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Breathing in Singing

Chapter · January 2014

DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199660773.013.10


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Alan Hugh Watson

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Breathing in Singing

Oxford Handbooks Online

Breathing in Singing
Alan Watson
The Oxford Handbook of Singing
Edited by Graham Welch, David M. Howard, and John Nix

Subject: Music, Applied Music, Psychology, Personality and

Social Psychology
Online Publication Date: Oct DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199660773.013.10

Abstract and Keywords

Accounts of breathing in methodological books on singing are often confusing or

inaccurate rather than helpful. This chapter provides an overview of the principles of
respiration and how this is modified for singing. Inspiration results from an increase in
thoracic dimensions caused by activity in the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles.
At high lung volumes the sternocleidomastoids and scalenes also aid chest expansion.
Subglottic pressure is created during expiration by the contraction of the abdominal wall,
predominantly as a result of lateral abdominal muscle activity, which drives the relaxed
diaphragm upwards while simultaneously the internal intercostals pull the ribs
downwards. When the lungs are full and the inspiratory muscles release, elastic recoil
forces alone can drive out the air and in order to regulate subglottic pressure these
forces must be resisted by gradually reducing inspiratory muscle activity. How different
patterns of activity in these and other muscles contribute to singing is described and the
way in which similar ends can be achieved by different means in different singers is

Keywords: breathing, diaphragm, intercostal muscles, abdominal wall, elastic recoil, subglottic pressure

Despite its central role in the art of singing, the question of how singers breathe
continues to be a source of much confusion. Accounts in texts on singing pedagogy are
often confusing and sometimes in conflict with descriptions of respiration in books on
anatomy and physiology. It is therefore not surprising that the authors of a physiological

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Breathing in Singing

study of breathing in singers commented that “‘subjects’ descriptions of how they

thought they breathed during singing bore little correspondence to how they actually
breathed.” (Watson and Hixon 1985). Part of the problem is that singers’ accounts are
frequently based solely on their subjective sensations and this can give rise to misleading
conclusions. Furthermore, the language used in singing textbooks is sometimes almost
Delphic in its obscurity when dealing with processes where clarity is essential. While
metaphor may have a role in teaching, euphemisms are often less helpful and as
Chapman (2006) points out, instructions given to students are unlikely to be effective if
they are incomprehensible. An awareness of the basic mechanisms of respiration is an
essential starting point for the singer, though it is also important to recognize that the
peculiar demands made by singing are reflected in respiratory patterns that differ
significantly from those underlying physical activities such as sport, which are better
understood. Furthermore, optimal breathing strategies will vary depending on singing
style and probably also on the physical characteristics of the singer. As a result it is
important that singing teachers are flexible and pragmatic in their approach to this issue.

This chapter begins with a straightforward introduction to the respiratory system in

order to provide a foundation from which to discuss the results of evidence-based
physiological studies into how classically trained singers breathe. Though our knowledge
is still far from complete, objective research has provided many new insights into the
respiratory strategies used by singers and has thrown light on numerous long-standing
controversies. Nevertheless, it should be recognized that they have so far involved
relatively small numbers of professional singers and rarely attempt to assess the effect on
the qualities of the voice perceived by listeners. A few have approached the issue of vocal
characteristics by analyzing various aspects of laryngeal activity when different breathing
strategies are employed, however given the complexity of the vocal system this can
provide only the most rudimentary indication of their effect on the voice.

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Breathing in Singing

The Respiratory Apparatus

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Figure 1 . Elements of the respiratory system (from Watson 2009).

During inhalation, air is taken in via the nose and mouth and passes down through the
larynx into the trachea (windpipe). At its lower end, the trachea divides into two bronchi,
one running into each lung. Within the lung each divides repeatedly into progressively
narrower tubes, ending finally in the terminal bronchioles from which sprout small air
sacs called alveoli. Here the inhaled air is brought into very close proximity to a network
of fine, thin walled blood vessels known as capillaries (Figure 1).

Together, the two lungs contain around 700 million alveoli which provide an enormous
area for gaseous exchange (about 160 m2 which is approximately the area of a singles
tennis court). The oxygen diffuses through the liquid film that lines the alveoli and into
the bloodstream where it binds to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Carbon dioxide
produced as a result of cellular activity throughout the body is dissolved in the blood
plasma. In the lungs it diffuses in the opposite direction, out into the alveoli. Only twenty-
one percent of the air we inhale is oxygen; the remaining volume is composed of the inert
gas nitrogen, which plays no role in respiration. In the air we breathe out, oxygen levels
have typically fallen to around seventeen percent, with carbon dioxide making up four
percent. If we hold our breath, it is the build-up of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream that
ultimately provides the irresistible stimulation to take a breath. The concentration of
carbon dioxide in the blood affects its acidity (or pH). If we hyperventilate, for example
during a panic attack perhaps brought on by performance anxiety (Widmer et al. 1997),
too much carbon dioxide is exhaled and the blood becomes more alkaline. This may lead
to dizziness or fainting as a result of increasing heart rate and a constriction of the blood
vessels running to the brain. One traditional remedy for this is to breathe in and out into
a paper bag, as inhaling the carbon dioxide in the rebreathed air helps restore blood pH
to normal levels so that the symptoms abate. This is no longer recommended as a first aid
treatment however, as it can be dangerous if the individual has an undiagnosed lung or
heart condition. During singing, respiration is not only used for gaseous exchange, but

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Breathing in Singing

also to generate the necessary subglottic pressure (the pressure in the airway below the
closed vocal folds of the larynx that is required to set them vibrating). During singing,
subglottic pressures must be continually adjusted by the respiratory muscles to maintain
a consistent vocal quality between notes of varying pitch or loudness.

