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[ Waters BIOpHARMACEUTICAL ANALYSIS webinar 2022 ]

2nd June 2022 ■ 10:00 - 11:00am Singapore Time

Overcoming the Challenges in Biopharmaceutical Analysis with State-of

the-Art Premier Technology
As biopharmaceutical modalities gain its popularity, scientists often find themselves having
challenges to analyse increasingly complex biotherapeutics, ranging from peptides, monoclonal
antibodies, antibody drug conjugates, oligonucleotides, intact/recombinant proteins, glycans, lipid
nanoparticles in vaccines etc.

One of the main challenges lies in the presence of the phosphate and/or carboxylate groups and
some electron-rich functional groups. These groups have an affinity to metal surfaces and can bind
to any of these metal surfaces, causing unknown poor peak shapes, less than satisfactory
recoveries, and most importantly reproducibility problems. Passivation protocols are usually
long and tedious. When undesirable results are obtained, the time spent in troubleshooting
becomes a bottleneck in the research.

In the presentation, we will be covering various challenges faces in the analysis of such
biopharmaceutical applications. You will learn how to overcome them with the state-of-the-art
MaxPeak™ High Performance Surfaces technologies for column hardware and particle chemistry.
Tips on how to save your time in method development for some of these key applications will be

Don’t miss out on this informative webinar, where you will get to learn how to mitigate the pain-
points that you are facing in your bioseparation work! Register with the link now and attend the
webinar on 2 June 2022 to get the chance to unlock an exclusive discount on selected Waters
Chemistry Consumables.

Presented By: 
Jennifer Fournier
Director, Chemistry Product
Marketing of Waters Corporation


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