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10/10/22, 16:20 Task 3 - It is time to listen - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

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Página Principal / Cursos / INGLÉS IV - (90170A_1144) / Evaluation / Task 3 - It is time to listen - Evaluation Quiz

Comenzado el Monday, 10 de October de 2022, 15:37

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Monday, 10 de October de 2022, 16:19
Tiempo 41 minutos 57 segundos
Puntos 7,0/15,0
Calificación 42,0 de 90,0 (47%)
Comentario - Let's continue practicing.

Pregunta 1
Answer the question according to the audio:
When are facts, spelling, and grammar revised in the texts?
Puntúa 0,0
sobre 1,0

a. Before being printed by the press.

b. Prior to be sent to production.

c. After editing process is finished.  1/7
10/10/22, 16:20 Task 3 - It is time to listen - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 2
According to the audio...
Neil (podcaster) is not convinced and worried because:
Puntúa 1,0
sobre 1,0

a. Youngsters are watching over their smartphones.

b. All the time youngsters are looking at their screens.

c. Youngsters are cutting off expositions to smartphones.

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Pregunta 3 Listen and complete each sentence or question with verbs in the future perfect tense.
      5. Hopefully, we _______ _______ _________ enough money by the time we retire.
Puntúa 1,0
sobre 1,0

a. are not saved

b. will have saved

c. will save

Pregunta 4
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.         
The father would use it as a way to escape Hollywood´s world. “It” refers to:
Puntúa 1,0
sobre 1,0

a. boat

b. plane

c. motorcycle 2/7
10/10/22, 16:20 Task 3 - It is time to listen - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 5
Answer the following questions according to audio:                             
What was the aunt´s gif?
Puntúa 0,0
sobre 1,0

a. a pair of new shoes.

b. a dog.

c. a cat.
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Pregunta 6 Answer the following questions according to audio:                                         

What was the pet´s name?
Puntúa 0,0
sobre 1,0

a. footwear.

b. slipper.

c. cat. 3/7
10/10/22, 16:20 Task 3 - It is time to listen - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 7
Complete each space, use only one word.
A new 1. _______ shows what life might be like 100 years from now. 
Puntúa 1,0
sobre 1,0 There will be 2. _______ bubble cities, and holidays in space.

They said the way we live, work, and play will be 3. ________ different. 

The Internet has revolutionized the way we 4. _________.

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a. 1. communicate

2. totally

3. report

4. underwater

b. 1. report

2. underwater

3. totally

4. communicate

Pregunta 8
Listen and complete each sentence or question with verbs in the future perfect tense.
      10. _______ the boys _______ _________ enough practice by the time the season begins?
Puntúa 1,0
sobre 1,0

a. will have

b. will have had

c. have had 4/7
10/10/22, 16:20 Task 3 - It is time to listen - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 9
Answer the question according to the audio:
How is prevented that the paper from being damaged?
Puntúa 1,0
sobre 1,0

a. By applying good tension to the rollers.

b. By tearing or wrinkling the paper.

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c. By having the press working adequately.

Pregunta 10 Answer the question according to the audio:

Why did the man have to help his mother with the shopping?
Puntúa 0,0
sobre 1,0

a. There were no Colombian people living near her.

b. There wasn’t always someone to go shopping with her.

c. There were no Colombian working in the stores

Pregunta 11 Listen to the audio and choose the best option according to the statement:
Which of the following was not mentioned in the audio.
Puntúa 0,0
sobre 1,0

a. 3D printers will be helping to daily life.

b. People will be cooking their own food.

c. Users will be designing their own sofas. 5/7
10/10/22, 16:20 Task 3 - It is time to listen - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 12
Answer the question according to the audio:
What does the last prediction refer to?
Puntúa 0,0
sobre 1,0

a. Nutrition.

b. Education.

c. Politics.
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Pregunta 13 Answer the question according to the audio:

What do experts say about the changes?
Puntúa 0,0
sobre 1,0

a. They will be occurring in a predictable way.

b. They will be bringing surprises.

c. They will not be happening very soon.

Pregunta 14 Answer the following questions according to audio:                               

In this context, piling up is _______________
Puntúa 1,0
sobre 1,0

a. gossip

b. interact

c. accumulate 6/7
10/10/22, 16:20 Task 3 - It is time to listen - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 15
Answer the question according to the audio:
Why will people be traveling to space?
Puntúa 0,0
sobre 1,0

a. To spend their leisure and relax time.

b. To plant unavailable elements on the earth.

c. To keep safe from food illnesses.

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