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“Technical English language”


1.Oil storage

Companies extracting oil and gas, storage and transportation put on a par with

processing. These are important components of the whole process.

Warehousing is the content of the reserve in conditions that can ensure the quality

preservation of the fossil without leakage over a long period of time.

If necessary, compensation for uneven consumption may be considered. Also, the

manufacturer provides for the possibility of operational and economic reservation of products.

2.Parallel processes occurring during the storage of oil.

It happens that the storage operation can take place in parallel with other technological


• heating oil products;

• Removal of salts;

• oil drying (dehydration);

• mixing.

It is stored in containers that are resistant to aggressive environments. As a rule, storage is

provided by the company-producer in the oil field or transit station. There are warehouses at the

main oil pipelines, near the raw materials bases.

Often, oil and petroleum products are stored in special parks of relevant factories and on

food bases.

3.Tank Farms

Reservoir parks in the oil industry are used widely enough. They are a real complex of all
kinds of containers intended for storage of various types of raw materials, combined in food

The main purpose of such structures is the convenience of accounting and storage of
hydrocarbon raw materials. Developments meet modern production requirements for
application, international quality standards.

The presence of a reserve quantity of a fossil ensures uninterrupted performance of

technological operations of the entire oil refining complex.
The operation of reservoir parks directly depends on the decision of the organization to
be completely independent or decisions about share participation and cooperation with other
areas of the industry. So, one facility can combine work with oil refineries, transit stations, etc.

All parks and storage tanks for resources are divided into specific groups depending on
the functional activities.

4.The main types of oil reservoirs

It is necessary to distinguish all the structures by the method of construction:

underground and land type. The first containers are reinforced concrete products, completely
upholstered on the inside by stainless steel. This has a positive effect on strength characteristics.

At the same time, the construction of tank farms does not provide for the presence of a
facing material. Ground engineering structures produce from high-class impact-resistant steel.

According to their structural profile, they can be:

• Vertical shape;

• horizontal tanks with a fixed roof;

• horizontal with floating roof.

Thus, a vessel with a diameter of less than 50 cm in a closed class is characterized by its
ability to withstand a sufficiently large hydrostatic pressure of hydrocarbon feedstocks. This
standard provides for the schematic position of the containers.

In construction, the parameters are taken into account depending on the following

• purpose, category of the complex and its scope;

• duration of operation and layout of containers;

• climatic conditions and geographical location.

5. Gas storage
Oil and gas, the storage of which now stands at the first place among the industry's
issues, are considered today the main minerals. Each product must be able to store, and
hydrocarbon raw materials are no exception. The industry of the underground complex for gas
safety exists and has been successfully operating for about a hundred years.
The product storage system is the availability of its reserve stocks in conditions that
maximally contribute to its quantitative and qualitative safety for a certain period of time. Gas
storage is purposefully formed when compensating for unsustainable gas consumption,
improving the reliability and efficiency of the supply system, the rapidly reacting (emergency
incidents) and the economic (for the formation of reliable and accurate planning in the event of
natural disasters) reservation.
As is known from history, the very first case of storage of raw materials occurred in
Russia when collecting light gas by dry distillation of coal at a gas plant in the mid-19th
century. (1835 - Petersburg, 1865 - Moscow). The first reservoirs of the resource, which

subsequently became widespread, are gas holders with low pressure with variable volume
(USA, 1895).

In practice, gas can be stored both in the natural and liquefied state, and in the form of
hydrates. The key role in supplying gas to the facilities of the national economy is played by
underground storage of gas in tanks, as well as in low, medium and high pressure gas tanks.

Underground structures for the storage of hydrocarbon raw materials play an important
role in the reliable supply of consumers. Their functioning makes it possible to equalize daily
fluctuations in gas consumption and cope with peak demand, usually during the winter period.

6. Requirements for tanks and gas storage parks

Metal tanks for gas storage provide an opportunity for 100% of consumers to use natural
resources. And it does not really matter what time of year, temperature fluctuations. At the same
time, the unexpected occurrence of force majeure does not play a role.

The storage of gas requires significantly more volume than a solid or liquid. Therefore,
the most difficult task is to find sealed tanks, storage tanks for liquefied gas and other products.
But nature in this case served as a good helper and already built them. Natural here are porous
strata of sandstone in the earth's crust, hermetically sealed from above by a dome from a layer
of clay. In the pores of the sandstone, water can be found, just as hydrocarbons can accumulate

To determine whether a reservoir is a reservoir of gas and oil, it is necessary to check

initially whether there are hydrocarbons in it. Thus, the tightness of this structure is already
proved by the fact that hydrocarbons accumulated in it.

At the time of formation of the storage, part of the gas is closed in the reservoir reservoir
in order to create the required pressure. Such a gas is called a buffer gas. The volume of the
buffer gas is almost half of the total gas pumped into the storage. The gas that will be used for
extraction from the gas storage park is called active or working gas.
Parks that are in a depleted field or aquifer have a difference, expressed in large
volumes and in little flexibility. Many times faster injection and selection of gas are carried out
in storage facilities, which are located in caves of rock salt.

