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FIGHTER OPTIONAL FEATURES Level New Optional Features ‘st Great Leader, New Fighting Styles 2nd Weapon Mastery ard = 4th - Sth bth = Th - ath - Sth Stronghold, Indomitable (revised) oth - Martial Stances ith (Martial tances Increase) Vath 13th (Stronghold and Indomitable Increase) Vath - 15th. Véth- {7th (Weapon Mastery, Stronghold and Indornitable Increase) 18th - 19th - 20th (Martial Stances Increase) Art OREDIT : WIZARDS OF THE COAST tlt OpTioNAL FEATURES You gain class features in the Player's Handbook when you reach certain levels in your class. This ‘section offers additional features that you can gain asa fighter, Unlike the features in the Player's Handbook, you don’t gain the feature here automatically. Consulting with your OM, you decide whether to gain a feature in this section if you meet the level requirement noted in the feature’s description. These features can be selected separately rom one another; you can use one, multiple, ornone of them. ste Great LEADER Ist level feature, which replaces the Second Wind feature. ‘Once during your turn, you can give an order to your squad It doesnt cost you any action. When you do so, choose one of the following order: + Charge! Until the start of your next turn, each ally that ‘can hear and understand you makes its first melee attack fo shove attack with advantage iit moves atleast 10 feet toward its target before. + Retreat! Until the start of your next turn, each ally that ‘can hear and understand you can take the disengage action as a bonus action, ‘Hold the line! Until the start of your next turn, each ally that can hear and understand you can roll saving throws against being frighten or against forced movements with advantage, and gains temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus, ‘Fire! Until the start of your next turn, each ally hear and understand you deals an extra 1d6 damage ‘when it deals damage to a creature that is more than 10 feet away from it You can use this feature twice, and regain all expended uses on a short rest New FIGHTING SryLEs Ist level feature. When you should gain a Fighting Style from the Fighter's list, you can choose one from the following list instead Interposing. Whenever you could make an Attack of Opportunity, you can choose to make a special Shove or Grapple attack instead ‘Swift Shield. You can Don/Doff a shield as an object. interaction. Moreover, you can also DonjDoff a shield as part of the same object interaction you use for drawing/stowing a ‘weapon, Versatile Weapon Master, When you wield a Versatile weapon in one hand, you can choose that it gains the Light andjor the Finesse properties. When you wield a Versatile ‘weapon in two hands, you can choose that it gains the Heavy andjor the Reach Properties. ‘Spearman. When you attack a creature with a weapon with the reach property, ifan ally is between you and your target that ally gain #2 to its AC against all the melee attacks of your target until the start of your next turn. Bulwark, When you have a Donned shield, you count as if ‘you had an half cover against all range attacks, and allies behind you count as if they had a 3/4 cover. Combat Medic. When you use an healing potion, an antidote or an healer's kit on a creature, it regains 2 number of hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier on top of all of the other effects ofthat consumable. You can use this feature @ number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you rogain all expended uses when you finish a short ora long rest. Hock Cutter. When you hit a creature with an attack, its speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn ‘This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approvediendorsed by Wizards. Potions of the ma ‘Arcane Warrior. When you draw a weapon, you can imbue it ‘with elemental power. Choose a damage type from Fire, Cold, Lightning, Thunder or Acid The damage type of the weapon ‘becomes the chosen type instead of t piercing, slashing or bludgeoning type. Ifyou are not within 5 feet of the weapon ‘when you end your turn or if you stow it, the effect ends and the weapon regains its normal damage type. ‘Mounted Warrior. During a short ora long rest, you can, create a bond between you and a friendly beast so that it becomes your mount, The beast must be of a CR equal to half your fighter level or lower, must be ofa size big enough to ‘carry you and must have no flying speed That bond lasts until you make a new one with an other beast or until the creature is no longer a beast or no longer friendly to you. When that mount is within 5 feet of you and it should take damage, you ‘can choose to take those damage instead. WEAPON MASTERY 2nd level feature, which replaces the Action Surge feature. ‘When you reach 2nd level inthis class, you become a master ‘of one weapon property from the list below, When you use a ‘weapon that has that property, you gain the respective benefits, as described in that fist When you reach 17th level you master a second property from that lst. You can have 2 weapon masteries active ata Weapon Property Mastery Benefits Once per turn when you miss an attack with a Light _e0pen, you can make a new attack against the ight same target with aweapon that has the Light property ‘Whenever you hit a target with a versatile weapon you wield in 1 hand, you gain a point of Versatile Fury. Whenever you hit a target with a versatile weapon you wield in 2 hands, you can expend one point of fury to deal an extra 1d8 damage ‘Whenever you should reroll a damage