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SI O N :  Double Negati
R O L L P R O G R E SSSI ve | Fumble
Negative  Fumble | Fail 
 Fail  | | Success | Critical  | | Double Positi
Roll over AC through AV. Add  Action Complexit y to increse difficulty.
S K I L L S + TASKS: difficult y. Attached Groups  for Double Positive .
Highly specialized tasks are Trained  rolls:
 rolls: relevant Group anywhere (d20), attached ( Double Positive
Positive), absent ( Double Negative
AUCTIONS: Hidden d6 roll. Each Bid. Resolve: Stat+d6 vs. Bid as AC. Final bid at 1. Highest bid resolves first, if all fail Bid 1 succeeds.
PLUS-20: Any check against a Stat modified to above twenty takes the overage (����-20) and adds to the quality of the die roll.
MIRACLE COSTS: 1, 2, d6, d6 +1, d6+2, 2d6, 2d6+1, 2d6+2. MIRACLES are: target + range
rang e + scale + duration
duration + resistance - preparation.

S C E N E : Scenes are connected by time and space: Monster, Treasure, Special Rooms, Tricks, Traps or Empty (the Gygax 6).
SETTING: Location + Conditions: weather,
weather, lighting, scale, footing , engage all
a ll senses. Imply consequences
consequences to inquiries.
COMBAT: Surprise (establish ����� + ��������) |  Reaction
 Reaction |  Initiat ive | Combat Advantage | Conflict (to hit: roll over AC through AV)
 Morale (at 1st loss; ha lf resources - �������, ����, ���������) |  Death? (�������� or *deal with the devil) |  Post-Con
 Morale  Post-Conflictflict Resource
Resource Admin
TTACKS: Charge (gain CA, lose AC-3); Offensively (-2AC for +1AV+1Damage);  Defensively
SPECIAL ATTACKS:  Defe nsively (-2 to AV or Damage for +1AC) ;
Grapple (unarmed attack); Trick (attack for: ����, ������, ����); Prote
ct (Task vs AV for redirect targeting/Save); Press
 Press (-AV
(-AV and enemy ST for Special Attacks.)
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Defy (ST or Con) 1/conflict for -d6 damage - fail out 2 rounds; *Sunder 
*Sunder  sacrifice
 sacrifice shield for damage.
D A M A G E :  at Zero �� - unconscious; at Negative �� - ST vs. Death (*also d6 Stat damage) .
H E A L I N G : may  Bandage  rate of 1��/day; addl +1/Con . *Stats at 1/week ; addl +1/Con.
 Bandage (Trained Task) for d3��/combat. Natural 
 Natural  rate
*house ruled items


Player: ��������� ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ Overview:

Character: Class: Level:
Level: Changes/Consequences:
Groups: Elements to Foreshadow+Revisit:
�����: �����:
 AC T 1
Player: ��������� ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩  What’s
 What’s wrong:
Character: Class: Level:
Level:  Why is that important:
Groups: Expectations:
�����:  What’s
 What’s pressuring:
Twists and Obstacles:
Player: ��������� ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ Extra Scenes:
Character: Class: Level:
Groups:  AC T 2
�����:  What’s
 What’s wrong:
 Why is that important:
Player: ��������� ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ Expectations:
Character: Class: Level:
Level:  What’s
 What’s pressuring:
Groups: Twists and Obstacles:
�����: Extra Scenes:

Player: ��������� ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩  AC T 3

Character: Class: Level:
Level:  What’s
 What’s wrong:
Groups:  Why is that important:
�����: Expectations:
 What’s pressuring:
 WI S D OM Twists and Obstacles:
Extra Scenes:
Be a great Host.
Host. Communicate your enthusiasm. Provide ���������� choices.
Steal ideas from the players. Make failure fun. Play to explore not resolve. Subtlety
is the enemy.
enemy. Reinforce setting. Leave
Leave everyone wanting more.
more. T���� � ���.

 game by Christian
Christian Mehrstam
Mehrstam - page by E. Tage Larsen

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