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RANCHEZ, Jan Karlo Thomas V.

September 10,


MAEd English

EDUC 402 (Psychological Foundations of Education)

Midterm Exam

Direction: Read carefully the following questions and answer them


1. Assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration are among the main themes in

Piaget’s theory of child development. How can we apply these in a classroom

setting to help learners maximize learning? Provide an example/situation. (20


By carrying out a diagnostic exercise or exam, we may use these three

concepts in the classroom to ensure the students get the most out of their

learning. For instance, the teacher may administer a diagnostic exercise or exam

to see if the students have prior understanding of Figurative Language before

beginning a lecture on it in English. The teacher can determine how many of his

or her students are already familiar with the subject and how many have no

knowledge of it using the aforementioned exam. The instructor can really better

plan classes because of this. He or she would be aware of how to introduce the

lesson and how to teach it to the students. If the teacher is aware of the students'

prior knowledge of the subject, he or she can decide how much of the lesson will
be discussed. As a result, the teacher really aids the student in learning more

about the subject, corrects any misconceptions the student may have, and

maintains a balance between what the teacher should cover in detail and what

the student already knows. As a result, the teacher may make the most of the

lesson's allotted time by sparing the students from repetition and lengthy

discussion of ideas they already understand, giving them more time to engage in

lesson-related activities, increased involvement from the students as a result.

2. Pedro has been tutoring his younger sister Clara on multiplying single digits and

would like to teach her to multiply a double-digit number. According to Vygotsky’s

theory of Zone of Proximal Development, which type of task will best help Clara

learn this new task? Why is this so? (20 pts)

a. Walking through a solution to a double digit by single digit problem with


b. Working on a set of double digits by single digit problems while Pedro

observes her work.

c. Reading about the steps to solving double digit by single digit problems.

d. Completing a worksheet of single digit by single digit problems to prepare

for the new task.

In my viewpoint, the type of task that would best help Clara in learning the

new task is letter B. (working on a set of double digits by single digit problems

while Bobby observes her work ). Clara will benefit most from this since Pedro
can see for himself if she can do the assignment on her own or not. Pedro was

said to have been assisting Clara with a single-digit problem. Pedro would

therefore be able to determine whether her sister is already capable of doing the

work alone by allowing her sister to complete it alone first. He can evaluate if her

sister can use the skills in multiplying she has acquired to this new task. Pedro

can quickly ascertain whether Clara still requires assistance when multiplying two

digits by two through observation. Thus, applying the concept of Zone of

Proximal Development which means the gap between what a student can

accomplish without help and what they can accomplish with adult intervention.

We must occasionally give our students the option of completing a task on

their own in order to assess whether we will continue to assist them or not as well

as to teach them how to study independently. Through this, we are also assisting

students in realizing that they can accomplish tasks on their own, mainly

studying. This does not, however, imply that we will stop guiding them. This will

only help them transition from doing a task with help to doing a task

independently because if we help them all the time, there will be times when they

will already have developed a dependence on us, which will not be

advantageous for them, especially when they move on to higher levels of


3. Discuss briefly the major principles in Bruner’s constructivist theory (40 pts)

a. Predilection toward learning

According to this notion, teachers must devise strategies to help

students become prepared and eventually build a passion for learning. To be

able to participate in the learning process and also enjoy learning in general,

students must be prepared. If preparedness is not considered, students might

not be able to understand the information they are supposed to study while

also failing to show an interest in learning. They will only see learning as a

necessary activity that will eventually leave them feeling burnt out.

b. How a grouping of knowledge is able to be constructed to best be

understood by the learner

The teachers should understand how to give classes starting with the

most basic ideas and working up to more complicated ones. Since there will

not be any idea overlap, the students will be better able to absorb the

information. They will see education as a methodical process of building

knowledge from the simplest to the complex. If they do not comprehend what

they are studying, students cannot create knowledge on their own.

c. Effective manners for the teacher to present said material to the learner

Since this is the students' first direct experience with the lesson, the

teacher's methods for imparting the information or lesson are crucial to

their learning. If the lesson was not presented well, it would subsequently

affect how the learner would learn the material. In order to engage

students and keep their attention throughout the class, teachers need
make sure they can convey the material in an engaging way. In order for

students to relate to what they are learning, teachers must also ensure

that the resources they use are actually appropriate for the students'


d. The progression of rewards, as well as punishment.

It is also crucial that rewards and punishments be present during the

teaching-learning process in order to foster the students' learning.

Students are more inclined to repeat the same behavior in order to

perform well in class if they are rewarded for their successes, no matter

how big or small. On the other hand, if students are disciplined, they will

gradually come to understand that their behaviors were wrong and stop

repeating them. External incentive in the form of material rewards has

been shown to increase student performance and confidence. But since

this would better boost students' self-esteem, teachers should place

greater focus on internal motivation, such as complimenting the students'

actions. . When students are aware that their efforts and

accomplishments, no matter how minor, are recognized, they perform


4. Based on Kohlberg’s moral development theory, design a classroom-based

activity to help strengthen learners’ moral character at any age (40 pts)


Instruction: The teacher will present a video clip regarding the issue of online

gambling in the Philippines. After watching, each student must share their own take on the

issue and will have to answer some questions about the video as well. The issue will be

discussed by everyone. (Link of the video to be presented in the class:

Questions about the video:

a. Does online gambling consider a dangerous habit? Why or why not?

b. Is gambling morally acceptable if people are just doing it to financially support

their family? Why or why not?

c. Is gambling considered an acceptable and practical way to solve one’s

financial problem? Why or why not?

d. Is gambling considered wrong even if people are not actually hurting others

by doing such? Why or why not?

e. Why does “gambling” considered wrong when other people just do it for

recreational purposes only?

f. How does “gambling” affect one’s relationship with other people?

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