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Name _______________________________

Listening and speaking

1 Listen and number the pictures. CD3
a b c d e
Qui c kTi me™ a nd a
Qui c kTi me™ a nd a dec om pre ssor
dec om pre ssor a re ne e de d t o se e t hi s pi ct ure .
a re ne e de d t o se e t hi s pi ct ure .

f g h i j
Qui c kTi me™ a nd a
dec om pre ssor
a re ne e de d t o se e t hi s pi ct ure .

2 Look and answer. Then ask.

Name _______________________________

Vocabulary and grammar

3 Look and write. Write the verbs in 6–10 in the Past Simple.
1 2 3 4 5
Qui c kTi me™ a nd a
dec om pre ssor
a re ne e de d t o se e t hi s pi ct ure .

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________

6 7 8 9 10
Qui c kTi me™ a nd a
dec om pre ssor
a re ne e de d t o se e t hi s pi ct ure .

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

4 Complete.
1 2 3 4
Qui c kTi me™ a nd a
dec om pre ssor
a re ne e de d t o se e t hi s pi ct ure .

   
The Romans They _____________
didn’t run She ______________ She ______________
wore tunics to school. at the bus stop. a kite.
5 6 7 8
Qui c kTi me™ a nd a
dec om pre ssor
a re ne e de d t o se e t hi s pi ct ure .

   
They _____________ He _______________ She ______________ They _____________
___________ a letter. a pen. a film. pizza.
5 Write the questions and answers.

1 What ________________? 3 Who _________________? 5 Where _______________?

2 I _____________ a T-shirt. 4 I ______________ a friend. 6 I ____________ to London.
Name _______________________________

Reading and writing

6 Read and write T (True) or F (False).

Becca’s teacher gave her a History 1 Becca had an Art project. _____
project. It was about clothes 100 years 2 The project was about clothes. _____
ago. She needed information. She looked
3 Women wore trousers 100 years ago. _____
on the Internet. She discovered lots of
things. Women wore long dresses and 4 Alfie and Poppy made the clothes. _____
hats. Men wore jackets and trousers. 5 Becca took a photo with her mobile phone.
She made the clothes. Her mum helped _____
her. They were great.
6 There was a problem with the photo. _____
Then she wanted a photo. Alfie and
7 Becca wanted an aeroplane in her photo.
Poppy were her models. They wore the
clothes. They smiled and Becca took the _____
photo with her digital camera. But there 8 Becca edited the photo. _____
was a problem. There was an aeroplane
in the sky. They didn’t have aeroplanes
like that 100 years ago. But Becca had a
good idea. She changed the photo with
her laptop. The aeroplane disappeared!

7 Write a diary entry about last Saturday. Answer the questions and
follow the instructions.
1 Did you have a good time last Saturday? 4 and 5 What did you do?
(Write two sentences)
2 Where did you go?
6 Give some extra information.
3 Who did you meet?









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