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Computer Hardware

1.What are the most important input devices available today?

-The most common input devices are the keyboard, mouse, and touch screen. Portable
keyboard, wireless mouse, and iPhone.

2.What factors do you think should be considered when selecting an input device?
- USER NEEDS this is the urgency of use of the device in the computer room by users
also whether it will satisfy the needs of the user.

-INITIAL COST the amount it can cost when buying/purchasing the devices
MAINTENANCE COST the amount that can be used to maintain the servicing of these
devises should be considered

-MODE OF TRANSMISSION how will you transport them to the computer room should
be considered

-AMOUNT OF SPACE IT OCCUPIESthe size of the room to be used in setting the

computer room and the devices should be considered if it adequate


devices in the room alreadyUSER

-FRIENDLINESSwhether the devices will be used to solve problems and easy to be used
by users

3. Name the output devices available today. Which do you think is in most common use?
Why? Do you think that this device will remain the most popular over the next ten
years? Why or why not?

-Projector,Speakers,Headphones,Sound Card,Video Card,-smartphones are the most

common used output device and it can be input as well.yes it will be the most popular
outpu device for the next ten year,because it is the part of life of many human living in
the world it can be use as in socializing using social media and you can contact your love

4.What are the three components of the central processing unit? What role does each play
in the processing of information?

1. -Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)

2. Control Unit (CU)
3. Registers
Let’s see why we need them each.

ALU contains circuits that do arithmetic and logic operations.

CU contains circuits that fetch an instruction from memory, decode it and pass the
instruction to ALU, Registers, RAM or I/O depending upon what the instruction is.

Registers are memory storage often named as immediate memory and they assist ALU
and CU in different operations.

For example, During an addition operation if there is intermediate value, it may be stored
to one of the registers called accumulator register.

Similarly, stack pointer register may be used to keep track of a program when a call to a

sub-routine or function is made.

Program counter or instruction counter register may help CU find the address of next

instruction during the execution of a program.

Status or flag register may contain the status of certain operation. For example, if an

addition operation results in carry, the carry bit in flag register may turn ON.

If you’re programming computer in Assembly language you got to get good knowledge

of registers and you may not need it if you’re programming in a high level language.

5.What are the three characteristics of memory?

- three major processes involved in memory: encoding, storage, and retrieval.

6.How are data stored on magnetic tape? What information processing task lend
themselves to this type of storage?

-In magnetic tape only one side of the ribbon is used for storing data. It is sequential
memory which contains thin plastic ribbon to store data and coated by magnetic oxide.
Data read/write speed is slower because of sequential access. It is highly reliable which
requires magnetic tape drive writing and reading data.

7. How do magnetic disks store information?What are the advantages and disadvantages
of this type of storage device?

-They store data in the form of magnetized spots in adjacent circular tracks on the surface
of a metal cylinder. The magnetic disk is less valuable to data corruption due to careless
handling. Due to random access property, a magnetic disk is often used by multiple users
as a shared device. Floppy disk and another is to be zip disk is also easily portable from
one place to another. They are used for the transfer of data.

8. Name the three types of optical discs.

-There are three main types of optical media: CD, DVD, and Blu-ray disc. CDs can store
up to 700 MB (megabytes) of data, and DVDs can store up to 8.4 GB (gigabytes) of data.
Blu-ray discs, which are the newest type of optical media, can store up to 50 GB of data

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