The lungs themselves contain no respiratory muscles, but expand and contract due to
movements of the walls of the chest cavity. Some of the muscles responsible lie within
these structures, but others are to be found in the abdominal wall, the neck, and to a
lesser extent, the back. For the lungs to expand and contract during breathing, they must
therefore remain in contact with the chest walls and be able to glide over them during
breathing. This is achieved in the following manner. Each lung is covered by a thin
smooth membrane (the visceral pleura), while a similar membrane (the parietal pleura)
lines the inside of the chest cavity. A thin layer of liquid between the two layers of pleura
holds them together by surface tension and also allows them to glide smoothly over each
other. A similar principle is at work when a tax-disk holder is stuck to a car windscreen
by coating its plastic surface with a thin film of water. If air gets in between the two
layers of pleura, the lung collapses away from the chest wall creating an emergency
situation, because it can no longer be inflated.

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Breathing in Singing

Muscle Activity during Normal Breathing

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Figure 2 . Diagram explaining lung function parameters. During normal quiet breathing
only the tidal volume is used. With a maximal intake of breath the inspiratory reserve
volume is used. If the breath is then driven out completely, we pass through the tidal
volume band into the expiratory reserve volume. This exhalation uses all of the vital
capacity. It leaves the residual volume which cannot be expelled because the lateral
walls of the chest are supported by the ribs. As the outer surface of the lungs are held
in contact with the ribs via the pleural membranes, the lungs cannot collapse
completely (from Watson 2009).

If we sit quietly without breathing and with all our respiratory muscles relaxed (for
example at the end of a sigh), the lungs will be partly filled. The volume they contain is
called the functional residual capacity (Figure 2).

To increase this volume we must use our inspiratory muscles, and to decrease it, recruit
our expiratory muscles. If we take the deepest possible breath, then exhale as much as
we can, the volume of air expelled from the lungs is our vital capacity, which is the
maximum that is available to sustain a single spoken or sung phrase. The lungs are not
empty at the end of this action as the chest is not flat. There remains what is known as
the residual volume, which could only be expelled if the lungs were to collapse away from
the ribs (see above) or the ribs were physically crushed. Vital capacity is strongly
correlated with height and to a lesser extent with age (Quanjer et al. 1993); for example a
twenty-year-old Caucasian woman in good health would have a predicted vital capacity of
3.6 liters if she is 160 cm tall, and of 4.6 liters if her height is 180 cm. The comparable
figures for a male would be 4.6 liters and 5.8 liters, respectively. However, differences in
chest shape mean that healthy individuals can differ significantly from the predicted
values. During what is known as tidal breathing (Figure 2) when we are sitting silently at
rest, the regular inward and outward flow of air (tidal volume) is typically only around

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Breathing in Singing

500 mL. In tidal breathing, air is drawn in actively due to respiratory muscle activity, but
expiration is passive, driven by the elasticity of the lungs and so ends at the functional
residual capacity. This tendency of the lungs to collapse is a consequence of the surface
tension of the fluid film that lines the alveoli. Because of their small size, this is very
considerable. In fact, in order to be able to inflate the lungs at all, the alveoli must
secrete a surfactant (a detergent-like molecule) to reduce the surface tension but even
so, it is still not completely abolished.

During singing, both inspiration and expiration are driven by muscle activity. The
experienced singer adjusts the volume of each breath to the length and demands of the
phrase being sung, so that excess stale air (air with a high carbon dioxide level) does not
have to be expelled at the end of the breath, before the next inhalation. In describing the
role of the muscles responsible for respiration, we will first consider the major players in
order to present a clear account of the basic mechanism. We will then turn our attention
to the so-called accessory respiratory muscles. These are muscles which have other major
actions not related to breathing. Finally, we will examine patterns of respiratory muscle
activity that are particularly associated with singing.


Breathing is the consequence of regulating the volume and pressure in two chambers; the
first is the chest (or thorax) which contains the lungs. These are open to the atmosphere
via the trachea and mouth. The second is the abdominal cavity, which is effectively a
sealed chamber. The primary respiratory muscles lie in the walls of these two cavities.
Separating the two chambers is the diaphragm, the muscle which causes the most
confusion among singers (Bunch 1997). When relaxed, the diaphragm is a thin, dome-
shaped sheet of muscle which is pushed up into the chest cavity. Its long fibers run from
the edges of the dome, where they are attached to the lumbar vertebrae and the inside of
the lower ribs, to its rounded apex at the central tendon. Physically bound to its lower
surface is the liver, which has a mass of around 0.8–1.5 kg. This pulls downwards on the
diaphragm, although any movement can be restricted by the presence of the visceral
organs that fill the abdominal cavity.

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Breathing in Singing

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Figure 3 . The actions of the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles during normal
breathing. Where shown dark, the muscles are active and where light, they are inactive.
Arrows pointing towards and away from the chest indicate the actions of the internal
and external intercostal muscles on the ribs (adapted from Watson 2009).

When the diaphragm contracts, the dome flattens, causing the floor of the chest to
descend and hence increasing its volume. This lowers the pressure within the lungs so
that air flows in through the nose and mouth until the pressure between the inside and
outside equalizes (Figure 3).

