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Content Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text
types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use
strategies in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing communication public
speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.

Performance Standard

The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of
persuasive techniques and devices
Learning Competencies

EN10LC-Ib-4: Determine the implicit and explicit signals, verbal, as well as non-
verbal, used by the speaker to highlight significant points

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:

• Identify implicit and explicit signals, verbal, as well as non-verbal used by the
speaker using a T chart; and
• Show implicit and explicit signals through differentiated activities; and
• Discuss the importance of implicit and explicit signals in communication through
a 200-word essay
II. Subject Matter

Topic: Implicit and Explicit signals


- English Grade 10 Learning module


Skills: Reading, Listening and Writing Skills

Instructional Aids: PPT, manila paper, pilot pens, spinning wheel, cartolina, illustration

III. Procedures

Teacher Students

Preliminary Activities
Good afternoon students!
Good afternoon, too, teacher!
I am Teacher Jenipe and I’m glad to see you
today. How are you class?

We’re good maam. We’re happy

to see you too.
Very good! It’s awesome to see you all full of
energy and enthusiasm in the middle of the day.

Now before anything else, let us pray. ___,

please lead the prayer.
(Student goes to the front)

For those who are Catholics, make

a sign of the cross. In the name of
the Father, the Son and the Holy

I pray today that you grant us

wisdom, knowledge and
understanding. Increase our
capacity, Lord, as we learn. Give
us understanding, Oh God, that we
will be able to grasp whatever is
being taught. May what we receive
today be beneficial to our growth
and development. Amen.
Secretary in this class, please give me the names
of our absentees for today and give it to me after
the end of our class, okay?
Yes maam.
Before we will start our lesson, let us do an
energizer to boost our energy for today’s session.
Are you ready?
Yes maam!

Please stand up.

(Students are standing)

Okay, now the title of this energizer is” Do the

Opposite!”. We have 2 pairs of code, namely jump
and clap, left and right. As depicted in the title of
this energizer, when I say jump, you will clap. If I
say left, you will move to the right and if I say right,
you will move to the left. Okay, are you ready?

Yes maam!

Now students, jump!

*Students clap their hands*
*Students jump*
*Students jump*
* Students move to the left*
Left! * Students move to the right*

Jump! *Students clap their hands*

Jump! *Students clap their hands*

*Students move to the right

*Students move to the left
*Students jump*

Please take your seats. Alright! Let’s give

ourselves a barangay clap.

(Sitting down)

(Students are clapping)

At this point, let me present our 3 Golden

classroom rules. Please read them aloud.

1. Use polite speech and body

2. Pay attention, participate
and ask questions.
3. Cellphones and other
personal devices must be
used only when necessary.

You will lose points if you will not follow our rules.
Are we clear?
Yes maam!

Alright! Now, I have here your names and I

already grouped you into 3. Please listen as I will
read the members of each group.

Group 1

Alcasid, Vernalie G.

Bendanillo, Ashley S.

Remotigue, Abbygel B.

Salagunting, Jasmen Ashley

Larot, Jarred P.

Lucero, Jochua P.

Benida, Christine Jay A.

Dalam, Christine L.

Omas, Gerly C.

Group 2.

Gargar, Jolbert B.

Gargar, Jhon Reyld P.

Larot, Jarred P.

Lucero, Jochua P.

Molcjon, Leah Joy G.

Alcasid, Rolben G.

Barcenal, Iney A.

Tonggos, Rosie M.

Tumindog, Jayson S.

Group 3.

Sagayno, C-sha Eeve A.

Santa Maria, Riezel Janc S.

Vente, Kim Andrey

Laraño, Gilbert Hel John S.

Laraño, John Lester G.

Gaspar, Chrysthyl M.

Hasim, Alviejar J.

Zamora, Mark Lorence T.

Bucol, Joshua

Each group should select a leader and a

secretary. Now, go to your groupmates and
please be quiet.
(Students go to their respective

Let me present to you your scoring board. Every

time you participate and give correct answers, I
will give you points. Violation to our classroom
rules, your points will be deducted. And at the end
of the session, the group who obeyed the
classroom rule will receive special points. Is that

Yes maam, of course!

That’s the spirit! So do your utmost best.

A. Review

At this point, who can recall the last lesson?

Our last lesson was about

intensifiers and emphatic tense.
That's great. Now what is an intensifier?

Yes, go ahead.

Intensifiers are adverbs or

adverbial phrases that strengthen
the meaning of other expressions
and show emphasis.
Exactly! Intensifiers give additional emotional
context to the word it modifies.

