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1. The main purpose of ESP materials is to present models of correct language use in the
target situation. How far would you agree with this?
Materials are important in ESP and have received a lot of attention in the
literature on the subject. They are dependent on the methodologies used,
forming "the interface" with them between teaching and learning, or the points
at which course requirements, objectives, and syllabuses become tangible to
both students and teachers" (Hyland, 2006: 89).
Materials are used to stimulate and support language instruction, and
designing and/or adapting them is an important aspect of ESP teaching
practice. They may include audio and visual aids, computer- and/or Internet-
mediated resources, real objects, or performance (Hyland, 2006). Because the
goal of ESP materials is to expose learners to real language as it is used in a
variety of professional and/or academic settings, they must be closely related
to the students' target needs. Hyland (2006) defines four primary functions of
EAP materials when discussing their role.

2. Discuss briefly the most characteristic feature of ESP materials writing.

Materials writing is one of the most distinguishing characteristics of ESP in
practice. In contrast to General English teaching, the ESP teacher's time may
be spent primarily on writing materials. There are several reasons for this:
a) A teacher or institution may wish to provide teaching materials tailored to
specific learners' subject areas. Such materials may not be commercially
available. Aside from a plethora of subject specializations, there is also a
diverse range of course types. ESP courses can range from one week of
intensive study to an hour a week for three years or more, whereas schools,
for example, work to standard timetables with a similar number of hours.
Publishers are naturally hesitant to create materials for niche markets. The
cost of producing and marketing a book is roughly the same whether it
sells a thousand or a hundred thousand copies. As a result, it is unlikely
that a course tailored to the needs of a specific group of ESP learners will
be available.
b) Even if suitable materials are available, they may be unavailable due to
currency or import restrictions.
c) ESP materials may also be written for non-educational purposes, such as to
improve the reputation of an institution or an individual. Materials are a
visible result of activity, whether or not that activity is useful or even
For these and other reasons, ESP teachers have a long history of creating
in-house materials.

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