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Ancient Idealism and History

 there are two different parts of reality the non-physical and physical according to a group
of metaphysical outlooks the non-physical is considered more real than the physical
 the outlook that prioritized the non-physical world and believed that the non-physical
world is more real is called the idealist which we access through our soul and mind. they
believe that what is in the non-physical world is internal and not change.
they believe that history is less real because it happened in the physical world and history
means change across time so those things that change according to idealist outlook are
less real and those things which are internal and not change is more important so we
should focus on the non-physical world.

 the views that support:

 potato: The Forms
 Hinduism: Brahman 

 the outlook that prioritized the physical world and believed that the physical world is
more real is called materialism which we access with our senses.

 according to Marxism, this world which is more real is the physical world one below the
line according to

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