How about emphatic tense?

Yes, go on. Maam!

Emphatic tenses are used to

express emotive or contrastive
emphasis in present and past

Great job! Now do you have any questions

regarding our previous lesson? None maam.

Great, now let’s proceed to our lesson for today.

B. Motivation


Now, our activity is called “Guesstures”. You will

answer the riddles with the help of your
representative. I will let the representative know
the answer of the riddle but they are forbidden to
say it because they only have to act it out to help
you. Is that clear?
Yes maam!
Now, choose your group representative.

(Each group choosing their


Alright. Now, stand here in front, and the other

members must gather around.

(Representatives are in front)

We have a total 5 riddles, 3 riddles for easy worth

10 points each and 2 riddles for difficult worth 30
points each in your incentive chart. Each riddle
will last for 40 seconds and the groups must
guess the correct within the allotted time or else,
the riddle will be expired. The first group to
answer first will receive the point. The group with
the greatest number of correct guessed riddles
Yes maam!
will win! Is that clear?

Now let’s do Riddle 1! Representatives, please

gather here.

(Representatives know the answer of riddle

number 1)

Alright, the riddle is “What gets wet while drying?”

Representatives help your groupmates by acting


(Representatives are acting out the riddle) (Students are thinking and
guessing the answer)

Maam! The answer is towel!

Wow, that’s correct. 1 point to group ____.

(Students are clapping their hands)

Now, Riddle 2! Representatives, please gather


(Representatives know the answer of riddle

number 2)

Alright, the riddle is “What building has the most


(Representatives are acting out the riddle)

(Students are thinking and
guessing the answer)

Maam! The answer is library!

That’s great! Library because it has a lot of books.

The point goes to group____.
(Students are clapping their hands)

Alright, let’s have the last riddle for easy round.

Riddle 3! Representatives, please gather here.

(Representatives know the answer of riddle

number 3)

Alright, the riddle is “What gets shorter as it grows

(Students are thinking and
(Representatives are acting out the riddle)
guessing the answer)

Maam! The answer is a candle!

Good job! Group ___ got the correct answer.

Don’t worry you still have last 2 riddles under

difficult category worth 30 points each in your
incentive chart.
Let’s have riddle number 1 for difficult round.

What goes all around the world but stays in a


(Representatives are acting out the riddle)

(Students are thinking and
guessing the answer)

Maam! The answer is a stamp!

Fantastic! A stamp because all passports have

stamp. Group ____ got the correct answer!

Let’s have the next riddle. “Who has married

many people but has never been married

(Representatives are acting out the riddle)

(Students are thinking and
guessing the answer)

Maam! The answer is a priest!

Splendid. Group ___ got the correct answer. (Students are clapping their hands)

Job well done students. Let’s do a Dionesia clap.

1.2.3 Very Good, Very Good, Very

That’s great everyone! You really did your best.
Now the team with the greatest number of
guessed riddles is Group…….. Congratulations.
As of now, you garnered *** points. Keep it up!


Now students, how did you find the activity?

It was challenging maam!

Why was it challenging?

Because we have to guess the

answer of the riddle by looking at
the gestures of our representative.

What have you observed in our activity?

In our activity, I have observed that

in order to guess the riddle, we
have to pay attention to the facial
gestures, hand signals and other
cues of our representative.
Very good. Do you think it would be easier if your
representative is allowed to immediately tell you
the answer? Yes maam. If only our
representative is allowed to say the
answer directly, we would have
given the answer in less than a
Exactly! That was actually the twist and the most
fun part. Now, do you agree that action speaks
louder than words?

Yes, go ahead.

I believe that actions speak louder

than words. Because words alone
are sometimes not enough to
express our thoughts. Actions play
a vital role in clear communication.

Exactly! Sometimes a message’s original

meaning gets lost in the translation between
thought and the act of communicating it. We
communicate with so much more than words. The
way we talk and the gestures we make will help
us to convey our messages.
For me maam, actions would make
words clearer. In order for us to
understand each other, we must
make use not only with words but
also with actions.

Definitely! Now that game actually gives us a hint

of our topic for today. What do you think it is?

Explicit and implicit signals!

Very Good! Our topic is all about Explicit and

implicit signals! Now let’s know first our learning
objectives. Group 1, read number 2. Group 2,
read number 2. And Group 3, read number 3.
Group 1:

Identify implicit and explicit

signals, verbal, as well as non-
verbal used by the speaker using
a T chart; and

Group 2:

Show implicit and explicit signals

through role play; and

Group 3:

Discuss the importance of implicit

and explicit signals in
communication through a 200-
word essay.