7.Gas injection for storage

Gas injection is a system of actions aimed at filling an artificial gas reservoir with gas at
the indicated by the technological project indicators. Gas, which comes from the main gas
pipeline, goes to the specified place of purification from mechanical impurities, and then goes
to the point of metering and recording, only after that it goes to the compressor shop.
The piping of the production lines allows to measure the productivity of each well, the
temperature and pressure of the gas during injection.
The process of pumping out of the underground gas storage tank has an analogy with the
same technological process as extraction from gas fields, but there is one significant difference:
all active (commodity) gas is taken for a period of 60 to 180 days. The maximum purified and
drained resource is sent to the main transport systems.

8.Isothermal storage of liquefied gas.

Isothermal storage of liquefied gas is the most expensive method of storing gas from all
of the above. This expensive method of storage is used precisely in conditions of impossibility
of other variants of creating another type of storage near large consumers, but the decree on the
construction of this type of storage is published only in cases where it is not possible to create
another type of storage in the vicinity of large consumers.
The process of storing liquefied natural gas is carried out only in those tanks that have a
low temperature and are called isothermal. This creates difficulties, as a consequence of the low
storage temperature, low heat of evaporation of LNG. The use of highly effective thermal
insulation is the best condition for long-term and qualitative storage of the resource.
A variant of gas storage in the form of hydrates is possible. Stabilization of the treated
resource takes place under the action of its holding at the working pressure in accordance with
the temperature -10 ° C during the day. The hydrate density is 0.9-1.1 g / cm3, i.e. this slightly

exceeds the density of ice (0.917 g / cm3). A ready-made version of the gas from this resource
is possible only when it is heated. Storage of such gas occurs directly in gasholders.

9.Pipeline transportation of gas and oil

The transit system is considered one of the largest: it is used when the need arises to
quickly outrun a huge amount of hydrocarbons. It is noteworthy that the system functions only
in one direction.

The advantages of this method of transportation should include the following:

• high speed delivery to the final destination;

• large geographical coverage of communications;

• possibility of mounting at any distance;

• uninterrupted operation - the work of transport does not depend on weather conditions;

• minimization of gas losses during transportation;

• high degree of automation.

But you should pay attention to the fact that the transportation of natural gas and oil by
means of highways allows you to overtake a limited number of products. In addition, there is a
decrease in the efficiency of pipelines with the sequential transfer of various hydrocarbon types
of raw materials.

10.Land Transportation Types

   Now quite often used by rail. Trains allow you to transport all kinds of resources,
including unprocessed oil. Transit is carried out in tin tanks and cisterns designed for
transportation, which are characterized by increased strength.

As a rule, the railway finds a place in the supply chain only when it is necessary to
transport a relatively small amount of products over short distances. This method is used to
transport bitumen, engine oil, fuel and liquefied gas.

Among the advantages is the versatility of the railway. Rails are connected to all major
settlements of the state. The extensive web of ways makes it possible to supply raw materials to
any place at a relatively low cost. It is widely used in logistics. For large-scale transport, the use
of this type of transport is not highly efficient.

Often the transportation of liquefied gas is carried out by water transport. River or sea
vessels are used. This is a fairly convenient and efficient way. The main flaw in this method
relates to low speed traffic. In addition, it is one of the most difficult ways, since for loading
and unloading operations it is necessary to create certain conditions at the points of reception
and dispatch.

But the main advantage strikes out all the flaws. Sea transport opens up the possibility
of intercontinental deliveries. This significantly increases the availability of raw materials to
many countries.
The most common type of devices used for the delivery of gas and oil is road
transport. This technique is used when you need to put small volumes over short distances.
Most often used by small consumers. The technology is quite simple and convenient, as the car
can travel almost anywhere where other communications do not reach.

The advantages include:

• high degree of maneuverability;

• good cross;

• accessibility to every consumer.

The main disadvantage is that motor vehicles cannot be used for the transit of large
volumes. It is also impractical from the point of view of logistics to use the machine for
delivery of cargo over long distances.
Collection, preparation and transportation of gas by each method has its own
characteristics. In this case, you must strictly follow the rules that will help secure the delivery

11.Transit of liquefied gas by cars

In the carriage of liquefied hydrocarbon raw materials machine requires a very

responsible approach. This is due to the hazards of transport. Gas is subject to ignition and has
explosive qualities, which implies the use of certain safety measures. The same reasoning
makes us consider all sorts of situations on the road and ways to prevent them.

The specialist responsible for gas transit is obliged to strictly follow the instructions
written by the company, complying with all restrictions regulated by the legislative framework.
If there are any malfunctions in the functioning of the equipment, it will be necessary to
immediately call the brigade to eliminate the damage and its causes. If a gas leak is observed, it
is necessary to cut off a section of the road in order to avoid casualties from a possible

Liquefied gas, the transportation of which is strictly regulated, must be transported in

tanks that have undergone specialized certification. Only after passing through this procedure
are they allowed to be used. Immediately before each logistics operation, they are carefully
inspected by trained personnel.

12.Rules for collection, preparation, transportation of gas by car

Transportation of liquefied gas by road is carried out, as the regulation of supply states,
only up to the filling station. This opens up the possibility of transit only a small volume of raw
materials, so it is not suitable for delivering large quantities of gas. In addition, the condition of
the vehicle must meet all modern requirements and be almost perfect.

