British Slang

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fit (adj) – a way of saying the person naff (adj) – lack of style or good

is attractive or sexy. taste

loo (noun) – word used instead of sack off (ph. verb) – avoid doing or to
“toilet” give up doing something

proper (adj) – in the north of banter (noun) – joking or teasing not

England, used as “very” always in a friendly way

dodgy (adj) – low-quality, potentially gutted (adj) – extremely

dangerous or unreliable disappointed or upset

knackered (adj) – exhausted, very pissed (adj) - drunk


quid (noun) - pound par (noun) – an act of dismissal or


skint (adj) – that doesn’t have any melt (noun) - coward


skiver (noun) – who pretends to be cheeky (adj) - activity that is a little

sick so that doesn’t go to work bit naughty but nice

to snog (verb) – to give a not romantic mug off (ph.verb) – take advantage
kiss or to fool out of someone

cheers (excl) – used instead of mate (noun) – friend, often used

“thanks” often sarcastically sarcastically

Complete the sentences with the new words and number the definitions.
1. I was going to buy that armchair for my room, but it looks a bit ______________.
2. The girls kept laughing at me because of my new haircut. I told them to stop ______________
me ______________.
3. Can we stop at the café? I need to go to the ______________.
4. Peter was ______________after Liza broke up with him. I think he’s still a little sad.
5. Did you see how rude Tom was to the waiter? What a ______________!
6. I wouldn’t go to that gym. It gets a little ______________late at night.
7. Monica is such a ______________! She always takes the day off work.
8. It was very disappointing to see how ______________he got at the party.
9. I can’t go with you, guys. I’m not getting paid until next week and I’m ______________.
10. Don’t get offended. I think it was just a bit of ______________.
11. That guy is so ______________! Shall I get his number?
12. Do you fancy a ______________pint after work?
13. That was a ______________good night. I hope we can go out again soon.
14. Stop asking such personal questions, ______________.
15. I need a ______________for the parking machine.
16. I’m going to ______________the drinks tonight. I’m too tired.
17. Steve took me home after dinner and ______________me at the front door.
18. “Do you want a piece of cake?” “Who made it?” “I did.” “No, I’m good, ______________.”
19. I can’t go out tonight. I’ve worked too much and now I’m ______________.
20. Just ask her out, stop being such a ______________.

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