die and keep the new result, if you are wielding a weapon Heavy with the Heavy property, you can instead add both the first and the second results to your damage roll ‘When you hit a creature with a thrown weapon, you can choose that it must succeed a strength Thrown saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, or be knocked prone. ‘When you wield a weapon with the Reach propetty, hostile creatures must succeed a wisdom saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + four strength modifier + your proficiency bonus Reach when they try to move toa space within 5 feet of you. Ona fail, the creature can't enter the area within 5 feet of you until the start ofits next turn, A creature that takes the disengage action automatically succeeds that saving throw. ‘are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Weapon Property Mastery Benefits Whenever you miss an attack with a weapon Hageg that has the Two-handed property, your landed target still takes 1410 psychic damage. Whenever you make a range attack with a weapon that has the ammunition property, ‘Ammunition you can choose to make 2 range attacks with that weapon instead. When you do so, both of those attacks deal half damage on a hit You can oad a weapon that asthe Loading property withthe same hand you use to Loading Wield that weapon. You can do so as part of an attack you make with that weapon Once per turn when you hit a creature with @ weapon that has the finesse property, if there Finesse is no other creature within 5 feet of you and within 5 feet of your target, you can add an extra 2d6 to your damage roll Whenever you hit a prone, grappled or restrained creature with a weapon that has no weapon property except its damage type, you deal an extra 1d8 damage. o* Whenever you make an attack with advantage Piercing with a weapon that deals piercing damage, you can reroll one of the dice once. Whenever you hit a creature with a weapon that deals slashing damage, you can choose Slashing to deal slashing damage equal to your proficiency bonus to every other creatures ‘that are within 5 feet of you Whenever you hit a creature with a weapon that deals Bludgeoning damage, its AC is reduced by 2 until it takes a short or along rest (that malus isn't cumulative. Bludgeoning ‘weapon with no property except its damage type. When you finish a long rest, you can choose to change your ‘weapon mastery for an other one from the list above. MarqIAL STANCES Sih level feature, which replaces the Extra Attack feature. When you roll initiative, choose one of the following stances. ‘You gain the respective benefits for the next minute, or until -you fall unconscious or you decide to change for an other Martial Stance as an action. In addition, when you take on a stance, you can exchange one of your Fighting Styles for an other one from the Fighter's list. + Mobile Stance. When you take the dash action, you can isengage, make a weapon attack or make a shove attack. ‘as a bonus action. Moreover, readying your movement do ‘cost you your reaction. ‘This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approvediendors In addition, when you reach 11th level in this class, you zgain an additional benefit when in this stance : You ignore rnon-magical difficult terrain while you are in the mobile stance, When you reach 20th level inthis class, you ignore all difficult terrains instead + Defensive Stance. When you take the dodge action, you can also make one weapon. action. ick as part of the same In addition, when you reach 11th level in this class, vou zgain an additional benefit when in this stance : When you or ‘an ally within 5 feet should take damage while you are in the defeasive stance, roll 146 and subtract the result from the damage taken by the target. When you reach 20th level you can roll 206 instead + Aggressive Stance. As an action, you can make a weapon attack against a creature and markt. Until the start of your next turn, the first time the marked target casts a spell makes a range attack, gets up from a prone position, for moves more than 5 feet without taking the Disengage action, you can make an Opportunity Attack against it, You ‘can make a range attack instead of a melee one for this Opportunity Attack. Moreover, when you make an Opportunity Attack against a marked target, you regain, your Reaction after the attack. In addition, when you reach 11th level in this class, you zgain an additional benefit when in this stance : You deal an extra 2d10 damage when you hita creature with an Opportunity Attack. That extra damage increases to 4d10 at 20th level INDOMITABLE (REVISED) 9th level feature. You gain a Legendary Resistance. When you reach 13th level, and 17th level if this class, you gain an additional Legendary Resistance, ‘You regain all your expended Legendary Resistances when you finish a long rest STRONGHOLD 9th level feature, which replaces the Indomitable feature. ‘When you reach 9th level inthis class, your fame and influence has grown so much that warriors from all around the region want to fight by your side and help you in your quests, Choose an uninhabited ruin or dungeon you have discovered in one of your previous adventures, local people restores itin 10 days and it becomes your headquarter, For now on, every time you come back to that stronghold it contains enough food to sustain up to 50 persons, and 30 servants that follow your orders tothe best they can. They use the commoner stat block and don't leave the stronghold. In addition, you can recruit an elite troop from the list below. According tothe type of