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Shakespearean Insults

1. You are now sailed into the north of my lady’s opinion, where you will hang
like an icicle on a Dutchman’s beard.
2. He was not so much a brain as ear-wax.
3. Thou damned and luxurious mountain goat.

My Insult: Thou babbling sheep-biting promise-breaker

Sally always loved to collect rocks, and frequented the shores of Lake Michigan to
collect the best ones. Her friend Salena always thought it was funny that she liked
rocks so much. Sally didn’t want to be made fun of though, so she told Salena to
never tell anyone about the rocks. One afternoon at the playground while Sally and
Salena were playing with their other friends Billy and Verina, Salena suddenly
blurted out, “Sally likes to collect rocks from the shores of Lake Michigan and has a
stash of them under her bed.”
“SALENA” Sally shouted.
“I’m sorry I just couldn’t hold it-”
“THOU babbling sheep-biting PROMISE-BREAKER.” Sally screamed as she ran

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