effectivity in preventing conception.

b. There are two types of IUD, which are

Hormonal IUD and Copper IUD. The best time
to inset these IUDs is when the woman is
menstruating for it ensures that you are not
pregnant and the cervix is dilated therefore it is
not that painful to insert.

5 Pharmacologic Method a. There are what we call the Oral

contraceptives, minipills, subdermal implants,
and IM injections. In Oral contraceptives it has
an effectivity of 97%, it is combined estrogen
and progesterone that inhibits the release of
FSH, LH, and Ovum.

b. Oral Contraceptives are contraindicated for

woman that are smokers because it decreases
the effectivity of the pills and may cause a lot of
side effects, have Deep Ven Thrombosis,
Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes Mellitus,
Hypertension, and Estrogen dependent cancers.

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