Can you attain these objectives?

Yes maam!
Vocabulary Development
At this point, let us unlock some difficult terms
first that you will encounter in our lesson. I will
give you the definition and within your group you
will choose a word from the box that best fits the
definition. You have to raise your hand if you
want to answer. The first group to answer will
receive points.

to kill violently
morally bad; wicked
a fighting knife
cause (an offense) to seem less serious
the expression of formal disapproval

Censure Extenuate

Vile Slew Dagger

Are you ready?

Yes maam!

Now, what word best fits the definition “to turn,

twist, or swing about”

(Group ___ raises their hands)

Yes, what word?

Slew maam.

Very Good. Slew means to turn, twist, or swing

about. Next! “morally bad; wicked”.
(Group ___ raises their hands)

What’s your answer?

The answer is vile maam.

Fantastic. Vile means extremely evil. How about

the next definition “a fighting knife”.
The answer maam is a dagger!

Great! Dagger is similar to a knife but this is used

for fighting. Next, “cause (an offense) to seem
less serious”.
The answer is extenuate.

Correct! Next “the expression of formal


The answer is censure maam!

Exactly, renowned means popular or well known.

Alright, group got ____ points. Barangay clap

(Barangay clap)


Let us now learn what are explicit and implicit

signals. But first, what is communication?
Communication is the act of
sending and receiving information.

Exactly, now successful communication occurs

when there is understanding. Do you think we can
communicate with words only? Or with actions
only? Or both?

Yes, go ahead.

We can communicate using words

or actions only but they may cause
communication to fail. I believe, in
communication, verbal and
nonverbal must be used for better

Wow, definitely. Sometimes a message's original

meaning gets lost in the translation between
thought and the act of communicating it. That is
why learning how to communicate effectively
helps you maintain healthy relationships, resolve
conflicts peacefully, excel in school, and
eventually get and keep jobs.

To communicate effectively we use signals such

as explicit and implicit signals. What is an explicit
Explicit signals are clear and direct.
Basically, anything someone tells
you in clear language is explicit.

Very Good. Explicit means direct and clearly

stated. Under explicit signal is verbal signal.
Verbal signal refers to communication that uses
words whether spoken or written. Now who can
give me examples of explicit signals?


Examples of explicit signals are

traffic signs, road signages and
when I say something direct like, “I
am mad”.

Wow, very good. What you mentioned were just

some examples, we actually have a lot. When I
say, “The red sauce is spicy”, is it explicit?
Yes maam!

Why do you say so?

Because you directly stated that

the red sauce is spicy and I easily
understood what you meant.

Exactly! Explicit signals are easy to spot actually.

Always remember that when something is directly
stated and the meaning can easily be understood,
that is?
Explicit signal!

Great job! Now explicit signal has a sibling and

that is implicit signal. What is implicit signal?


Yes, go on.

Implicit signals mean not directly

stated and we have to pay attention
to visual cues to better understand
the information.

Yes, implicit signals will cause you to think about

what has been spoken or shown. Now when I
wave my hand to you, what will you do?

Wave back maam.

Why did you wave back?

Because when someone waves at

us it is a form of greeting.

Exactly, I didn’t use words but you were able to

grasp what I mean. I used my body movements
and smiled for you to know that I’m glad to see
you. Explicit signals "give off" messages through
gestures, body language, facial expressions, tone
and vocal qualities, and eye contact. Thus, the
message is not directly stated but it is implied or
hinted. It also helps clarify meanings of words. Do
you get what implicit signals are?
Yes maam!

Great. Always remember that when it uses words

and it is directly stated, it is explicit. If it makes use
of visual cues, it is implicit. Do you have any
questions? None maam.

Since none, I believe you are ready for our


In this activity you will identify implicit and explicit

signals used by the speaker using a T chart.

Create your T-Chart on the manila paper

provided. I will also give you a printed copy of the
speech as a guide and with the rubrics.

After playing the video, you must finish the T-

Chart within 3 minutes. Choose a representative
to elaborate your output. The first group to finish
must do some yells or claps and will receive
points. Is that clear? Yes maam!

The video we are going to watch is the speech of

Brutus to Ceasar. Do their names ring a bell?
No maam, we haven’t heard their
names yet.
Marcus Brutus, Roman general, one of the
conspirators in the fiction of Shakespeare's Julius
Caesar. Brutus betrayed Ceasar by killing him.
Did you know why?
No maam.
That’s what you will discover in his speech. Pay
attention to how Brutus deliver his speech. Are
you ready?
Yes maam!

