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Cross-Cultural Management


Lecturer: Phan Hoàng Hà

Name: Trần Thị Tây Thi Student ID: SS160678 Class: IB1710

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Important Facts 3

Analysis 3,4

Characteristics 4

Influence 4

What information is important to understand 4

about culture

They What we need to know 4

Conclusion 5


Vietnam is a special country with a history of more than 4000 years, going through so many dynasties
along with the domination of larger countries, that has created unique cultures in the economy of
Vietnam. The following essay will present some special events that have had a profound impact on
the Vietnamese economy on the basis of recognized grounds. Along with an analysis of the
characteristics of business culture in Vietnam and its influence.

What significant events have affected each country?

In 179 BC, Vietnam now called Au Lac was invaded by Trieu Da, opening the 1000-year period
under Northern domination:
There were many changes in economic culture such as:
● Taking agriculture as the In the center, some iron tools are more commonly used in livestock
and farming. - (Phan Ngoc Lien. et al (2002), History 10, p.81, Vietnam Educational
Publishing House)
● Iron forging technique was more developed than before BC. Some crafts were formed such as
paper making, and glass making,... - (Phan Ngoc Lien et al (2002), History 10, p.81, Vietnam
Education Publishing House)
● During this period, Buddhism was introduced to Vietnam from India via the Maritime Silk
Road, while Taoism and Confucianism spread to Vietnam through Chinese rule. Wikimedia
projects, C., 2002. History of Vietnam - Wikipedia. <History of Vietnam - Wikipedia>.

The period of economic renewal after the anti-American resistance war (1975), was divided into two
Subsidy period (1976-1985):
● They were initially forming a new economic structure, mainly industry and agriculture.
However, the weaknesses in the economy have not been overcome. The goal of stabilizing the
socio-economic situation has not yet been achieved. - (Phan Ngoc Lien et al (2002), History
12, p.206, Vietnam Education Publishing House)
Economic innovation (1986-2000):
● The Party advocated abolishing the centralized economic management mechanism, and
bureaucratic subsidizing. Establishing a market mechanism. Forming a structure of many
industries, sizes, and technology levels, expanding international relations, and learning
experiences from more developed countries. - (Phan Ngoc Lien et al (2002), History 12,
p.214, Vietnam Education Publishing House)

Analysis (characteristics and influence)

Characteristics of business culture:

Northern domination
● Since agriculture is mainly agriculture, it has built a virtue in Vietnam's business culture that
is: industriousness and hard work.
● The formation of the handicraft industry and craftsmanship embodying the virtues of
meticulousness and ingenuity in business.
● The introduction of Buddhism has created the virtues of Vietnam's business culture such as
promoting honesty, credibility, and healthy competition.
Post-war nation-building period:

● The post-war recovery period showed our country's culture of adaptability and advancement
in business, through things like letting go of outdated policies and learning to Ask for
experience from developed countries.
● Besides, we can see the solidarity of the Vietnamese people when going through difficult

The influence on the country:

● Doing business based on the country's culture contributes to creating core values, forming
corporate cultures based on good cultures, and contributing to the country's sustainable
● Since the country entered the renovation period, the country's business culture had promoted
its spirit when many businesses initially entered the international market, adapting to the
global competitive environment. Contributing to the economic development of the country. -
GS, Dr. Tu Thi Loan. “Corporate Culture With Sustainable Development Of The Country.”,
doanh-nghiep-voi-su-phat-trien-ben-vung -cua-dat-nuoc.aspx.>
As international managers, what information is important
to understanding about culture?
Every culture has a unique and different way of showing respect to the culture. This will help
create harmonious relationships and avoid conflicts. These types of relationships foster an
environment of trust, understanding, teamwork, open communication, and cooperation.

It is necessary to define the management style associated with the country, in Vietnam people
value the collective rather than the individual. Therefore, it is necessary to have activities to
unite the team to create a harmonious working environment. In Vietnam, respecting
competition must be fair, based on that culture, we can promote the creativity of employees
on the scale of fair competition, without discrimination.

What do we need to know to do business successfully in the

Need to learn about business culture in Vietnam, we can learn through people, books, and
newspapers. Knowing about business culture is important because it directly affects our
business. Many business activities are affected by culture, for example, some garment
industries, and agriculture.

It is necessary to respect and promote the culture in business. Should keep a virtue of honesty,
progress, and diligence. Maintaining culture will directly affect your business, as it will shape
your company culture.

The country's business culture is an indispensable and important part of Vietnam. Because
they were formed through many different historical periods and have been preserved and
promoted to this day. Business culture contributes to building a distinction in the country's
economy and economic development. So we need to continue to preserve and promote it.
Reference list

● Phan Ngoc Lien. et al (2002), History 10, p.81, Vietnam Educational Publishing House
● Wikimedia projects, C., 2002. History of Vietnam - Wikipedia. <History of Vietnam -
● Phan Ngoc Lien. et al (2002), History 12, p.206, Vietnam Education Publishing House
● Phan Ngoc Lien. et al (2002), History 12, p.214, Vietnam Education Publishing House
● Prof., Dr. Tu Thi Loan. “Corporate Culture With Sustainable Development Of The Country.”,
doanh-nghiep-voi-su-phat-trien-ben-vung -cua-dat-nuoc.aspx.>

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