A sign is put on the car with special information that will make it clear to other drivers
about the transit of particularly dangerous goods. On the back of the car body there is another
special identification sign. When making various maneuvers, other drivers who move behind
will be aware that a vehicle with dangerous cargo is driving in front of them.

Preparation of gas for transport plays an important role in the logistics operation. Thus, a
tank in which a dangerous resource is transported must necessarily be labeled “Flammable”. At
the same time, it should contain all the information about the raw materials being transported.

In the course of the implementation of international delivery on the sides of the container
with luggage special identification marks are also applied. The body of a car for such deliveries
must be equipped with special equipment. The tanks are carefully fixed, so that when the car
moves, they remain in a real position. The design for the transportation of the resource must
remain tight all the time of transportation.

Transportation can be dangerous if the volume of raw materials transported exceeds the
established norms. Therefore, the transit of cylinders for personal use by the state is not
prohibited, but is regulated. In this case, checking the tightness of the tank is a prerequisite.

All this suggests that the preparation of natural gas for transportation, as well as the
delivery process itself, must be strictly controlled by the responsible structures and the carriers
themselves. Gaseous substances may be hazardous to living organisms. That is why all
conditions must be met during their transportation.

13. Methods and types of gas transportation

Gas is included in the list of dangerous, flammable baggage. Therefore, when

transporting a substance, certain safety requirements must be observed. This helps a system of
increased control.  

Methods of gas transportation are quite diverse, but the most effective and popular today
is the use of a gas pipeline system.

Communications are especially relevant for the movement of a large amount of resources
along highways to remote corners of the state. Now it is the most high-tech and the most
environmentally safe way to transport fuel. The main advantage of pipelines lies in their ability
to transit substances with high efficiency and high speed. Technical English language

Modern high and medium pressure lines are characterized by large diameter, and the
usual delivery speed is slightly higher than 15 m / s. This allows you to transport large volume
in a short time. The current communications is a complex that allows for the delivery of
hydrocarbons to nearby and distant points of consumption and organization in the territory of
the state. In addition, with their help, deliveries to neighboring countries are carried out.
These types of gas transportation for the transit of a resource cannot be applied to all
points of storage and processing. This is due to the fact that communications do not work
everywhere. That is why other types of transit of hydrocarbon raw materials have also spread.

14.Characteristics of gas pipelines

Trunk communications are included in the list of the largest: they are used when the
need arises in a short time to transport an unimaginable amount of mineral. It is worth noting
that the pipeline transport of gas works only in one direction.
The advantages of this transit method include:
• high speed of deliveries to factories and storage facilities;
• wide geographical coverage;
• system design over long distances;
• ensuring uninterrupted supply - the operation of pipelines runs regardless of climatic
• minimal resource losses during transit;
• high-tech equipment that provides full automation.
The main gas transport allows only a certain number of products to be transported. Liquefied
gas is not transported by pipelines. In addition, there is a decrease in efficiency after prolonged

15. Rules of gas transportation by car

Transportation of liquefied gases by road provides a professional and responsible

approach. This is due to the high risk of transit. Raw materials are too susceptible to ignition
and explosions, leading to the application of certain precautionary measures. At the same time,
responsible specialists envisage all sorts of situations on the highway and the possibilities of
their prevention.

The transit of liquefied gas by machines takes place strictly according to the rules of
delivery. Therefore, it is allowed exclusively to the filling complex. But used cars only to
transport a small amount of raw materials for short distances. This is due to the fact that such
transit over long distances is ineffective and inappropriate from an economic point of view. The
condition of the vehicles for delivery must meet all current requirements.

All cars are equipped with warning signs to inform other drivers about dangerous goods.
Therefore, on the back of the vehicle placed certain identification marks. Preparation for
transportation and the transit operation itself must be strictly regulated by responsible specialists
and the organization of cargo transportation.

16. Oil storage and tank classification

There are laboratories that cooperate with different SSS (State Standard Sample), a
sample of a substance or material, the chemical composition and physical properties of which
are typical for a particular group of substances or materials and have certified values of values.
They are used to ensure the uniformity of measurements.) Oil and petroleum products and often
come into contact with options with a shelf life of more than 3 years. There are such
manufacturers of SSS, who believe that the long shelf life of their products is their unique
special feature.

SSS with a long shelf life is most often produced on a natural basis, in places where crude
oil is produced. Oil is a substance that contains a mixture based on the sum of many
components, such as hydrocarbon compounds with atoms of sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, organic
acids and heavy metals. In general, there is very little chance of maintaining the properties of
such a mixture over a long period. It is important to understand that a lot of different factors
affect the quality of a SSS:

• starting composition of components;

• transportation, its features;
• conditions and methods of storage, etc.
Packaging plays an important role, because it is extremely difficult to make perfect and
perfect storage conditions in order to remove all possibilities of air penetration when using a
container with a screw cap.
It is impossible to ensure complete tightness for a long period of storage. The shelf life of
crude oil may be extended. It happens that the storage process becomes even worse due to the
fact that manufacturers often issue to their customers the relevant documents for a “fake”
extension of the shelf life of the SSS. Therefore, as a result, the laboratory can work more fully
even with a sample of 15 years old, whose properties are significantly different from those
indicated in the passport.

