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Why is the "Hindutvavadi" BJP more Dangerously Anti-Hindu

Than the Openly Anti-Hindu "Breaking India Forces"?

Shrikant G. Talageri

The full question (necessarily shortened in the title) is: Why is the
"Hindutvavadi" BJP more effectively, more dangerously and more
destructively Anti-Hindu than the openly Anti-Hindu coalition of Leftist,
Evangelist and Islamist forces which has been brilliantly and pithily described
by Rajiv Malhotra as the coalition of "Breaking India Forces"?

The supporters and apologists of the BJP would put the question rhetorically as
follows: Why would the BJP, which depends on Hindu votes, be more Anti-
Hindu than the Breaking India Forces, or even be anti-Hindu at all? (i.e.
implying that they are not, or could not be, anti-Hindu; let alone more anti-Hindu
than others). This is indeed the main question.

To answer the title question first (before moving on to the main question), the first
point to be noted is that the BJP is indeed more effectively anti-Hindu than the
more openly anti-Hindu forces: whether it is the massive 70000 crores+ minorities-
only schemes (and their firm reiteration in the Supreme Court); the recent move to
prepare the grounds for extending SC reservations to Muslim and Christian
converts from the SC ranks; the utter refusal to grant autonomy (on par with
Muslim and Christian religious and other bodies and institutions) to Hindu temples
and educational (etc.) institutions and the constant looting of the funds and
properties of these Hindu temples and institutions; the continuous and subtle
strengthening of the anti-Hindu nature of laws and regulations in every sphere of
life (the examples for which are so many and so continuously brought up by critics
in the social media that it would require separate research and a separate article);
the continuous concern by BJP Parivar leaders (including RSS leaders) for the
"welfare" of ( or only of) the "minorities"; the indignation and swift action (e.g..
the Noopur Sharma case) by these leaders when "minority" religious sentiments
are "hurt" (as compared to their utter indifference when Hindu sentiments are
deliberately attacked); the stonewalling of Hindu historical issues (e.g. the film
"1921: Nadi Se Nadi Tak" and the proud refusal to correct anti-Hindu historical
inaccuracies in textbooks); and even the personal attitude of the topmost leaders of
the BJP Parivar who cannot be bothered to give even a single (even a) hypocritical
tweet expressing concern when sadhus are brutally slaughtered (as in Palghar) or
Hindus or Hindu activists are targeted and killed (the list of these is endless, from
individuals to entire communities — again it would require a separate article to list
these instances), but find time to tweet concern even when an anti-Hindu activist
(e.g. Shabana Azmi) gets a minor bruise. Or, of course, there is the massive and
destructive gang-rape of India's forests and natural heritage, in which the BJP
Parivar outperforms all predecessors (including the Mughals and the British).

Why "more effectively"? Because when "secularists" or the openly anti-Hindu

forces do any of these things, there are effective (or at least effectively vocal)
protests born of indignation from Hindu or "Hindutvavadi" people, but when the
BJP Parivar does the same things (and on an even greater scale), those same
"Hindutvavadi" people either firmly turn a blind eye and a deaf ear, or stridently
set out with missionary zeal on a course of whitewashing, defending, supporting or
even glorifying these anti-Hindu acts. A case in point is the recent article in
Swarajya magazine which tried to convert the anti-Hindu act of trying to open the
floodgates of SC conversions from Hinduism to Christianity and Islam into a
Hindutvavadi act performed to defend Hinduism from "judicial bullets". And when
Hindus or Hindu organizations do criticize or protest (or pretend to do so), it is
with the proviso that "of course, when it comes to casting our votes, There Is No
Alternative to the BJP", which makes their criticisms or protests an open case of
what in Konkani we call "h v m :rlv ri ka:rt , t v ra: v ri k ri" (I will
pretend to hit you, you pretend to cry). Or rather, in this case: "I will pretend to hit
you, but don't bother to even pretend to cry, just ignore it: there will be no
repercussions from my side"!