Many singers and wind players also believe that the diaphragm is an involuntary muscle,
but this is incorrect. It is what is known as a striated muscle, the same type that moves
the joints of the skeleton, and the fact that it is under conscious control can be
demonstrated by this simple exercise. Place your hand on over your belly button and push
it outwards by making the abdominal wall bulge. The only muscle that can bring this
about is the diaphragm (Leanderson and Sundberg 1988) and it does so by pushing
downwards on the abdominal contents. The ability of singers to consciously alter the way
they use the diaphragm has also been demonstrated using biofeedback, i.e. by letting
them observe real-time recordings of electrical signals within the muscle as they sing and
then asking them to modify the pattern of contraction (Sundberg et al. 1986). Of course,
we often use the diaphragm unconsciously during breathing, but the same is true of the
other respiratory muscles and indeed for striated muscles in general, e.g. those of the
legs during walking. What is different about the diaphragm is that we receive no
conscious sensation from it (von Euler 1968) and learn of its activity only through its
effects on other structures.

If the muscles of the abdominal wall are not relaxed sufficiently during inhalation and it
cannot bulge outwards, the descent of the diaphragm is impeded because the abdominal
organs can only be compressed to a limited extent. As a result, the volume of the

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Breathing in Singing

inhalation is reduced. As the abdominal muscles also play a role in maintaining posture,
there is a tendency for them to remain in a more contracted state than is strictly
necessary. For this reason, some teachers specifically instruct singers to relax the
abdominal muscles quickly at the onset of inhalation (Chapman 2006). Chapman calls this
the SPLAT maneuver (Singers Please Loosen Abdominal Tension). The ability of the
singers she trains to do this has been confirmed objectively (Thorpe et al. 2001) and it
has also been observed in other classically trained singers (Hixon 1987; Watson and
Hixon 1985). Though some classical sources warn against allowing excessive distension
of the abdominal wall (Slater 1911), this does not imply that it should be held rigid during
inhalation by abdominal muscle contraction.

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Figure 4 . The upward and outward movements of the ribs during inhalation.

The other key muscles of inhalation are the intercostal muscles. These comprise three
layers of short muscles that run between adjacent ribs. The external intercostal muscles
contribute to inspiration. The role of the two internal layers of intercostals has
historically been a source of great debate but there is now clear evidence that they
contribute to expiration (De Troyer et al. 2005; Sears 1977; Sears and Davis 1968) as is
unequivocally demonstrated in Figure 7. At rest, the ribs slope downwards and when the
external intercostal muscles contract, they rotate upwards and outwards to increase
chest volume (Figure 4). The upward movement (sometimes called the pump handle
effect) increases the distance between the sternum and the spine, while the outward
movement (likened to that of a bucket handle rising to a horizontal position) increases the
lateral dimension of the chest. Though it may seem counterintuitive, the diaphragm also
expands the lower part of the ribcage as it contracts and descends, though it tends to
compress the upper part (De Troyer et al. 2005). This is because its fibers, which are
curved around the liver, tend to straighten as they come under tension creating leverage
that raises the ribs and swings them outwards. Taken together, the diaphragm and
intercostal muscles increase lung volume by increasing all three dimensions of the chest.

Some teachers refer to “dorsal breathing” or “singing with the back” when discussing
inhalation; for example Miller alludes to it in his account of the German school of singing
pedagogy (Miller 1997). What this might refer to in physiological terms is unclear; it has

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Breathing in Singing

been suggested that it may draw attention to the fact that rib cage expansion includes the
dorsal region of the chest (Leanderson and Sundberg 1988). There is little evidence that
back muscles play a significant role in inhalation. It is possible that during inhalation,
some sensation may arise in the back as certain expiratory muscles come under tension,
e.g. the lateral abdominal wall muscles (which extend into the back), or an accessory
respiratory muscle called serratus posterior inferior. Latissimus dorsi, which is a large
superficial muscle in the back, may also be a source of sensation. Though mainly involved
in expiration, it may become active during inspiration as the lungs near full vital capacity.
The major roles of all of these muscles are discussed later. There is no physiological
evidence that muscles whose primary role is to support the back are involved, other than
indirectly through their influence on posture.

Singers may use a large percentage of their vital capacity when performing long or
demanding phrases or when projecting the voice, but often have only a very short time to
inhale if the melodic line is not to be disrupted. The ability to perform rapid and efficient
inhalation is at a premium (Thomasson 2003) as the volume of air required for each
breath is considerably greater than for speech (Watson 2009).


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Figure 5 . The principal muscles of respiration (a), the skeleton (b), and contents (b,c)
of the chest and abdominal cavities (from Watson 2009).

Much of the power driving forced expiration comes from the muscles of the abdominal
wall. These are the rectus abdominis and the lateral abdominal muscles (Figure 5). The
rectus muscle (popularly known as the “six pack”) is made up of a series of segments
running from the sternum and the short segments of cartilage that connect it to the ribs
(the costal cartilages), down to the front of the pelvis. The lateral abdominal muscles
comprise three thin sheets (the external oblique, internal oblique, and transversus
abdominis). The attachment of each is slightly different, but together they run between
the lower ribs, the upper edge of the pelvis, a sheet of fibrous tissue covering the muscles
of the back (the thoracolumbar fascia), and the edge of the rectus abdominis muscle. The
fibers in each layer run in a different direction which enhances their combined ability to

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Breathing in Singing

contain abdominal pressure and resistance herniation. The outermost layer (external
oblique) runs downwards and forwards while the fibers of the underlying internal oblique
run at right angles to this; downward and backwards. The fibers of the deepest layer
(transversus abdominis) are almost horizontal.