elite troop you choose, you gain different benefits. f not stated otherwise in its effects, an lite troop doesn't follow you into you adventure; it either stays in your stronghold or do some side missions on its own, 1d by Wizards, Portions ofthe materials used ‘are property of Wizards of the Coast. © Wizards af the Coast LLC. When you reach 13th level in this class, you can reeruit a second elite troop (jou can recruit a same type of troop twice. Ifyou do so, you have twice as many members of that troop and you can apply its effects twice). When you reach 17th level in this class, you can recruit a third troop. Evite Troops Maces 1. You get a permanent teleportation circle into your stronghold, You can ask a troop of mages to rmake researches about a piece of lore (like about a creature, a city, or apiece of History for instance). The mages get 1 useful information fon the subject every 1 week they pass searching. 3. You can aska troop of mages to write a magic scroll. They use the usual rules for writing scrolls except it takes them half the time requited, They can write any spell rom the Wizard's lst ofa level equal or lower than half your fighter level As they craft it especially for you, you can use itas if the spell was part of your spells known (you don’t have to make an arcana check to cast it and you ean use it even if you can't normally cast spell) THIEVES 1. You can send a troop of thieves to spy on a location to get information about a place or a specific creature (ike who is the leader of a castle, how many soldiers are guarding the place, what are the hours ofthe changing ofthe guard {etc}. The time it takes forthe thieves to get those pieces of information depends on the distance between your stronghold and the target: they take 2 days to gather inforrnation plus the time to go there and back again. The thieves don't take any risks during their missions. Once they have returned, they ean provide you 1d4 useful pieces of information 2. ou can send a troop of thieves to burgle the nobles of nearby town. When you do so, roll 1420 at the end of each week + Ona the thieves have been caught. They are jailed until you pay 2 caution of 1000 gp (minimum 1 month) + Ona 2 to 4, you gain 50 gp + Ona to 12, you gain 200 gp. + Ona 13 to 18, you gain 500 gp. + Ona 19.0ra20, you gain 1200 gp. 3. You ean send a troop of thieves to steal a material ‘component af your choice. The time it takes forthe thieves to find the component depends on the price oft 1 day per 25 gp (s0 if you ask them to find a treasure worth 1500 gp, it will take them 2 months to find it and bring it back). Guarps 1. One guard follows you in your adventures to protect you. It follows ary order you give him, as Its ready to die for you. Ituses the Guard statblock, except its hit points are equal to 10 times your fighter level, and it can add your proficiency bonus to its attack rolls and strength checks. I itdies, an other guaté takes its place by your side the next time you return to your stronghold 2. You can ask the rest of the troop to protect your stronghold, a road, ora nearby location lke a small town for instance. When your troop does so, the chances that someone is attacked or robed on that locaton are halved, and the troop keeps you informed of any unusual thing that ‘may happen there 3. Having a troop of guards enhances your prestige : you have advantage on your persuasion and intinidation checks when you talk to a humanoid that lives within less than 200 miles from your stronghold (ifyou have 2 troops of. ‘guards, you have the advantage of those checks when you talk to a hurnanoid that lives within less that 500 miles from your stronghold, and ifyou have 3 troop of guards, within 1000 miles) Priests 1. You can expend 1000 gp to make a troop of priests revive a creature that died less than 1 week ago. 2. Any creature that stays at least 24h in your stronghold gets healed up to its maximum hit points, and from all poisons and diseases that affected it. 3.A troop of priests can bless either: + up to 3 creatures: they ll gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your fighter level + your proficiency bonus. + up to 3 non-magieal weapons: they become magical and a creature that wield them get a +1 to attack and damage rolls. + up to 3 non-magical armors or shields: they give an extra =1 AC to the cresture that wears it. The bless lasts until you return to your stronghold ARTISANS. 1. Choose 3 tools at the moment you recruit that troop: the troop isan expert in those 3 tools. You can ask a troop of artisans to craft anything you could craft with such a proficiency. They use the same rules for crafting than you except they can do 50 gp of progress per Artisan troop per day, ‘This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approvediendorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used 'are property of Wizards of the Coast. Wizards of the Coast LLC. HOMEBREW LOVINGLY MADE BY LEROIDECARREAU Aic THANK YOU To My PATREONS. You are the ones that make al of this possible! ‘Tue Farry Breps : + VID + Ryan Magee + Berzox + Drikat + Ren Catlisle + Berzox + Orikar ‘Tae MEMBERS OF THE INNER CIRCLE : + FULL METTLE -MIcsMal701 - ANDREW ANDERSON PATREON.COM/LEROIDECARREAU “This i unofcal Fan Content permited under te Fn Content Poi. Not approwedlendored iy Wizards Portions of be materials used ae en he eee Oe Ce — THIS DOCUMENT WAS LOVINGLY CREATED USING GM BINDER, Ifyou would like to support the GM Binder developers, consider joining our Patron community.

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