This of course, brings up a third question (which must be answered before the main
question): is the BJP Parivar indeed intrinsically more anti-Hindu than the
openly anti-Hindu coalition of Breaking India Forces?. The answer to this third
question, put in this form, with the word "intrinsically", would be "No": but
without that word it is a definite "Yes". The BJP is not intrinsically more anti-
Hindu, but it is much more anti-Hindu in effect because while the Breaking India
Forces are motivated (out of Hatred) by the desire to destroy Hinduism, the BJP
Parivar is not motivated by Hatred, but by an equally horrible and powerful
motive, Greed: for them Money and Power are the only two things that matter:
absolutely nothing else matters (love or hatred for anything, other than love
for Money and Power, just do not enter into the picture at all). To understand
this fully, please see my article "Leftists and Rightists":

And the Greed of the BJP is even more powerful, obsessive and all-consuming
than the Hatred of the Breaking India Forces.

So, again, the main question: Why would the BJP, which depends on Hindu
votes, be more Anti-Hindu than the Breaking India Forces, or even be anti-
Hindu at all?

The answer consists of two parts:

I. The illusion of the BJP's "dependence" on Hindu votes.
II. The American Factor.

I. The illusion of the BJP's "dependence" on Hindu votes.

The idea that the BJP is "dependent" on Hindu votes is based on the illusion that
Hindus think and vote, which makes it necessary for positive action on the part of
the BJP to retain those votes. Actually, Hindus have never bothered to think on
such matters, let alone act on the basis of thinking. Once a political idea has been
implanted into the Hindu consciousness, large sections of Hindus continue to stick
to that idea through thick and thin. In 1947, Hindus decided that the Congress
would protect their interests, and they by and large stuck to that idea for decades
through the effects of extremely adverse evidence. Now, the idea, that the BJP will
not only protect Hindu interests but that it intrinsically represents Hindu interests,
has taken control of the general Hindu psyche, and it will take decades for this idea
to spend itself out. There is therefore a dominant section of Hindu society today
which will stick to the "No Alternative to the BJP" line of thinking through thick
and thin: the two main bodies of this dominant section consist firstly of those
common Hindus who don't read or think and simply go about their daily activities
in a state of ignorant bliss, and secondly those "thinking" activist Hindus who are
completely controlled by the rasa of bhakti!

It is true that an examination of the internet shows an increasing number of

thinking Hindus (especially after the Nupur Sharma episode) getting disillusioned
with the BJP Parivar and criticizing the BJP dispensation in no uncertain terms.
But it must be remembered that these critics include tactical critics (including
members of BJP Parivar affiliate organizations, and pro-BJP intellectuals) who
tactically criticize the BJP to keep their flock in line, but then swerve back to the
TINA line when elections come up. And their tactical criticism sometimes shows
up in actual tactics: recently, after the Noopur Sharma episode, many such
intellectuals criticized the BJP, and, after an appropriate interval, came up with a
new stand expressing regret at having criticized too hastily and expressing a new
understanding of the important factors and aspects (which had apparently escaped
their attention earlier when they expressed their hasty criticisms) which made the
actions of the BJP Parivar in that episode not just excusable but in fact necessary
and even based on pragmatic wisdom born out of concern for long-term Indian and
Hindu interests!

But yes, in spite of all this, many thinking Hindus are becoming more and more
disillusioned with the BJP Parivar's destructive anti-Hinduism disguised as
"Hindutva". The only question is: how concerned should the BJP be with the
prospect of this disillusionment affecting their electoral vote-banks of "Hindus"?
There is little reason to be concerned, if we consider the following factors:

1. The first and most important factor, already mentioned, is, of course, the huge
majority of BJP's Hindu voters who belong to the two categories already described:
the non-thinking masses and the determined legions of bhakts. The number of
Hindus who could get disillusioned enough with the BJP as to turn into NOTA-
voters, non-voters or anti-BJP-voters is very small compared to these hard-core
masses who will stick to the BJP through (the most adverse conditions of) thick
and thin, and therefore the loss of Hindu votes can be dismissed as irrelevant or
And the BJP think-tanks and tacticians believe (correctly) that these minor losses
can easily be filled up with other voter-blocks:
a) The new minority voters (however small the groups) benefitted by the BJP's
acts: thus women benefitted (or pleased) by the laws against triple-talaq (good laws
in themselves, but nothing to do with Hindu interests either way), students or lay
"minority" sections benefitting from the Rs. 70000+ crores minorities-only
schemes, Islamic or Christian religious or community leaders feted or rewarded by
the BJP, etc. Even if a miniscule minority of these people become BJP-friendly, the
reduction of these miniscule numbers from the anti-BJP vote-banks and their
inclusion into the BJP vote-banks is still a "something-is-better-than-nothing"
b) People, or leaders with caste-followings, belonging to Hindu (but not
necessarily Hindutva-minded) castes benefitting from special privileges (like new
reserved categories) or personal benefits or special space within the BJP
dispensation. Again, "something is better than nothing". The divide-and-rule policy
of caste reservations has become the most handy tool of the BJP in its foray into
originally non-BJP voter groups, and to hell with the havoc it causes among the
Hindu ranks. It started with the strong support for the Mandal Commission,
followed by major strategic gains in Rajasthan by including the Jats as OBCs and
then strategic planned state-wise "caste-engineering" in every corner of India, and
now culminating in the planned induction of SC converts to Islam and Christianity
into the list of reserved SC categories. The ultimate goal will be reservations for all
minorities, i.e. Muslims and Christians. Mark my words: the ignorant Hindu
masses will swallow even that, and the bhakts will find ways and means to defend
and even to glorify even that as "true Hindutva"!
So, the few Hindu voters who may move away from the BJP can be ignored.

[A major but important diversion from the main discussion is called for here: this
Machiavellian and unprincipled behavior of the BJP Parivar can be contrasted with
the behavior of Bal Thackeray, the only person after Veer Savarkar to deserve the
title "Hindu Hriday Samrat". Three acts of that leader deserve mention here:

a) When the Ayodhya movement (hijacked for political purposes by the BJP
Parivar from the Hindu Mahasabha, and recently disowned by the Sarsanghchalak
of the RSS himself) was in full swing, and a section of true Hindu sctivists
demolished the Babri structure, the entire leadership of the BJP Parivar was
quaking in its shoes and urinating in its pants in terror at the possible political
repercussions (on their fate) of the unplanned and unexpected demolition (which
put an end to the unending token pujas and election-time issues which were
intended to see them through countless elections), and was bleating that "it must
have been Shiv Sainiks who did it". The Shiv Sena chief, the ver next day of the
demolition, announced: "if it is my shiv-sainiks who demolished the structure, I
am proud of them". This gave courage to all Hindu activists who were becoming
demoralized by the Parivar's wailing and moaning. I was in Delhi, seeing to the
proof-reading of my first book, published a few months later; and the next day,
Sita Ram Goel and myself (as I accompanied him on his morning walk) were
accosted by a number of his acquaintances who were full of admiration for "that
Bal Thackeray from Maharashtra". [Incidentally, two other stalwarts who also
openly supported the demolition were Swami Chinmayananda the founder of the
Chinmaya Mission, and the great NRI writer V.S.Naipaul].

b) Even before the demolition, the Islamic mobs had been rioting all over the
country, and specifically in Mumbai, on the Ayodhya issue. This was in
continuation of the "at-least-one-major-riot-per-year" policy of the Islamicists in
Mumbai since (and from even before) 1947 on any "muslim" issue taking place
anywhere in the world. However, when the Shiv Sena Pramukh issued a public
statement and gave a call to Hindus to remove their bangles and fight back, there
was a major backlash, and the Muslim rioters received a drubbing they have never
forgotten. After that, the riot-per-year came to a complete halt, and there have been
no major riot in Mumbai in the last 30 years — a situation that the Breaking-India
forces find extremely irksome. [Narendra Modi, when CM of Gujarat later,
followed Thackeray's lead in this matter, though less vocally, and Gujarat also has
been a more-or-less riot-mukta area since].

c) Most telling of all, when PM V.P.Singh unleashed his Mandal-astra to further

divide the Hindu masses, Bal Thackeray was the only important leader to oppose
it. Most breath-takingly thrilling was what happened at the Shiv Sena's annual
Vijayadashami rally at Shivaji Park in Mumbai that year. The newspapers were full
of predictions that Thackeray would not dare to openly oppose the Mandal
Commission since most of his Shiv Sainiks were OBCs, and the important (then)
Shiv Sena leader Chhagan Bhujbal (himself an OBC) had openly supported the
Commission report. But Thackeray stunned the media at Shivaji Park: he asked all
the people who were in the massive rally, who belonged the "OBC" communities.
to raise their hands. A massive number, nearly 80-90 per cent of the crowd, raised
their hands. Thackeray explained in detail that such reservations did not benefit
anyone, except for a few elites among them, and the only result would be a divided
and infighting-ridden Hindu community. He declared: "I am opposing the
Mandal Commission. Are you with me in this?". A huge uproar as the crowd
replied: "We are with you!". And they remained with him, in even greater
Which other political leader would have had the guts to even dream of doing
such a thing?]

