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Discovering the Relationship between Law and School

Sebrina Smellie

College of Education, Grand Canyon University

Education Law: EAD- 505-0501

Professor Scott Mundell

September 7, 2022

Discovering the Relationship between Law and School

Principal’s Role

The principal’s main job is to adhere to the policies set forth by the school and the school

district. At the start of the career or even at the start of the school year, the principal should

review and understand school board policies, regulations, and rules. Mistakes can happen and

will be corrected by the superintendent, but habitual neglect should never occur. Knowing and

adhering to all the policies will prevent any disciplinary actions, lawsuits, or loss of jobs.

Principals’ primary intention should be to perform daily duties in accordance with the overall

vision, mission, and strategic plan to improve students’ academic success. The Professional

Standards for Educational Leaders: Standard Nine (2015) states, “Effective educational leaders

develop, advocate, and enact a shared mission, vision, and core values of high-quality education

and academic success and well-being of each student.”

Law in Broward County School District

The State Board of Education, Florida has rules and regulation that all school districts

must follow to achieve students’ highest achievement, skilled workforce, and efficient service.

The Florida constitution looks at general governance, students and parental rights, assessment

and accountability, scholarship fees and financial assistance, to name a few. The Board of

Educators rules and regulations must be followed by the school board. According to School Law

and the Public School (ESSEX, 2019) “The school board has a leading responsibility for

establishing high quality standards and system priorities centered on enhancing student

achievement.” All principals in Broward County Public School district should fully understand

and follow the rules and regulations regarding personnel, instructional programs, and students.

They should also be aware of the legal consequences for not adhering to rules and regulations in

the district. At the start of the school year the principal will provide the staff with the code of

ethics, contract and will be signed and followed in its entirety. Students and employees will be

furnished with a handbook that outlines the policies and procedures, they should sign that they

understand and agree to follow these policies, as well as be aware of the consequences.

Enacting Policy-based Decisions

Florida has a newly enacted “Parental Rights in Education Law” that protects gay

students. There is also a bill that limits how Florida schools and workplaces teach about races

and identity.

The principal will follow the disciplinary matrix and hold workshops, and mandatory

trainings for students, faculty, and staff to educate everyone. The school culture must be one that

is positive and welcoming to all. High standard and integrity should be displayed, for everyone

to emulate. Decisions and any adjustments should be communicated efficiently and effectively to

all stakeholders. Compassion, empathy will be shown, and a positive relationship will be

established. All this for the overall growth and development of the institution and the

improvement of academic success in students. The principal will ensure that the best instruction

is delivered, and teachers follow the curriculum. Assessment will be given to students, progress

monitoring, response to intervention, accommodations and lesson modifications to exceptional

students and English speakers of other languages (ESOL) students, and teachers are held

accountable for their data and instructional delivery


Health and Safety

The principal should ensure that Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA

Act) is followed, to ensure a safe school environment. Administration will engage in frequent

drills and ensure that elevators and security cameras are services and up-to-date. The school

atmosphere should be one that is free from racial discrimination, bullying, violence, crimes,

drugs. Good manners, proper etiquette and dress code will be displayed, kindness and

compassion shown to all. The school environment should be clean and accident free.

Legal Consequence

Administrators who fail to comply with school district rules, regulations, and policies will

face legal consequences. The Broward County School district main goal is to ensure that students

feel safe, and parent can trust that their children are in the best environment. Teachers leave their

homes wanting to know that they are values and respected. Principals and administrators may be

fined, transferred, face imprisonments, written reprimands, verbal/oral/written warnings,

demotion, termination of contracts or suspensions, depending on the severity of the actions.

Administrators may also be asked to enroll in professional advancement or trainings to improve

on future decision-making. “Progressive discipline may include, but is not limited to, informal

discussion, oral warning, written warning, written reprimand, enrollment in professional skills

enhancement programs, suspension without pay, demotion, change in contract status or

termination of employment.” (



Leaders_2015.pdf. (n.d.).

ESSEX, N. A. T. H. A. N. L. (2019). School law and the public schools: A practical guide for

educational leaders. PEARSON. (n.d.).


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