The lateral abdominal muscles act in concert (De Troyer et al. 2005; Kera and Maruyama
2005) to draw the walls of the abdominal cavity inwards and compress the visceral
organs. The lower regions of lateral abdominal muscles have been shown in some studies
to be more active than the upper regions, whether in normal breathing or during speech
or singing (Watson et al. 1989). As the abdominal contents are relatively incompressible
and the muscles of the pelvic floor form an unyielding platform, this forces the relaxed
diaphragm upwards into the chest like a piston in a cylinder. At the same time, the
internal intercostal muscles pull the ribs downwards and inwards, further increasing the
pressure within the lungs and driving the air out. During phonation, the vocal folds of the
larynx are brought into contact with each other (a movement known as adduction), and
forcing a stream of air between them causes them to vibrate rapidly (Titze 2008). This is
the origin of the sound (the voice source). How firmly they are adducted is one factor that
determines the driving pressure that is needed to set them vibrating and affects the
perceived volume and spectral qualities of the sound produced. This subglottic pressure
is monitored by sensory nerve endings in the mucosal lining of the larynx beneath the
vocal folds (see Sundberg 1987).

Some singing teachers suggest that the rectus abdominis either plays no part in
breathing in singers (Bunch 1997), or that its use should be discouraged (Chapman
2006). The general concept receives some support from a study which revealed that
though there certainly is activity in rectus abdominis during speech and singing, it is
lower than that in the lateral abdominal muscles (Watson et al. 1989). However it may
nevertheless be the first abdominal muscle to be recruited during phonation as lung
volume falls (Draper et al. 1960). Projected singing (which involves higher flow rates than
when the voice is not projected) requires greater involvement of the abdominal muscles
(Thorpe et al. 2001), which may explain why their activity was found to be greater in
young professional opera singers than in vocal students (Pettersen and Westgaard 2004).
There have been relatively few studies into the role of the inner intercostal muscles but
their action can often be deduced from observations of changes in chest circumference.
For example, when the singing line requires an abrupt increase in subglottic pressure,
there is generally a simultaneous decrease in the dimensions of both the chest and
abdomen which indicates that the internal intercostal muscles are activated
simultaneously with the abdominal muscles, however the greater power generated by the
latter may subsequently result in a transient upward movement of the chest before the
dimensions of both decline gradually to maintain the vocal line (Thorpe et al. 2001).

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Breathing in Singing

In addition to expiratory muscle activity, passive forces also contribute to raising

subglottal pressure. As the alveoli increase in volume during lung inflation, work must be
done against the surface tension of the liquid film that coats their walls. When the
muscles of inhalation relax, surface tension causes the alveoli to collapse. This is known
as elastic recoil and it makes a significant contribution to subglottic pressure at high lung
volumes, a phenomenon we will return to later.

Accessory Muscles of Respiration

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Figure 6 . The main accessory muscles of respiration.

A number of other muscles are known or have been suggested to contribute to

respiration (Campbell 1970). For the most part these make a smaller contribution than
those we have encountered so far and they are often better known for roles other than
breathing. For this reason they are called accessory respiratory muscles (Figure 6). This
distinction is perhaps debatable as the abdominal muscles, which are the main driving
force for expiration, also have a postural role. The contribution of some accessory
muscles at least are clearly important for singers.

Two sets of inspiratory accessory muscles are found in the neck, the scalenes and the
sternocleidomastoids. Both have postural roles, stabilizing the position of the head. The
scalenes run from the lower vertebrae of the neck to the first or second ribs. When those
on one side act alone, they tilt the neck to the side, but when both sides act
simultaneously they can pull the rib cage upwards. The sternocleidomastoid muscles run
from the skull, just behind the ear, to the sternum and the adjacent part of the collar
bone (clavicle). Acting individually, these rotate the head to the opposite side. When they
act together they can thrust the head forward or shorten the neck, both of which may
have a negative impact on the voice (Chapman 2006; Jones 1972; Quarrier 1993),
however, if this movement is resisted by muscles in the back of the neck, they also pull

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Breathing in Singing

the rib cage upwards. Both sets of muscles are active during inhalation, the scalenes
from around twenty-five percent vital capacity and the sternocleidomastoid at higher lung
volumes (typically above seventy percent) (Raper et al. 1966). In singers, these muscles
are often recruited during inhalation at much lower lung volumes though the pattern of
activity varies between individuals for reasons that are currently unclear (Pettersen
2005; Pettersen and Westgaard 2005).

Singers also show bursts of activity in these muscles during phonation which are likely to
reflect their involvement in reducing subglottic pressure at high lung volumes by
resisting elastic recoil (i.e. respiratory braking, see below) (Pettersen et al. 2005).
Because contraction of the sternocleidomastoid is easy to observe with the naked eye (if
you doubt this, observe its activity in thin female news readers!), it receives more
attention in singing texts than do the scalenes, whose actions are not obvious. Some
authors suggest that sternocleidomastoid activity is indicative of clavicular breathing
(Bunch 1997), however, due to the site of its attachments, the muscle cannot actually
raise the shoulders. In clavicular breathing, elevation of the shoulders is mainly brought
about by the upper fibers of the trapezius muscle, which runs from the base of the skull
and vertebrae of the neck and thorax, to the shoulder blade (scapula). Its influence on the
chest posture is brought about indirectly via tension applied to muscles running from the
scapula or clavicle to the ribs (see Watson 2009). In its role as an accessory respiratory
muscle, trapezius is normally engaged only at the end of maximal inhalations (Campbell
1970). In singers paradoxically, it has been suggested to have an expiratory effect as it
can apparently compress the upper part of the chest when the shoulders are pulled
backwards and upwards (Pettersen and Westgaard 2004). However, when singers are
trained to relax trapezius through biofeedback, no compensatory activity is seen in other
respiratory muscles, suggesting that it makes little, if any, positive contribution to the
mechanism of singing breathing. Tension in trapezius is often stress related and reducing
this as part of a general stress reduction strategy involving other muscles in the neck
(such as the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the larynx) will have a positive impact on
vocal function.