(Students are watching the video)

*After the video*

Alright, at this point, create your T-Chart

identifying the implicit and explicit signals. I’ll give
you 2 minutes to do that.

(After 2 minutes)

Times up, let’s have our first presenter.

*1st presenter* As shown in our T-
Chart, Brutus used the following
explicit signals:

Brutus used the following implicit


Very Good. And so happy to see your T-Chart
clean and organized. Let’s give them a let’s go
clap! Let’s go

Let’s have our next presenter.

*2nd presenter* As shown in our T-

Chart, Brutus used the following
explicit signals:

Brutus used the following implicit


Great job Group 2. You were able to list down the

explicit and implicit signals. Now, our last
*3rd presenter* As shown in our T-
Chart, Brutus used the following
explicit signals:

Brutus used the following implicit

Wow you all did your best. Let’s give ourselves a

very good clap.

1.2.3. Very Good. Very Good. Very



At this point, let’s have another activity. Each

group will be given different tasks. We have 3
tasks here: role play, newscasting and talk show.

Role play is acting out or performing the part of a

person or character.

Newscasting is when you broadcast a news.

Talk show is a radio or television program in

which usually well-known persons engage in
discussions or are interviewed.

To be fair, the spinning wheel will choose your

task. Let’s start.

(Spinning wheel choosing a task)

Okay, group 1 will ____.

(Spinning wheel choosing a task)

Okay, group 2 will ____.

(Spinning wheel choosing a task)

Okay, group 3 will ____.

For the group assigned to newscasting, deliver a

live local news and apply explicit and implicit
signals in your presentation.

For the group assigned to talk show. You are free

to choose the topic of the show. Apply explicit and
implicit signals in your presentation and see to it
that all members have roles to play.

For the group assigned to role play, show the

explicit and implicit signals in communication in
your presentation.

I’ll give you 5 minutes to prepare. And your

presentation must be 3-5 minutes only. Please be
guided with the rubrics.

(Rubrics for role play is handed to group __)

(Rubrics for newscasting is handed to group __)

(Rubrics for talk show is handed to group __)

Are you ready?

Yes maam!
Great. Timer starts now.

(Students are preparing for their


(After 5 minutes)
Times up!

Let’s have presenter number 1.

(Group 1 presenting)

Presenter number 2.

(Group 2 presenting)

Presenter number 3.

(Group 3 presenting)

Awesome! Let’s give ourselves a barangay clap.

(Barangay clap)

You really did a fantastic job class. I’ll give you

___ points.


At this point, we will be having an individual

activity. In you 1 whole sheet of paper, write an
essay with a minimum of 200 words discussing
the importance of implicit and explicit signals in
communication. I’ll give you 5 minutes to do it. Be
guided with the rubrics. Do you have any

None maam!
You may start now.

(Students are doing the activity)

*3 minutes left*
Students are doing the activity.

*1 minute left*

Time’s up! Pass your paper to the front.

(Teacher is collecting the outputs)

Excellent job class! (Students are clapping their hands)


This is an individual activity. In your ¼ sheet of

paper, answer the activity. Each question will
last for 30 seconds only.
DIRECTION: Encircle the letter of the correct
1. Explicit communication:

a. is straightforward and clear

b. involves the use of facial expressions

c. utilizes hand gestures

d. is very ambiguous

2. Implicit communication is:

a. straightforward and direct
b. easy to interpret the meaning
c. always used to communicate detailed
d. vague and hard to interpret

3. Which of the following is an example of

explicit communication?
a. An individual who has his hands folded
across his chest
b. A person who avoids making eye contact
c. An individual who ignores another person
d. A person who gives a detailed
demonstration of a procedure

4. Read the following passage and answer

the question. Maggie was getting ready
to walk to school. She put on her coat and
grabbed her backpack. As she was
leaving, her mother said, “I love you. Be
careful.” Which of the following is explicitly
stated in the paragraph?

a. Maggie is never late to school.

b. Maggie is in Kindergarten.

c. Maggie lives close to the school.

d. Maggie put on her coat and grabbed her


5. Jenna yelled, "OUCH!" after drinking from

a mug. This is an example of-
a. Explicit
b. Implicit
c. Both
d. None of the above

6. Maria was so mad at her mom for

grounding her.
a. Explicit
b. Implicit
c. Both
d. None of the above
7. Identify the explicit information. Nicole
came out of the elevator in her apartment
building. She ran to the curb and held up
her arm to hail a taxi. When she hopped in,
she said, “Please take me to 345 45th

a. Nicole's car is broken.

b. Nicole is going shopping.
c. Nicole is going on vacation.
d. Nicole ran to the curb and held up her arm
to hail a taxi.
8. Read the following passage and answer
the question. Maggie put on her coat and
grabbed her backpack. As she was
leaving, her mother said, “I love you. Be
careful.” Which of the following is the
implied stated in the paragraph?

a. Maggie's mom told her to be careful.

b. Maggie grabbed her backpack.
c. Maggie is off to school.
d. Maggie put on her coat.

