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The table shows data about enery consumption in Australia, Japan, The USA in year 2000 and the

proportion of increase in energy comsumptio as compareed with the year 1999. At first, the table
compares the six network in term of industry, transport and other, then total it. It was clear to see that
The USA was the country which have the highest energy comsumed in all three fields with, much more
than comsuption energy of two other. Typical to mention: inductry was 420 higher than one of
Japan(159)and Australia(36) , transport was 565, other was 435 and total of all was up to 1420 while
that of Japan and Australia took turn only reaching 403 and 92. However, the rate of increase from 1999
to 2000 of using energy of The USA was lowest than three country, example increase of industry of The
USA was 0.9% but that of Japan was 39% (the highest) and that of Australia was 28%. In short, the US
has the highest energy consumption, but has the smallest growth rate in Japan and Australia, while
having less consumption, has a very high growth rate.

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