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Briana Franco COIR 1-B

Ideal Home office

1. hardware and software


 Desktop computer
 Mouse
 Keyboard
 Webcam
 Flash drives


 Google Chrome (open source program for accessing the World Wide Web and running Web-based applications like
Facbook, Messenger, Emails, YouTube, and more.)
 Zoom or Google Meet (For video conference purposes.)
 Microsoft Software
 Grammarly (a typing assistant that reviews spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity, engagement, and delivery
mistakes in text.)
2. equipment other than a computer

 Notebook
 Books
 Pens and pencils
 Webcam
 Calculator
 Note pads or sticky notes
 Measuring Tools

3. Furniture

 Table
 Office chair
 Cabinets
 Chandelier
 Book shelf
 Plant stand

4. other essentials needed

 Memory board
 Desk lamp
 Printer
 Storage boxes

5. location within home

a space adjacent to the master bedroom

6. Identify and draw layout design

II. Discuss the reason for your choices in number 1.
I decided that my older cousin would be the ideal person for my home office sketch. His name is Kien Franco and he is an
Engineer. In the Villa Angela subdivision, my manong Kien built his new house successfully. So that he can work
comfortably when he arrives, I designed this ideal home office layout for him. The master bedroom is next to this office.
For me, it's convenient, and if he gets tired or exhausted while working, it's not far from his bedroom. As you can see from
my drawing, the study table is facing a sizable window, which will allow for good air ventilation in the space. He can see
the garden of the home when he looks out the window. I believe that because it is surrounded by greenery, he will
experience calmness and peace. I compiled a list of the supplies his office ought to contain. The possible tools that an
engineer can use while working include the desktop computer, calculator, measuring tools, and more.

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