17.Classification of storage tanks for oil and oil products

Oil storages are made of materials that are not amenable to ignition. Bunkers come in 3

• ground;

• semi-underground;

• underground.

There are specific instructions, requirements and standards for installing each of the types
presented. Now the most common are surface vertical structures based on steel. They, as a rule,
have a cylinder shape, and such products belong to the RVS type.

Oil savings are formed at small bases and gas stations, where equipment for storing oil is
represented by ground and underground RHS. And in order to store high-quality fuel oil, use
special reinforced concrete products. Products from oil under strong vapor pressure are stored in
certain engineering structures with a floating pontoon.

18. Technique and technology of construction of pipelines

Modern pipeline construction technology is successfully operating in different climatic
regions of the regions, including at large distances from large industrial complexes. Installation
is carried out throughout the year with the help of brigades and columns equipped with various
mechanized equipment. For each of them is fixed a small section of the road.
In this case, safe methods are selected on the basis of the main functions provided by
safety. To prevent emergencies and accidents during installation, a set of precautions is in place.
To this end, is carried out:

• instruction that works according to safety regulations;

• manning of mechanized columns and workers with the necessary vehicles;

• constant inspection of equipment, devices, tools;

• installation of warning signs, protective mechanisms;

• allocation of individual protective equipment (clothing, shoes, etc.) to the team.

19. Basic safety regulations for pipeline construction

The main production processes, which correspond to the technology project and the
organization of the construction of main pipelines, are being established at the tap. Conduct the
necessary production processes, prepare parking for vehicles and the supply of gas and
lubricants materials near the outlet is not allowed. Moreover, the organization of places for
breaks and meals is prohibited.
Improving the roadway. Clearing the road from trees and bushes is the main direction of
ensuring production safety. The area of forest removal is blocked with fences with prohibited
signs or inscriptions informing people about the danger. They are placed at a distance of 50 m
from the border of the territory. Objects are not allowed to be accessed by strangers. Workers
who are involved in the removal area are required to wear safety helmets.

Before carrying out excavation work, sites for digging underground engineering trenches
are prepared. If there are any pipelines, the organization that is engaged in construction must
have a permit, fixed in writing to carry out excavation work from the institutions that are
responsible for this process in these areas.

At the points of trenching and communications, production takes place in strict

compliance with safety regulations for the construction of steel pipelines in the presence of an
engineer or other responsible person. At a distance of less than 2 m from underground pipes, the
earth is removed through manual labor. At the same time works by means of digging machines
are allowed.

20. Loading and welding

The loading and unloading processes are carried out by qualified and well-trained rigging
teams under the guidance of a selected manager who has been certified by the commission in
full compliance with safety engineering during the construction of pipelines.

Pipes from transport unload lifting means, equipped with certain devices that are
designed for this. Before unloading, special platforms and vehicles are secured with shoes or
other means with special slits. After that, the crane is fixed at a distance of more than 1 m from

the wall of the car. When unloading pipes it is prohibited to be in a gondola, near materials or
on a working platform.

Safety regulations at work comply with all pipe layers without exception. When loading a
section on an auto train, it is strictly forbidden to be near a vehicle or a dissolution. It is also
forbidden to be close to the submerged section.  During welding, the pipe joints are protected
from moisture using:

• shelters;

• portable shields;

• awnings.

In times of seasonal cooling, they are provided with means of individual heating. When
working at the pipe joints use light inventory ladders and protective mats that protect the welder
from colds.

During manual boiling, the welder who is involved in the work processes inside the
pipeline must be in a protective helmet where the air enters. Near the work carried out near the
pipe must be a couple of people who are needed for insurance and maintain a signal contact
with the worker. All this provides the technology of construction of trunk pipelines.

21. Chimney and insulation works

For mixing bitumen and gasoline use special containers. It is forbidden to use open fire
closer than 50 meters from tanks. Bitumen mastic is prepared in a certain place. Primer and
mastic manufacturing sites must be equipped with fire-fighting equipment:

• fire extinguishers;

• shovels;

• boxes with dry sand and technical felt.

The cleaning and insulation of the pipeline is carried out under the direction of the head
of the mechanized column section. When carrying out cleaning of the pipeline, it is only
possible for the machinist to be present near the pipe cleaning and pipe insulation mechanisms.

Before commissioning, check the level of knowledge of safety regulations, compliance of

an object with safety regulations during the construction of main pipelines. Workers are
required to provide the necessary tools, equipment, special clothing and personal protection
tools. During the testing of the pipeline at the purge pipe, a special protected area is organized,
on which it is forbidden to be a stranger.

22. Calibration of tanks for petroleum products.

Calibration of containers designed for the preservation and transportation of petroleum

products is carried out in order to control tanks. Due to the calibration of tanks for petroleum
products, petroleum products located on the enterprise’s territory are counted.

Prior to calibration, the volume of the required reservoir is determined, a table of its
calibration is compiled. In the case of long-term operation of the tank, it should be thoroughly
cleaned before the necessary measurements.