Pectoralis major has also been mooted as an accessory muscle of inhalation (Campbell
1970). Its fibers run from the sternum (breast bone), the costal cartilages, and the collar
bone (clavicle), to the inner surface of the upper arm (humerus). It is therefore capable of
pulling the chest wall upwards and outwards though it appears to act in this way only at
the end of a maximal inspiration. Pettersen (2006) has made a preliminary study of its
activity in singers, and in some he observed peaks of activity during inhalation that
occurred simultaneously with those in the sternocleidomastoid, but in other singers this
did not occur.

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Breathing in Singing

It is not uncommon for singing texts to suggest that students should tense the muscles of
the pelvic floor (Chapman 2006; Miller 1997), sometimes quaintly described as “sitting on
the breath” or “squeezing the dime.” Less colorfully, it may be said rather cryptically to
“maintain abdominal balance” (Bunch 1997). Presumably this means to resist any bulging
downward of the floor of the abdomen, however this muscular layer is generally
unyielding and its integrity is not something that wind players concern themselves with
although they generate much greater intra-abdominal pressures, The pelvic floor muscles
contribute to the urethral and anal sphincters and one possible origin for this concept
may be that if the muscles become damaged or weakened due to childbirth or age,
sneezing or laughing can cause a small escape of urine (stress incontinence). Though this
might give the impression that they are unable to contain the pressure within the
abdomen, this is not really the case. Brass musicians are not asked to tense the pelvic
floor so it would seem unlikely that this is necessary to resist the abdominal forces
generated in singing. Nevertheless, is there any evidence that activity in these muscles is
correlated with respiration? Recent studies reveal rhythmic activity in pelvic floor
muscles in phase with expiration, however this is again to ensure continence (Hodges et
al. 2007) rather than to resist any downward movement of the pelvic floor.

Other muscles sometimes referred to in singing texts include transversus thoracis,

levator costarum, serratus posterior (superior and inferior) for inhalation, and quadratus
lumborum in expiration. Many of these are weak and lie in positions that make it hard to
record their activity during respiration, but their contributions are generally thought to
be minor (Campbell 1970; Chapman 2006; Miller 1997; Vennard 1967; Williams and Gray
1989). However the thin serratus posterior inferior muscle, though it probably
contributes little to pulling the ribs downwards, may when stretched contribute to
sensations in the lower back that influence the output of other muscles (Vilensky et al.
2001). The role of latissimus dorsi, which often attracts the interest of singers, will be
discussed later.

Control of Subglottic Pressure during Singing

The primary role of the respiratory apparatus during singing is to regulate subglottic
pressure, therefore it makes a major contribution to vocal support. To singers, this
concept also embodies other qualities such as voice manageability, timbre, and vocal
projection which are dependent on a range of additional factors such as the position of
the larynx and how it is used, and vocal tract conformation. The term is rarely defined
explicitly and its precise meaning clearly varies not only between difference singing

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traditions (Miller 1997) but also between individual singers (Griffin et al. 1995). Its use in
this chapter will therefore be confined to the control of subglottic pressure.

Click to view larger

Figure 7 . Activity in the intercostal muscles (electromyograph (EMG) recording) when
singing a loud sustained tone. To sustain a constant airflow there is initially a gradual
decline in activity in the external intercostal (Insp. EMG) representing respiratory
braking, followed by a gradual increase in activity in the internal intercostal (Exp.
EMG) in the later part of the breath (from Sears and Davis 1968).

If we take a deep breath and then abruptly and completely relax the inspiratory muscles
(as in a sigh), the chest falls rapidly and air is quickly expelled from the lungs due to
elastic recoil, until functional residual capacity is reached (Figure 2). This passive
expiration lasts only a second or two during which airway pressure falls continuously in
an uncontrolled fashion. If we wish to sing a steady note of constant pitch and volume, we
need to maintain a consistent subglottic pressure for its entire duration. This requires a
continuous adjustment in the level of inspiratory and expiratory muscle activity. At the
start of the note, the elastic recoil forces generate pressures that are generally too high
and so must be resisted by gradually reducing the level of activity in the inspiratory
muscles until the recoil forces equal the pressure required. This is known as respiratory
braking. Subsequently, expiratory muscle activity is gradually recruited to maintain the
pressure at the required level. That this actually occurs during singing is clearly
demonstrated in Figure 7, which shows the progressive decline in activity of the
inspiratory external intercostal muscles, followed by a gradual increase activity in the
expiratory internal intercostals.

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Breathing in Singing

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Figure 8 . The involvement of the diaphragm and abdominal wall muscles underlying
performance of the Renaissance trillo. Esophageal pressure (Poes) gives an indication of
fluctuations in subglottic pressure. During the first half of the breath this is generated
by fluctuations in transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) which is a consequence of rhythmic
contraction of the diaphragm. Later the trillo is driven by pulses in abdominal pressure
which can be followed by recording gastric pressure (Pga). This is a consequence of
activity in the lateral abdominal muscles (EMGabd) (from Leanderson and Sundberg

