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I. Highlights of the Reading which you think are related and/or most significant for marketing.

1. What do ou think is this reading's most important contribution of marketing? How can these ideas
and contentions be applied to your work environment?

- For me I think the most important contribution of marketing is the product, The product is refers to an
item, goods or services that is capableof satisfying the needs or wants of your customer. Product is
where your business lies on, you can not call it a business without the product, it depends on you what
product you want for your business, it helps you understand your customer's better in terms of what
product they like to buy from your business.

As a marketer, you need to know what product is more liked by your customer, or most sold by them,
because through their feedbacks about your product, you will know what you are going to add or what
you're going to reduce of your product.

- The second most important contribution of maeketing is the Consumers behavior, when we say
consumers behavior it is the study of consumers and the processes they use to choose, and dispose of
products and services, including consumers emotional, mental, and behavioral responses.

Studying consumer's behavior is important to marketing, because it helps marketers understand what
influences consumers buying decisions. By understanding how consumers decide on a product, they can
fill in the gap in the market and identify the products that are needed and the products that are
obsolete, by the help of consumers behavior it also help marketers to decide what are they going to do
on how they going to present their products in a way that generates a maximum impact on their
consumers, and through studying consumers behavior it is the key secret to reaching and engaging your
clients, and they will become your loyal customers.

II Critique

a. Do you agree or disagree with what you have highlighted from the reading?

- Yes I am agree with what I have highlighted from the readings I choose. The first one is The product,
Product is the centre of all marketing activities, without a product, marketing can not even be imaged.
Good products are the key to market success. Products are the means through which customers fulfill
their needs and wants, it serves as a medium through which business offers service to customer for
satisfying their requirements.
Example; In my experience I am using a skin care (Eskinol) it's just a kind of tonner that I applied into my
face, it dries up pimples and removes daek spots on my face, so I'm so satisfied with that product, so as
a customer I repeatedly buying this product because it satisfies me.

- In second reading that I have highlighted which is the Consumers behavior, By understanding how
buyers think, feel and decide, businesses can determine how best to market their products and services.
This helps marketers peredict how their customers will act, which aids in marketing existing products
and services.

Understanding buyers can help marketers connect with them and influence their behavior. This
approach to marketing is important today because in the competitive global market, personal
relationships can mean the difference between sales and wasted advertising dollars.

II. Reference

I. Highlights of the Reading which you think are related and/or most significant for marketing.

1. What do ou think is this reading's most important contribution of marketing? How can these ideas
and contentions be applied to your work environment?
- For me the most important contribution of planning and control in marketing, Marketing control is the
most important task of the marketing department of a company, it is a control for ensuring that the
marketing activities of company get directed towards it's marketing objective. According to Kotler
"Marketing control is the process of measuring and evaluating the results of marketing strategies and
plans and taking corrective action to ensure that marketing objectives are attained"

When you have a business it is important to have a plan. A good business plan not only helps
entrepreneur focus on the specific steps necessary for them to achieve short-term and long-term

- The second most important contribution of promotion in marketing is when you promote your
business. It is the time that your business is known. Promotion is an attempt by marketer to inform,
persuade or to remind consumers about your business, you can promote your business through
advertising, or make flyer or you can post it through social media.

II. Critique

a. Do you agree or disagree with what you have highlighted from the reading?

- Yes I am agree with what I have highlighted form the reading. The first one is Planning and control,
when you have a business it is important to think first what's good for your business, you need to have
more idea in running a business, the purpose of planning and control is to decide how you will sell your
product or services to consumer.

In marketing it is important to have a plan strategies because they make sales easier for any business
owners, when you target your ideal customer in a smarter way, you reduce the costs of marketing and
increase your chances of converting leads into sales.

- In second reading I xhoose, yes I am agree with it also. Promotion is an essential element and an
effective tool used by businesses and persuade the customer to buy the product and services on offer,
because without proper promotion, business would remain stagnant it would be difficult to generate
profit due to low visibility in the market.

In promoting your product you need to understand the needs of your target audience, determine the
objective and come up with your promotional message, you need to encourage your customer for them
to buy your product. Think about the people that you want to receive your promotion. It will be easier
to get your point across to your audience.

III. Reference


Lake Sebu South Cotabato

College Department



Submitted by: Sague, Rosemilyn Jane U.

Submitted to: Mr. Felicito Tabidad Jr. MBA, LPT.

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