23. Calibration of tanks of fuels and lubricants

Measurement is allowed only to those organizations that have the appropriate

accreditation to perform such work. According to the results of the work performed, the
customer receives a certificate - a document confirming the obtained results of the

Calibration of tanks for petroleum products is carried out in one of two ways: geometric
and volumetric. The most accurate is volumetric, as in the course of its implementation the
possible influence of many factors on the deformation of the vessel and the change in its
dimensions is taken into account. Volumetric calibration is carried out at gas stations for fuel
tanks, horizontal tanks of fuel and lubricants, vertical tanks at oil depots.

The geometric method is suitable for calibrating cylindrical tanks regardless of their
performance (vertical, horizontal), reinforced concrete tanks, tanks located and belonging to
process and main oil pipelines. Volumetric calibration of containers occurs through special
software and measuring systems. For its use transported laboratories for measurements.

The use of modernized installations for measuring makes it possible to obtain high-
precision results using the volumetric method.

24. Automated calibration of tanks for petroleum products

Automated process control speeds it up significantly, reducing downtime. Calibration of

containers facilitates the implementation of the subsequent necessary monitoring of the amount
of petroleum products placed in tanks.

Graduation gives an indication of how much oil in the tank was consumed over a certain
period of time, as well as the remaining part.
Geometric calibration is performed by determining the linear dimensions of the vessel as
well as the structures located inside. All measurements are performed using rulers, levels, tape
measures and other similar devices.
The main purpose of calibration is to exercise control over the internal accounting of
refined products. In order to determine the amount of petroleum product placed in the tank, the
necessary measure is taken to calibrate each tank with the mandatory application of a
calibration table in steps of one centimeter. With the help of such a device you can easily and

without any effort determine the amount of product in the tank only by the height of the liquid

The years of operation leave their mark on the fuel tanks, their deformation occurs.
Significant changes in the shape and size of the tank can lead to significant shortages of
petroleum products. Modern calibration systems carry out the marking of containers with high
accuracy. Temporary corrosion and deformation affect not only the accounting of fuel
materials, but also the appearance of leakages in tanks. This is the cause of the leakage of fuels
and lubricants.

It is possible to detect any damage to the vessel in time by applying the method of
acoustic monitoring of the state of the tanks, using penetrating substances, as well as the visual-
measuring method.

Minimum vocabulary

conditions [kənˈdɪʃnz] условия, şərtlər

consumption [kənˈsʌmpʃn] потребление, istehlak
convenience [kənˈviːnɪəns] удобство, rahatlığ
ensure [ɪnˈʃʊə] обеспечивает, təmin edir
environment [ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt] окружающая среда, ətraf mühit
extracting [ɪkˈstræktɪŋ] добыча, hasilat
industry [ˈɪndəstrɪ] промышленность, sənaye
preservation [prezəˈveɪʃn] сохранность, qorunması
provide [prəˈvaɪd] предусматривать, nəzərdə tutur
raw materials [rɔː məˈtɪərɪəlz] исходный материал, xammal
reinforced [riːɪnˈfɔːst] concrete – железобетонные, dəmir-beton
relevant [ˈrelɪvənt] соответствующих, müvafiq
removal [rɪˈmuːvəl] удаление, çıxarılması
resistant [rɪˈzɪstənt] устойчивый, davamlı
stainless [ˈsteɪnlɪs] нержавеющая сталь, paslanmayan
structure [ˈstrʌkʧə] сооружение, qurğu
uninterrupted [ʌnɪntəˈrʌptɪd] бесперебойный, fasiləsiz
upholstered [ʌpˈhəʊlstəd] обитый, üz çəkilmiş
warehousing [ˈweəhaʊzɪŋ] складирование, Anbar
floating [ˈfləʊtɪŋ] плавающий, üzən
exception [ɪkˈsepʃn] исключение, istisna
safety [ˈseɪftɪ] безопасность, təhlükəsizliy
successfully [səkˈsesf(ə)lli] успешно, uğurla
qualitative [ˈkwɒlɪtətɪv] качественный, keyfiyyətli
quantitative [ˈkwɒntɪtətɪv] количественный, kəmiyyətcə
opportunity [ɒpəˈtjuːnɪtɪ] возможность, imkan
consumer [kənˈsjuːmə] потребитель, istehlakçı
difference [ˈdɪfrəns] разница, fərq
selection [sɪˈlekʃn] отбор, seçilmə
required [rɪˈkwaɪəd] необходимый, lazımi

Tasks for self-control

1.You are going to read a short story about a bank robbery. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-I for each
part (1-7) of the article. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning

A Showing the police the way D Firing warning shots G Careful preparations

B Getting the cash E Into the arms of the law H Changing the public transport

C What he had forgotten F Nearly home I In prison


0  I He’d planned the robbery down to the finest detail,

observing the staff and their routine over several weeks
He was not a happy thief. Sitting alone in his cell he and making sure that his raid would coincide with the
thought once more about how the police had caught busiest payout of the week. He’d even gone to another
him and he decided that he was probably one of the town to steal the car he would use, changing the
most unfortunate convicts in the history of crime. He numberplates and keeping it locked up in the garage
also knew that he would not have much else to think until the big day arrived. With so many young car
about for several years to come. thieves around these days, he reflected sadly, nobody’s
car was safe.
His feelings had been very different, he remembered, as
he walked confidently along the road towards his The hold-up itself had run like clockwork. His imitation
house, the heavy sack over his shoulder almost pistol and large, scary-looking dog quickly made
overflowing with cash. The police, he was sure, would everyone co-operate, and a rather sinister clown mask
be miles away, looking for a clown in a car on the other meant there was no chance of him being recognized
side of the town. from the closed-circuit television security video. The
bag he had brought was soon filled up and, pausing only
to give the cameras a final ironic wave, he made a quick