Prolonged respiratory braking must be brought about by muscles that control the fall of
the chest or ribs (e.g. the external intercostals, scalenes, or sternocleidomastoids). It
might be thought that the diaphragm could play little role in such behavior as at the end
of inhalation it is at or close to its lowest and most contracted state, however, prior to the
onset of phonation, subglottic pressure must be raised to the level necessary to support
the note to be sung. To achieve this, the abdominal muscles must first be engaged to
push the (usually) relaxed diaphragm upwards—as part of an activity known as pre-
phonatory posturing (see below). From this position, the diaphragm can be used in
respiratory braking but only in short pulses as it will only reduce subglottic pressure if as
it flattens, it increases lung volume faster than the descending chest walls reduce it. Such
activity can be used to facilitate large downward pitch changes or abrupt reductions in
vocal intensity (Leanderson and Sundberg 1988). Another example of respiratory braking
by the diaphragm can be seen in Figure 8, which shows its involvement in creating the
trillo, a Renaissance ornament in which the same note is rapidly repeated. The braying
sound this produces is vividly portrayed by its alternative name—the goat’s trill! The
figure shows that the trillo is generated by a constant fluctuation in subglottic pressure.
During the first half of the exhalation, this results from pulses of diaphragmatic activity,
but as these die away in the second half, the abdominal muscles take over as the driving
force. One would predict that the transition between the two phases will occur at the
point where elastic recoil pressure reaches the level needed to generate the note. Some
singers may also use the diaphragm in this way during coloratura singing, using the
drops in subglottic pressure to separate the notes, while others rely solely on activity in

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Breathing in Singing

the abdominal muscles to create discrete pressure pulses to initiate each note
(Leanderson and Sundberg 1988; Leanderson et al. 1987).

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Figure 9 . Activity in latissimus dorsi during a coloratura exercise comprising ascending
and descending scales on each vowel, ending in an arpeggio (as revealed by the
sonogram). Pulses in the muscle correspond to each note and these increase in
amplitude as lung volume declines. The magnitude of the pulses also rises and falls with
pitch. The upper two traces show changes in chest and abdominal circumference at the
same scale in arbitrary units (a.u.) The singer (a mezzo soprano) employs the “noble”
posture, i.e. belly-in strategy. Inward movement of the abdomen is used to raise
subglottic pressure to an appropriate level before phonation begins (indicated by the
line 0). Chest circumference slowly declines during the exercise but the slope increases
as pitch rises and decreases as it falls. The dashed lines (1–6) mark the initiation of the
highest note in each cycle. A similar pattern in abdominal wall contraction is at first
slight, but becomes more marked (cycles 4, 5, and 6) as the chest reaches its limit of
inward and downward movement (from Watson et al. 2012).

Click to view larger

Figure 10 . Activity in latissimus dorsi (electromyograph (EMG) recording) during last
phrase of the Rossini aria “Una voce poco fa” (see music inset) sung by a mezzo
soprano using the projected voice at performance volume. During the last two held
notes, pulses in the muscle occur in phase with the vibrato, which can be seen as
oscillations in the sonogram (from Watson et al. 2012).

Despite the recent increase in objective analysis of respiratory muscle activity during
singing, much remains to be explored and established ideas still need to be challenged.
This is amply demonstrated in a recent investigation into the role of latissimus dorsi
(Watson et al. 2012). A number of singing texts refer to it (Husler and Rodd-Marling
1976; Vennard 1967) though most are either unclear about its role or suggest that it

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Breathing in Singing

might contribute to inhalation during that bête noir of singers: clavicular breathing
(Miller 1997). The muscle arises from the fibrous sheet of tissue overlying the deep
muscles of the back (the thoracolumbar fascia) and runs to the upper arm (humerus)
forming the back wall of the armpit (axilla). Its main role is to pull the arm downward,
e.g. when climbing or swimming, however it is also attached the sides of the lower ribs
which gives it some influence over respiration. It is active during coughing (forced
expiration), during which the muscle pulls the ribs downwards, but it is also engaged at
the end of very full inhalations. Its involvement in inhalation is usually attributed to
muscle fibers running upwards from ribs up to the arm, but if the muscle is actually
examined, the attachments to the ribs appear to run downwards into the body of the
muscle and not upwards. Instead it is likely that when the chest is held high by other
muscles, the downward pull of latissimus dorsi pulls the ribs outwards like a guy rope.
During speech, it is only active towards the end of the expiration (Draper et al. 1960).
Given these observations, a recent study of its role in singing produced unexpected
results (Watson et al. 2012). Conscious engagement of the muscle was correlated with
increased chest expansion, something that has been linked to projected singing (Thorpe
et al. 2001). However during coloratura singing, pulses of activity coincided with the
onset of each note. These increased in amplitude as the expiration progressed but also
rose and fell in line with pitch (Figure 9), implying that it contributed to the increase in
subglottic pressure that supports each note.

During sustained projected notes, the muscle also pulsed in phase with the vibrato,
supporting an oscillation in both frequency and intensity (Figure 10). In these activities
the muscle would not be acting alone. Indeed in some (but not all) of the singers, similar
activity during vibrato was detectable in sternocleidomastoid. Previous studies strongly
implicated the intrinsic laryngeal muscles in the production of vibrato as well as
infrahyoid muscles (such as sternothyroid) which control the vertical position of the
larynx. Many dismissed the possible involvement of respiratory muscles in vibrato (see
Hirano et al. 1995). Nevertheless a few studies have suggested that the diaphragm or
abdominal wall muscles can make a contribution in some singers at least (Appleman and
Smith 1971, 1985; Vennard 1967) though as none of these sources present actual data to
support their conclusions more work is needed on this subject.