9. Sam and his cousin walked to the store.

Sam bought a bag of chips while his
cousin bought a bottle of water. If I asked
the question, "What did Sam buy?" Would
that question be implicit or explicit?
a. Explicit
b. Implicit
c. Both
d. None of the above

10. When something is implied (not clearly

stated) in a piece of writing, it is often
referred to as what sort of information?
a. Explicit
b. Implicit
c. Both
d. None of the above
Are you done answering?
Yes maam!

Alright! Exchange papers with your seatmate

and check it honestly.
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. B

Are you through checking? Yes maam!

Pass the paper quietly to the front.

(After collecting the papers)
A job well done class. I am amazed of your
participation and cooperation. And for that, I’ll
give you *** points!
Group 1 accumulated *** points!
Group 2 garnered *** points!
Group 3 got *** points!
Let’s give ourselves a barangay clap!

(Students are clapping their hands)


For your assignment, go to and create
a comic applying explicit and implicit signals in a
communication. Please be guided with the
rubrics. Upload your comic in our google

Romans, countrymen, be patient til alas. Hear me for my cause and be silent that
you may hear. Believe me for thine honour, and have respect to mine honour that you may
believe. Censure me in your wisdom, and awake your senses, that you may the better
judge Caesar!! Caesar!! If there be any in this assembly, any dear friend of Caesar's... to
him I say, that Brutus' love to Caesar was no less than his if then that friend demand why
Brutus rose against Caesar, this is my answer...not that I loved Caesar less, but that I
loved Rome more. Had you rather Caesar were living and die all slaves, than that Caesar
were dead to live all free men? NO!! As Caesar loved me, I weep for him; As he was
fortunate, I rejoice in it; as he was valiant, I honour him: but as he was ambitious, I slew
him. As tears for his love; joy for his fortune and honour for his valour...and death for his
ambition who is here so base that would be a bondman? If any, speak; for him I have
offended Who is here so rude that would not be a Roman? If any speak, for him have I
offended Who is here so vile that will not love his country? If any, speak; for him have I
offended. Then none have I offended. I have done no more to Caesar than you shall do to
Brutus the question of his death is enrolled in the capitol his glory not extenuated wherein
he was worthy nor his offenses enforced for which he suffered death.

Here comes his body, mourned by Mark Antony, who, though he had no hand in his
death- shall receive the benefit in his dying. A place in the Commonwealth--as which of
you shall not? With this I depart: that as I slew Caesar for the good of Rome, I have the
same dagger for myself when it shall please my country to need my death. Bring him with
triumph, home unto his house! Give him a statue with his ancestors! Let him be Caesar!
Caesar's better parts shall be crowned in Brutus! Good countrymen, silence, Brutus
speaks good countrymen let me depart alone. And for my sake stay here with
grace to Caesar's corpse and grace his speech tending to Caesar's glories, which Mark
Antony by our permission is allowed to make. I do entreat you, not a man depart, Save I
alone, til Antony have spoken.


Criteria: Rating:

Speech was clear with appropriate volume and inflection. 54321

Correct grammar was employed throughout the presentation. 54321

Role was played in a convincing, consistent manner. 54321

Numerous explicit and implicit signals were applied excellently 54321

Role-play was well prepared and organized. 5432

Role-play captured and maintained audience interest. 54321


Criteria: Rate:

Speech was clear with appropriate volume and inflection. 54321

Correct grammar was employed throughout the presentation. 54321

Presentation shows significant effort. 54321

Students go beyond basic questions and answers.

Numerous explicit and implicit signals were applied excellently 54321

Presentation is well prepared and organized. 54321

Presentation captured and maintained audience interest. 54321


Clearly, quickly established the focus of the presentation, 54321

gained audience attention.

Speech was clear with appropriate volume and inflection. 54321

Evidence clearly presented. Thorough, knowledgeable 54321

interesting, logical.

Main points clearly stated and explained; logical, smooth organization 54321

Numerous explicit and implicit signals were applied excellently 54321

Presentation captured and maintained audience interest. 54321

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