Leaving nothing to chance, he’d taken off his disguise in

the getaway car. He then left the stolen vehicle deep in
an underground car park before catching the bus home
dressed like a busy postman carrying a mountainous
mailbag. So far so good.


It was only when he got indoors with the brimming

sackful of cash that he realized he’d left something
behind: his faithful hound. Still, with all the money he
now had, he could easily afford to buy a new dog, and a
pedigree one at that.


Then, suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door.

Snatching up his sack, the startled robber made a dash
for the back door, only to run straight into an extremely
large police sergeant, who grabbed him by the scruff of
the neck and unceremoniously marched him back


The crook couldn’t believe it. ‘How on earth did you find
me so quickly?’ he asked miserably. ‘It was the Sergeant
over there,’ replied the Inspector. ‘He’s the one who
noticed that you’d left your dog tied up outside.’ The
thief looked astonished. ‘But he hasn’t got a name tag,
or even a collar for that matter…’ ‘It’s simple really,’ said
the Inspector, ‘the Sergeant just shouted “Home, boy!”
and here we are.’

2.You are going to read an article about Taekwondo. Choose from the list A-H the sentence which best summarizes each
part (1-6) of the article. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning
A People take up Taekwondo for a variety of reasons.
B You should be careful when you are deciding where to learn it.
C Some people are changing to Taekwondo from another martial art.
D The colour for each grade has its own particular meaning.
E All students promise never to misuse what they learn.
F It is a safe activity if you take plenty of care.
G We are not certain where the art of self-defence began.
H It is a unique and increasingly popular activity.
Taking up Taekwondo

0  H

Taekwondo is the Korean name for the ‘art of foot and hand fighting’. There is no other martial art style
like it and none is so enjoyable in its freedom of expression. Jumping and spinning in the air and striking
out with hands and feet are its special characteristics. These can be wonderful to perform and great to
watch. Today there are more than twenty million practitioners of Taekwondo and the numbers are
growing quickly.


The history of the martial arts is the subject of much discussion and there are many theories concerning
its origin. China, Japan, Korea and India all have strong claims to the beginnings of unarmed combat,
while fighting skills were a natural development throughout the world for self-protection. Taekwondo
itself began in Korea, a country which has a tradition of martial arts that goes back to more than two
thousand years.


If you have visited a traditional Karate class and found it too formal or even military in its approach, you
will recognize that Taekwondo is more modern in the way things are done. None of the politeness or
discipline you would expect in a martial arts club is missing, but there is an air of enjoyment. Many
people who previously did Karate are now training in Taekwondo as it is in many ways more
progressive, more dynamic, more exciting and more entertaining.


Beginners are often attracted by what is an enjoyable, physical form of recreation with the added benefit
of self-defence and increased self-confidence. For some the fascination of learning techniques and
performing them to exacting standards, combined with a high level of fitness, speed and strength, may
be what appeals. Others enjoy being a part of a disciplined group of people of both sexes, of all ages and
from many different backgrounds who can work together and help achieve their aims. It is not unusual
to find a 12-year-old girl or a seventy-year old man wearing a Black Belt.


To reach that level takes years of hard work. Your first belt is white, which shows the innocence of the
student who has no previous knowledge of Taekwondo. If you pass your first grading exam, you receive
a yellow belt. This represents the Earth, where a plant takes root as the Taekwondo foundation is being
laid. The next grade is green, symbolizing the plant’s growth as skills begin to develop. This is followed by
blue: the plant is now maturing and growing towards heaven as training progresses. Then comes red,
meaning danger, cautioning self-control to the student and warning the opponent to stay away. Finally,
there is black, meaning maturity and proficiency in Taekwondo. It also indicates the wearer’s conquest
of darkness and fear.


The first thing to learn, though, is that Taekwondo is a martial art to be practised with control. Careless
practice or fooling around can lead to injury. Strict rules of conduct and close attention to them will help
keep injuries to a minimum, particularly when you are training one-to-one with another student. In all
combat situations like this you will have to wear thick gloves and padded boots to avoid damaging either
yourself or your opponent, and – depending on the club you join – you may also need to wear a helmet
and a chest protector.


In a good club there should be a feeling of friendliness. The pace may be fast and the training might be
tough at times, but nobody should be getting hurt. Sit in on a class, see if people are enjoying themselves
and have a look at who is there. If the club has been going for a few years there should be, apart from
the instructor, some other high grades – Blue, Red and Black Belts – practising, because there is always
more to learn. From Black Belt 1 st Dan you can go further still, possibly reaching 5 th, 6th or even higher
Dans after many years’ training.

