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Nicodemus, Koby Bryan T.

Reaction paper
AI is Not Magic: It’s Time to Demystify and Apply

Many films and television programs have featured the wonder and unexpected uses of
artificial intelligence. (Artificial Intelligence) has evolved throughout time. A.I. is complicated by
nature and even by the name. is seen by people either with intrigue or trepidation because to
its perplexing reputation. Due to artificial intelligence, its developers and designers have been
dubbed "wizards" due to its cutting-edge capabilities and futuristic uses. as a potent innovation.
But rather than studying AI. In order to demonstrate its powers and wide-ranging uses, this
remarkable technology must be unveiled from its make-believe coverings.
John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky, two prominent persons who played key roles in the
development of artificial intelligence, initially conceptualized or extensively introduced the idea
of artificial intelligence in 1956. People used to be scared by the idea of artificial intelligence
back then. because it was a new field and idea. Wading through uncharted waters may be
extremely perilous and unsafe since it can result in a variety of issues that have far-reaching
negative implications for society. A.I. is essential, much like having an online strategy was in the
2000s. is an important element in the current world because of the unlimited possibilities for its
uses. A.I. can now effectively carry out several tasks that were formerly performed by people in
the disciplines of engineering, medical, business, manufacturing, economics, and many more.
As a result, this invention has the potential to significantly change and advance the globe. to
make use of A.I. We must accept that its use and integration into our systems are inevitable and
must be maximized.
The amount of data produced today, by both humans and machines, considerably
exceeds the capacity of humans to comprehend, understand, and base complex decisions on
that data. All computer learning is based on artificial intelligence, which is also the future of all
complicated decision-making. As the world continues to advance, it is crucial that we
strengthen and enhance our knowledge of this developing technology so that we can effectively
manage it. Additionally, in order for us to be able to innovate it any further, we must be able to
accept and feel at ease with its usage. Indeed, with artificial intelligence, we have the power to
influence the future and improve the quality of life for countless future generations.

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