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Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines

Educ 202: Statistical Methods of Education
Frequency and Percentage

EDUC 202 8-11 am

Activity 1
Part 1

Written Works

The following are the grades of 60 students in Statistics. What is the student’s level of performance?

88 90 89 91 88 88
91 86 92 93 88 88
90 92 84 90 91 91
82 87 91 87 95 95
76 90 91 71 96 96
89 86 87 87 94 94
87 88 85 91 93 93
91 85 93 91 75 95
93 86 93 92 96 96
91 90 87 86 87 87

Profile of Student’s Performance

Range Level of Performance Frequency Percentage
90% - 100% Outstanding 33 55.00%
85% - 89% Very Satisfactory 22 36.67%
80% - 84% Satisfactory 2 3.33%
75% - 79% Fairly Satisfactory 2 3.33%
Below 75% Did not Meet Expectations 1 1.67%
Total 60 100%

Part 2


Activity 1 presents the data on students’ level of performance. Data revealed that 33 out of
60 or 55% of students got scores of 90%-100% equivalent to Outstanding Level. Meanwhile, 22 out
of 60 or 36.67% of students got scores of 85%-89% equivalent to Very Satisfactory Level. While 2 out
of 60 or 3.33% of students got the scores of 80%-84% equivalent to Satisfactory Level. 2 out of 60
students or 3.33% got the scores of 75%-79% equivalent to Fairly Satisfactory Level. Finally, 1 out of
60 students got the scores of 75% and below or 1.67% equivalent to Did not meet the Expectations.


The data implies that majority of the students’ level of performance is at Outstanding Level.
This means that most of the students are at the highest level of performance in Statistics.
Furthermore, only 1 failed the test or exam.

Part 3

Part 1
Activity 2 Performance Task
The following are the grades of 60 students in Calculus. What is the student’s level of performance?

Note: Example:
A = Number of letters of your name x 10 Jona = 4x10=40
B = Number of letters of your family name x 10 Jandayan = 8x10=80
C = Number of letters of your birth month x 10 January = 7x10=40
If the total exceeds in 100, just record 100 as the score

Example: Maria Cristina = 13x10=130, just write 100

Profile of Student’s Performance

Range Level of Performance Frequency Percentage

90% - 100% Outstanding 31 51.67%
85% - 89% Very Satisfactory 19 31.67%
80% - 84% Satisfactory 5 8.33%
75% - 79% Fairly Satisfactory 2 3.33%
Below 75% Did not Meet Expectations 3 5%
Total 60 100%

Part 2


Activity 2 presents the data on students’ level of performance. Data revealed that 31 out of
60 or 51.67% of students got scores of 90%-100% equivalent to Outstanding Level. Meanwhile, 19
out of 60 or 31.67% of students got scores of 85%-89% equivalent to Very Satisfactory Level. While 5
out of 60 or 8.33% of students got the scores of 80%-84% equivalent to Satisfactory Level. 2 out of
60 students or 3.33% got the scores of 75%-79% equivalent to Fairly Satisfactory Level. Finally, 3 out
of 60 students got the scores of 75% and below or 5% equivalent to Did not meet the Expectations.

The data implies that majority of the student’s level of performance is at the Outstanding
Level. This means that most of the students are at the highest level of performance in Calculus.
Furthermore, only 3 failed the test or exam.

Part 3

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