3. You are going to read an article about a film. Seven sentences have been removed from the
article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra sentence
which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

A However, in this scene the alien moved like a cat that was hunting, and we could see it.

B It’s a shame that when they show Alien on television you miss it because it’s on the edge
of the wide screen.

C I think seventy per cent of Alien’s success is owed to him, even though he complained to
Twentieth Century Fox that all the best shots of the alien were eventually left out of the film.

D And the look has stuck; it’s even got into Star Trek: The Next Generation.

E It seemed to have so many.

F It was just the first of many battles with the creature.

G It’s like ballet.

H This was in the days before video-recorders, so I was a serious fan of Alien for probably
three or four years before I even saw it.

Chris Jones remembers being fascinated at the
age of 13 by a film that he still admires,
You have to understand the way I first saw Alien. When it was released I was 12 or13 and it had
an ‘X’ certificate, as it was then. My brother saw it and came home and told me the story, which
I thought was terrific, and then I got the photo-book and fell in love with the pictures. 0 H

It was the first film I saw in Dolby stereo. I knew a lot of time and care had been taken to
give it that strange sound that you find even more in Blade Runner, the film Ridley Scott
made after Alien. It was just lovely to hear the sound of next-millennium machinery in

Every science-fiction film that has come after it seems to have that dirty, wet, steamy
look, that kind of blue light and green darkness. It has totally changed this type of movie,
when you consider that only two or three years previously Star Wars was it as far as sci-fi
was concerned. 1______ Without doubt, it has to be the most influential film of my life.

There’s one scene in particular where I thought: I wish I had shot that. They’re hunting
down the alien after it’s got away – they believe it’s only the size of a small dog at that
point. They send Harry Dean Stanton off on his own to look for the ship’s cat, and we all
know that in the meantime the alien has got bigger…

The bit that for me was really dramatic is where Harry Dean Stanton is leaning down to
pick up the cat, and the alien’s tail just drops down into view. 2______ And it’s so

understated: you know just from the tail that this creature has immense power and is
going to get him.

There was no attempt to shock, no violence. The audience knows something bad is going to
happen and everyone is expecting the alien to jump into the shot in some way, but it does the
opposite: it moves slowly and smoothly in. 3______

It was the first time I’d ever seen on film a creature that was a real killer. It’s purely a special
effect, nothing that couldn’t have been done before with just a little technical knowledge:
there’s no Jurassic Park-style computer graphics. But up until then, whenever I saw a movie
monster, it would be a guy in a rubber suit; it would always have that falseness about it. Or the
film-maker would rely on editing but you would never really see the creature. 4______ Even
though we couldn’t quite make out what it was, which added to the terror. That in itself was
very interesting.

One of the other things that’s really effective is the teeth of alien. 5______ When it opened its
mouth there was another mouth inside it, which was a stroke of genius by H.R. Giger – his design
is genuinely shocking and inventive. 6______ That may be true, but I also think that the director
realized that no matter how good your special effects are, if you leave them too long on screen,
people will spot that they’re not real. Fortunately, that didn’t happen in Alien.

Answer these questions.

1 The text is probably taken from 3 Which, according to the text, is old-fashioned?

A a sensationalist newspaper. A Alien

B a film script. B Blade Runner

C a ‘serious’ newspaper. C Star Wars

D an advertisement for a film. D Jurassic Park

2 Which would be the best title for it? 4 The text is probably by

A ‘Old films are better than new ones’ A the director of Alien.

B ‘My favourite science-fiction film’ B another film director.

C ‘New films are better than old ones’ C a film critic.

D ‘Science-fiction is never convincing’ D a schoolboy.

4. You are going to read an article about reading. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-I for each part (1-7)
of the article. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

A Don’t be afraid to give up D Carry a book about G Buy it, don’t borrow

B Treat them badly if you have to E Finding the time at home H Deciding what to read

C Is reading worth it? F When not to read I We realize we should read

Turning over a new leaf

Do you only ever read on holiday? David Mills tells infrequent page-turners how to keep going all year.

0  I Books are there to be read. You can generally buy

classics for £1, so don’t be overprotective with them.
Nobody would argue that reading books is a bad thing. Read in the bath (in the shower may not be such a
We may feel that Arnold Bennett was going slightly over good idea). I once found myself with 75 pages of a
the top when he said that the man who does not read Dickens novel left to read, and a plane to catch.
books ‘is merely not born. He can’t see; he can’t hear; Rather than spend a two-week holiday lumbered
he can’t feel, in any full sense. He can only eat his with a 900-page book I pulled the last 100 pages out
dinner’, but more often than not, we would agree, and took them with me.
reading a book is normally better than watching
television. So, most of us would really quite like to read.
There are 106,000 books published in Britain every year.
The best of seven centuries worth of literature is
A recent government survey of what we actually do published in paperback. There has to be something you
revealed that the average woman spends the would like. Identifying it may take time. Be guided by
equivalent of only five days a year reading (the average what you have already enjoyed in the past and branch
man four days), compared to 56 days of watching out from there: Roald Dahl? Then try R.L. Stine. Stephen
television. Cutting down on time spent in front of the King? Then try Clive Barker. Agatha Christie? Then try
box should give you some spare hours, and if you are Patricia Highsmith or Ruth Rendell.
male you’re even luckier. The same survey also
discovered that the average man spends 17 days a year
‘doing nothing at all’. If you are not particularly enjoying a book, you are
guaranteed to find 143 other things to do instead of
reading. Consequently, it will take months to finish and
If you examine your day for reading opportunities, you put you off picking up another. When you find this
will discover lots of free time. Standing at the bus stop, happening, stop reading this book and start another
travelling by train, over lunch, in the dentist’s waiting immediately.
room, queuing up for things: the occasional 10-20
minutes here and there quickly add up. But the time will
fly if you always have your book with you. Most people usually go to bed because they are tired.
Why then do so many of them also think it would be the
ideal time to read? Reading is tiring – it is mental
exercise. Either you will fall asleep after two pages, or