Singing Posture
Variability in how different individuals achieve the same ends is a recurring theme in
studies of respiration in singers. Though respiratory movements are not stereotyped in
the strictest sense of the word as the control of each breath must match the phrase being

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Breathing in Singing

sung, breathing patterns in individuals repeating the same phrase are highly consistent
(Thorpe et al. 2001). This applies not only to the exhalation that supports phonation, but
also the inhalation that precedes it. As a result, it is assumed by many that inhalatory
behavior is important for vocalization (Thomasson and Sundberg 2001) but precisely why
is unclear. It may be linked to the necessity of bringing the chest and abdomen into an
optimal configuration for the onset of phonation. The fact that inhalation is associated
with changes in laryngeal configuration (e.g. vocal fold abduction) and position may also
be a factor. Inhalatory behaviors in singers will no doubt partly reflect how they have
been taught, but are also likely to have been molded by subsequent experience perhaps
involving optimization for the style of singing and the singer’s body type.

The directions given to singers concerning breathing frequently make reference to both
static and dynamic aspects of posture. Here we will confine ourselves to a consideration
of those relating to chest and abdominal movement or position, as sufficient objective
information is available on this subject to come to some conclusions. Two opposing
strategies are sometimes invoked in discussing breathing posture in singers (Leanderson
and Sundberg 1988; Titze 2000) though in terms of what singers actually do, it might be
better to consider them as two ends of a continuum. In the first the emphasis is on
keeping the chest high and stable leaving the diaphragm and abdominal muscles to draw
air in or drive it out. This strategy may be referred to as “pear shape up” (referring to the
combined shape of the chest and abdominal cavities), “belly in”, or “noble” posture. In
the other strategy, less emphasis is placed on chest stability and more on maintaining
abdominal pressure with the abdominal wall being allowed to expand on inhalation and
remaining relatively expanded even at the onset of phonation. This is known as the “pear
shape down” or “belly out” posture because of the relative proportions of the chest and
abdomen are to some extent reversed. As a result of the abdominal distension, the
diaphragm is flatter at the onset of phonation, though this may also be partly a result of
keeping it contracted during expiration as well as during inspiration. In trying to make
sense of these postures, it is first necessary to examine what actually happens rather
than the singer’s intention, as these are sometimes at variance (Watson and Hixon 1985).

Even in singers who use the “belly in” strategy, the chest falls significantly during
phonation (Sears 1977) and this can clearly be seen in Figure 9. In fact this always makes
the greatest contribution to the decline in lung volume during a sung phrase and to its
increase during inhalation (Griffin et al. 1995; Thomasson and Sundberg 2001). This
should not be surprising because the range of movement (and hence volume change) that
the abdominal wall can achieve is limited. Hixon et al. (1988) go so far as to state that the
abdominal wall (presumably by driving the relaxed diaphragm upwards and thus
stretching it) creates a platform against which the rib cage acts to deliver the driving
pressure for phonation. Nonetheless, the emphasis on raising the chest relatively high

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Breathing in Singing

and tensioning the abdominal wall in this posture, in preparation for phonation has
certain consequences. Pushing the diaphragm upwards counteracts the downward pull of
the liver, which hangs from its lower surface, thus reducing the load on the inspiratory
muscles. Having the diaphragm in the stretched state may also be advantageous if it is
needed to take rapid breaths at moderate to high lung volumes. The inner intercostal
muscles are also stretched and so can exert fine control over subglottic pressure to
control pitch or dynamics and fluctuations in chest circumference (Watson and Hixon
1985). Chest wall movements that are consistent with such a strategy can be seen in
Figure 9, in phase with rising and falling pitch during the first part of a coloratura

The belly-out strategy advocated by some other schools of singing (Miller 1997)
encourages a constant and paradoxical engagement of the diaphragm during phonation
that opposes the contraction of the abdominal muscles. It can be demonstrated that some
singers actually do this, and one observable consequence is that their abdominal pressure
is considerably elevated (Leanderson et al. 1987). Others advocate against this approach
and use breath training techniques such as the “Accent Method” which dictate that in
line with normal breathing, diaphragmatic activity should strictly alternate with that of
the abdominal activity (Chapman 2006). This leads us to question whether there is a
rational explanation for co-activating the diaphragm and abdominal muscles during
phonation. It has been proposed that this “facilitates subtle, rapid and precise
adjustments in subglottal pressure… .” (Collyer et al. 2011) which is more or less what
was attributed to the expiratory intercostal muscles in the “belly in” strategy!

If we look for other arguments in favor of the belly-out posture, one possibility is that it
helps to keep the lower end of the rib cage expanded, an effect of diaphragmatic activity
that we have already encountered. Another possibility is that for endomorphic (plump)
singers in whom the mass of the abdomen is high, adjusting the opposing forces of the
diaphragm and abdominal muscles might be advantageous for fine control of abdominal
movement. Hoit and Hixon (1986) proposed that speech breathing in endomorphs (plump
individuals) is predominantly driven by abdominal movement, while in ectomorphs (slight
individuals), chest movement dominates. However, they used a very small number of
subjects and a more extensive investigation did not confirm this conclusion (Manifold and
Murdoch 1993), though this too has been challenged on methodological grounds (Hoit
1994). Vennard (1967) also suggested that breathing in men is more abdominally driven
than in women, however his evidence is purely anecdotal. The possible influence of body
type on breathing in singers clearly deserves further attention.

In some singers, activation of the diaphragm during phonation is associated with a shift
from pressed to flow phonation and an increased stability of formant frequencies
(Sundberg et al. 1986) which would be seen as an advantage in classical singing, though

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Breathing in Singing

no explanation or causal link has been put forward. Formants are vocal tract resonances
and tuning these (usually by manipulating the dimensions of the throat and mouth
aperture, and the position of the tongue) is crucial for acoustically efficient projection of
the voice.

