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Name: Tordillos, Jr. Teodoro C.


Section: BSED-SCI-2101 Date:

August 23, 2021

Problem Set No. 1

Temperature and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

I. Answer the following questions scientifically. Write your answer in red


1. What is the difference between heat, thermal energy and temperature?

Heat is the result of the transfer of energy to a lower temperature body originally
came from a body with a higher temperature. Thermal energy is the total amount of
kinetic energy that a particular object have in relation to its mass. Temperature is the
average kinetic energy of a system.

2. In terms of thermal energy, why does a bottle of soda left in the sun have a
higher temperature than one left in an ice chest?

It is because the molecules of the bottle of a soda is agitated due to the radiation
coming from the Sun so therefore there is a transfer of heat which resulted the bottle
of soda to have a higher temperature compare to the other.

3. Which has more thermal energy, a 5-kg bowling ball that has been resting on a
hot driveway for 4 hours on a 35 0C day, or the same bowling ball rolling down
a lane in an air-conditioned bowling alley? Explain.

It is the one on a hot driveway because although the other bowling ball gains heat
through some kind of friction still the amount of heat transfer is minimal as it is
located in an air-conditioned bowling alley. The first one was exposed to hot
temperature in a long time while the other one had just rolled down a lane for a
shorter amount of time so even there is a friction the heat gained by the bowling ball
is very tiny.

4. Why does your hand feel cool if you spill some alcohol on it?

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It is because the warm temperature of the hand transfers to the alcohol and then it
evaporates rapidly as you applied it to your hands leaving your hands together with
the warm temperature it absorbed which makes your hand feel cool.

5. Explain why poor conductors of heat are good insulators of heat.

The poor conductors of heat are good insulators of heat because they prevent the
transfer of heat from another system. It is the essence of being an insulator.

II. Temperature Conversion

Convert the following temperatures to the required unit. Show your
solution by either typing the solution or taking a picture of the solution and
pasting the picture in this document.

Convert the following to Fahrenheit

1) 10o C = 50° F

2) 30o C = 86° F

3) 40o C = 104° F

4) 37o C = 98.6° F

5) 0o C = 32° F

Convert the following to Celsius

6) 32o F = 0° C

7) 45o F = 7.22° C

8) 70o F = 21.11° C

9) 80o F = 26.67° C

10) 90o F = 32.22° C

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11) 212o F = 100° C

Convert the following to Kelvin

12) 0o C = 273.15° K

13) -50o C = 223.15° K

14) 90o C = 363.15° K

15) -20o C = 253.15° K

Convert the following to Celsius

16) 100o K = -173° C

17) 200o K = -73.15° C

18) 273o K = 0.15° C

19) 350o K = 76.85° C

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Montalbo_Thermo_1st Sem_2021-2022

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