your brain will become so stimulated you will have


If you want to be part of 3,000 years of civilization

(and speculation about what happened before that)

then get reading. Otherwise, stick to eating dinner.

5. You are going to read a newspaper article about sharing flats. For questions 1-8, choose the answer
(A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

Room to let
You might think that sharing a flat with other young people is a good idea. But there is one major
problem: how to choose the right people? I’ve had at least 25 flatmates, so I should know. It seemed the
sensible thing to do when I moved to London. Missing my old friends and worried about feeling lonely, I
moved in with 13 other people so that I would always have someone to talk to. I did – my bed was on
the landing.

(Eventually I was promoted to a room with a door – the airing cupboard. It was just big enough for a
single mattress and I had to leave the door open so I could breathe.) Then there was the bathroom rota.
Accommodating 14 people before breakfast needed a military-style operation. We started taking turns
at 5.30 and the last person to join the household got the first turn. The only advantage was that he or
she also got all the hot water.

Sadly, the owners threw us out and I had to find a new home fast, which is why I ended up with Gina
the circus performer. When I first met her, she was hanging upside-down above the stairs. She seemed
nice though, and the elegant old building was ideal. While we were sipping herbal tea and she was
questioning me about my diet and political beliefs, I noticed she had lots of great books I wanted to
read. However, things went sour the day I moved in when Gina refused to let me get rid of an army of
ants that had moved into my room. She said that killing was against her religion. So was cleaning the
bath. As if that wasn’t enough, she left a note on the fridge, where we usually left messages about
phone calls and milk, stating her intention to murder me with poison. I moved out in the middle of the

(After that I ended up with some student doctors and was happy enough until we all caught a
mysterious illness.) It was at this point I broke my self-made rule. After sharing a student house with two
friends in Oxford – a period that ended in a fist-fight over fruit juice – I had decided I would never again
put a friendship to the phone-bill test. But of course I couldn’t afford a one-bedroom flat in central
London so I agreed to get a place with a very neat and tidy friend from school.

The house we found had three bedrooms, a washing-machine and a nice little garden. We moved in
at once. I got the smallest bedroom because I wasn’t going out with anyone, but my new flat mates
promised we would swap round within six months. That was 18 months ago. I’m still in the small room
and my belongings are still in boxes on the landing, though one of the original girls has been replaced by
a banker.

What we had advertised for was a female non-smoking professional, but anyone who looked even
slightly interesting had always found a better place by the time we decided that they wouldn’t steal our
boyfriends. The banker got in by promising that being male hadn’t made him incapable of washing
dishes and cleaning. He tried, of course.

(There are, though, advantages to the flat sharing life. If you can forgive them for drinking the last of
your milk, you can get captive shoulders to cry on.) If you can forget about the ring around the bath,
your CD collection instantly gets three times bigger – though you won’t want to listen to most of it. You
get three minds to remember to put out the rubbish. Three ways to split the rent. And, unlike a partner,
your flatmates won’t care if you wear those old clothes all weekend.

In fact, on a good day I wouldn’t be without mine. Unless I could afford a place of my own.
1 Why did the writer share a flat when 2 The newest person in the flat had to

she moved to London? A get up very early.

A She went there with friends. B wash with cold water.

B She wanted to have a company. C go without breakfast.

C There were 25 people to talk to. D wash after breakfast.

D She had a big room all to herself.

3 She moved in with Gina because 6 Why is she still in the smallest bedroom?

A she wanted to live in a modern flat. A Her flat mates broke their promise..

B she was in a hurry to find somewhere to live. B It is part of the agreement she made.

C Gina worked in a circus. C She now has a boyfriend.

D Gina did not ask her any personal questions. D It is big enough for her and her things.

4 She moved out because Gina 7 Why did they let the banker move in?

A refused to pay the telephone bill. A He was the kind of person they had

advertised for.

B was cruel to animals B He was the writer’s boyfriend.

C was always cleaning the bath. C He had a lot of money.

D threatened to kill her. D He said he would do housework.

5 Why did she move in with her friend? 8 One reason she likes flat sharing is that

A Living alone would be too expensive. A it is better than owning a flat.

B The one-bedroom flat was big enough for two. B someone else will clean the bath.

C They had already shared a flat in Oxford. C it is much cheaper than living alone.

D She had decided only to live with friends. D flatmates encourage each other to dress



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