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Flow Resources

In this lesson, we will explore flow resources. We will be able to explain the
connections between these resources and Earth’s physical features.
Engage What are flow resources?

Flow resources are extremely important to us and to all

living things. Without them, there would be no life on
Earth. Flow resources are resources that must be used up
when and where it can be found or it will be lost.

For example, water, air and sunlight are flow resources.

What are the benefits of using flow resources as an

energy source?

Renewable Energy created

from Flow Resources
Explore Sun, Wind, and Water

Energy from the Sun, wind and water are called “flow resources” because they do not remain in
one location. Flow resources move about because of the natural actions in the physical
After Flow Resource Reason for Movement
examining the
The sun gives off vast amounts of solar energy. Only a tiny amount of the total energy
table, make a Solar Energy produced by the sun reaches the earth’s surface.
list of ways that
people have
The earth’s surface is hotter near the equator and colder near the poles. This creates areas
harvested the Winds of high air pressure at the poles and low air pressure at the equator. Winds blow from areas
energy of high pressure to areas of low pressure.

provided by
these flow Moving Water Winds carry moisture from the oceans over land where it falls back to the earth. This water
flows down to the ocean, The hydrologic cycle is the natural “machine” that moves water
resources. about.
Explore Running Water as a Resource

Global Water Distribution

People use flow resources in a
variety of ways. In fact, we refer
to flow resources as the global
commons. No one can own
these resources so they are
available to everyone.

Which continent(s) has the

largest water stress? Which
continent(s) has the least?
Why do you think that there is
no data in several areas of this
Explore Exploring Water Footprints

A water footprint is similar to an ecological footprint,

however, this term describes the amount of water Why do you think the footprint differs so
used by individuals, communities or business. It is useful much from country to country?
to compare the water footprint of different countries. Click on the link to assist you
A country’s water footprint tells us how much fresh in your answer.
water people in that country consumes per capita, or
per person. It includes the amount of freshwater used
to produce the goods and services consumed by the
people in a country.

Canada’s water footprint is 2333 m³/year. This is

almost double the global average of 1385 m³/year.
To determine your own water footprint, click HERE.
Since this in an American resource, select the closest
state to your home.

Personal Amount =
Record your Household Amount =
results here US Average Amount =
Explore What is virtual water?

What is meant by the term “virtual water”? Watch the following video
to understand the
Virtual water is the total amount of freshwater that is concept of virtual water.
required in a product before it is sold to the
consumer. From watering plants and crops to
feeding and raising livestock, we use a lot more
water than we may even expect.

After watching the video, explain why the production

of steak requires the most virtual water.
What are the challenges facing flow
Explain resources?

Watch the following video, then answer the

question below:

In terms of water, what does it mean to

“value an invaluable resource while ensuring
that everybody has access to it.”

World’s Water Crisis Explained (18 min.)

How do we use flow
Extend resources for energy?
Our energy needs are increasing. To meet these needs, people use resources such as wood, coal,
oil, and gas. However, not all countries have large supplies of these resources or can easily
purchase them. With the use of these resources there are high levels of pollution being created on
a daily basis. For these reasons, many countries with steady and high levels of sunshine and wind,
fast-flowing rivers, or access to ocean tides and waves are turning to flow resources to generate

Select one of the flow resources below and

determine how it is used to create energy.

Wind Farms Solar Farms Hydroelectric Dam

I have selected ...

Additional Resources
Additional Resources

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