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English task

Benefits of Fruit Salad for Health


Jeon jevie
There are various health benefits that you can get from eating fruit salad, both
for physical health and mental health. The following are some of the health benefits
of fruit salad that can be obtained:

1. Prevent various diseases

Eating fruit salad can strengthen immunity and organ function. This benefit is
obtained thanks to the abundant antioxidant content in fruits.
That way, you don't get sick easily or experience health problems, such as
infectious diseases, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, or hypertension.

2. Maintain digestive tract health

Fruit salads are rich in fiber which is good for keeping the digestive tract
functioning properly and preventing you from becoming constipated. In addition,
fiber is also useful for supporting the function of good bacteria in the intestine and
reducing inflammation in the digestive tract.

3. Maintain weight
Not only delicious and refreshing, fruits that are used as fruit salads can provide a
longer feeling of fullness and reduce hunger. Fruit is also generally low in calories,
so it can keep your weight stable.

4. Maintain mental health

Several studies have shown that regular consumption of fruit salad is known to
have a positive impact on one's mental health.
This is presumably because fruit contains complex carbohydrates and polyphenols
which are good for improving mood, stamina, and even concentration. All of these
effects ultimately support better productivity and mental health.

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