It has been argued that at high lung volumes, the flatter diaphragm typical of the belly-
out strategy will exert a greater downward pull on the larynx than the belly-in strategy.
This would promote a lower laryngeal position, something which is also associated with
vocal projection in classical singing and is therefore encouraged. Attempts to verify this
have been unsuccessful however. While one study found no dependence of laryngeal
position on anterior abdominal wall behavior (Thomasson 2003), another contradicted the
hypothesis by reporting that the belly-out strategy was associated with a higher larynx;
however, it appears likely that this anomalous result was due to postural changes in the
head and neck (the reasons for which were unclear) rather than having any direct
relationship to the position of the diaphragm (Iwarsson and Sundberg 1998).
Furthermore there were no significant differences between the two postures in subglottic
pressure or a range of parameters derived from flow glottogram recordings that measure
the pattern of airflow through the glottis (the space between the vocal folds) as they
oscillate during singing (Thomasson 2003). Subjective comparisons by a panel of expert
vocal judges also failed to demonstrate a consistent influence on vocal quality between
the two strategies. Not surprisingly, the singing was sometimes judged to be poorer when
the performers using the pattern that was not habitual to them (Collyer et al. 2011), a
result that was also reflected in changes seen in the flow glottogram (Thomasson 2003).
All this leaves the controversy of the relative merits of these two breathing strategies in
some disarray, and in practical terms, it is probably unhelpful to view the belly-in, belly-
out postures as separate options rather than as the opposing ends of a range.

Implications for Practice

A good understanding of the physiological basis of respiration and of the more arcane
breathing strategies that underlie singing, are essential prerequisites for accurate and
effective communication between teacher and pupil as well as a necessary basis for
personal exploration. One of the reasons why scientifically objective studies of breathing
are so important is that the sensations we receive from the respiratory system are
incomplete and may lead us to inappropriate conclusions. While it will be useful to refer
to these sensations when guiding others, their limitations must be appreciated. It is also
important to realize that some instructions that are often given to singers such as “keep
the chest high” are relative rather than absolute and that a rigid adherence to a dogma

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Breathing in Singing

without understanding the underlying principles will ultimately be counterproductive. A

recurrent theme arising from research into breathing in singers is that different
individuals achieve similar ends by different means. While differences in vital capacity
are easily appreciated, the possibility that age, gender and body type or body shape may
have a bearing on which strategies are optimal is less widely recognized. What works for
the teacher may not work for the pupil.

Turning to the involvement of individual muscles during breathing, the role of the
diaphragm is both central and complex. In functional terms it is unequivocally a muscle of
inhalation but how it is actually used is highly variable and depends not only the
particular breathing strategy being used, but also the nature of the singing task. Its tonic
co-contraction with the abdominal muscles during exhalation is associated particularly
with the belly-out strategy, but excessive activity of this type is likely to be tiring as both
sets of muscles will be working harder than is strictly necessary and will generate high
abdominal pressures. Many muscles that play a significant role in respiration also have
postural functions that may impact on singing. For example, the sternocleidomastoids are
important muscles of inhalation, but constant over-activity is associated with forward
head thrusting. This is often stress related and linked to tension in other muscles such as
those in and around the larynx where excessive tension must be avoided. The singer
therefore needs to disengage these two functions and ensure good posture is maintained
by a balanced but not excessive activity in opposing postural muscle groups. Breathing is
only one element of singing technique, and we see in the concept of support that it must
be integrated with good use of the voice source and efficient vocal projection if a
satisfactory outcome is to be achieved. While the expiratory muscles control subglottic
pressure, the actual level required depends on these other factors, thus breathing
technique cannot be viewed in isolation.

Finally, it is clear that many questions concerning the control of respiration in singers
remain unanswered, though techniques for studying them are now readily available. It is
important that singers become involved in this research to ensure that future studies
focus on the issues that are of most practical relevance. However, in doing so they should
always be prepared to challenge established dogma so that teaching can be based on
objective principles.

This chapter provides an overview of the principles of normal breathing and how it is
modified during singing. Inhalation is a consequence of increasing the dimensions of the

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Breathing in Singing

chest, brought about by contraction of the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles.
At high lung volumes, muscles such as the sternocleidomastoids and the scalenes also
contribute significantly to expanding the chest. Subglottic pressure is generated during
exhalation by the muscles of the abdominal wall (especially the lateral abdominal
muscles) which drive the relaxed diaphragm upwards, and the internal intercostal
muscles which pull the ribs downwards. When the lungs are fully inflated and the
inspiratory muscles relax, air can be driven out by elastic recoil forces, and in order to
control subglottic pressure these must be resisted (respiratory braking) by a gradual
reduction in inspiratory muscle activity. This is followed by an incremental recruitment of
the muscles of exhalation. How different patterns of activity in these and other muscles
contribute to particular aspects of singing such as the trillo, coloratura, and vibrato were
described and the way in which the same ends can be achieved by different means was
explained. One consistent trend which emerges from studies of breathing is that different
singers can achieve the same ends by different means. Two opposing breathing strategies
used by singers (“belly-in” and “belly-out”) are analyzed and compared and an objective
assessment of their properties is presented. This reveals that despite each having strong
advocates, the differences between them in terms of outcome are at best subtle. This
seems to imply either that both can be used successfully, or that one or other may be the
most favorable strategy for a particular individual. Though some possible reasons for this
are put forward, there is currently insufficient information available to assess their
validity. Furthermore, it may be better to view them as two ends of a continuum, rather
than as separate options.

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