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Nama : Muhammad Ali Khatami

NIT : 55242110040

“Parts of Floats in Seaplane”

 Mooring Cleats : are fixtures that are used to secure vessels to docks
 Bow : The front of a boat is called the bow, Refers to the forward part of a pleasure craft.
 Bumper : absorb most of the impact during low speed collisions to help protect you, your vehicle, and
passengers from more serious damage.
 Deck : is a deck that isn't attached to a building and they “float” above the ground. is a freestanding deck
that isn't attached to a building, giving it the illusion that it's “floating.”
 Chine : This type of boat hull knifes cleanly through waves, making for a smooth ride even in rough
water, and uses less fuel.
 Sister Keelson : members in the front portion of the floats lying parallel to the keel and midway between
the keel and chines, adding structural rigidity and directional stability when on the water.
 Keel : is basically a flat blade sticking down into the water from a sailboat's bottom. It has two functions:
it prevents the boat from being blown sideways by the wind, and it holds the ballast that keeps the boat
right-side up.
 Step : is a longitudinal notch that runs from chine to chine, and comes high enough on the side of the boat
to reach above the waterline when the boat is on plane. Low pressure is generated just aft of the step as
the boat moves forward, creating suction that draws in air in from the sides
 Skeg : is an aftward extension of the keel intended to keep the boat moving straight and to protect the
propeller and rudder from underwater obstructions.
 Bilge Pump Openings : The function of the bilge pump is to remove water that collects in the bilge,
which is the bottom of the inside of the hull.
 Hand Hole Covers : is a device used to close the opening of a handhole. It is used for excluding light,
moisture and liquid from handholes, which are provided to afford a hold for the hands in lifting or
handling the interior of tanks or tubes.
 Stern : is to provide a space for the tiller and steering device. In some cases, the outboard motor of the
boat is also located there. This motor is the one that moves the boat forward thanks to a propeller that
powers it.
 Retracable Water Rudder : Retractable control surfaces on the back of each float that can be extended
downward into the water to provide more directional control when taxiing on the surface. They are
attached by cables and springs to the air rudder and operated by the rudder pedals in the cockpit.
 Internal Bulkheads Dividing Watertight Compartments : are vertically designed watertight
divisions/walls within the ship's structure to avoid ingress of water in the compartment if the adjacent
compartment is flooded due to damage in ship's hull.

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