To return to the main subject:

2. As I have already pointed out numerous times in my articles (and more often on
private forums), the BJP Parivar has a never-ending supply of election-time
"Hindu" issues which are calculated to bring in the Hindu votes — even those
"sulking" ones. Apart from the standard three-pronged fare of "Hindu"
"achievements" of BJP governments (massive and expensive statues, massive and
expensive temples, and major place-name-changes — all of them, of course,
loaded with financial kick-backs) during normal years, election time brings in
more emotional issues: mainly riots, terrorist acts and border issues. Sometimes,
with a gentle nudge from the ruling party: the CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act,
2000) was one such issue intended to capture Delhi for the BJP. It was a lame
issue, where not only different sections of Hindus, but even Christians, in Pakistan,
Bangladesh and Afghanistan, were to be have their citizenship process "expedited",
but only if they had already been staying in India since 2014 (i.e. since six years!).
This could have been done quietly, but it was done with fanfare, and the inevitable
Muslim "agitation" against the Act was deliberately kept alive till the elections.
That particular ploy, for various reasons, failed to work in this specific instance.
But as a rule, such ploys definitely works wonders in Lok Sabha elections!
[Again, a necessary diversion: was the BJP ever really serious about the CAA or
about anything to do with protecting persecuted Hindus anywhere? The way in
which the BJP Parivar left large numbers of gullible Hindus of Bengal (and not
mere Hindus, but actual BJP activists) down after the recent Vidhan Sabha
elections in Bengal is not an isolated incident. Numerous Hindu communities and
Hindu individuals all over India have experienced the total indifference of the
Parivar to their fate, once they lose their utility to the Parivar. The Kashmiri
Pandits have been experiencing it for decades (notwithstanding the propaganda-use
to which the Parivar put the film "The Kashmir Files" which recorded their tragic
fate: a film "1921: Nadi Se Nadi Tak" recording the similar fate of Kerala Hindus
100 years ago, has less propaganda value for the BJP and seems to have been
suppressed or stonewalled), and recent news reports reveal that even Hindu
refugees from Pakistan in 1947 have yet to get their colonies recognized as
"authorized" colonies entitling them to basic amenities like electricity!)
As the BJP leader Uma Bharati had frankly admitted in an interview, Hindu issues
(like Ayodhya) are "cards" which can be used in an election but have to be thrown
away afterwards: "you cannot play the same card twice", she wisely pointed

3. In continuation of the above, the BJP has little fear of losing its Hindu vote
banks because of its anti-Hindu acts (however much more anti-Hindu their acts
may be than similar acts of their Secularism-spouting rivals). This is thanks to the
constant clamor of the Breaking India coalition (which works hand-in-hand with
the BJP Parivar) that the BJP represents "Hindu Communalism" and that the
"minorities" are in danger under BJP rule. If it is difficult for Hindu voters to doubt
that the BJP can be considered anything but a Hindu party even in the face of the
BJP's back-stabbing, simply because the BJP and its bhakts and activists constantly
claim that it is a Hindu Party, the only truly Hindu party, and one for which there is
No Alternative — then how much more powerfully persuasive would the same
claim (that the BJP is a Hindu party) be when its sworn "enemies" also keep
making this claim in the form of a continuous barrage of vociferous accusations!

It is often quipped that the Gandhi family (specifically Sonia Gandhi and more
specifically Rahul Gandhi) is the biggest political asset for the BJP: it effectively
puts off voters (even those disillusioned with the BJP) from treating the Congress
as a serious alternative, and at the same time keeps the opposition divided. But that
is only as a political party: in the ideological space, it is the clamorous coalition of
Breaking India Forces (the Islamicists, Evangelists, and the Leftist intellectuals,
academics and media armies) which keeps alive and kicking the image of the BJP
Parivar as a "Hindu" party doing things for Hindus and working against non-
Hindus, not only within India but even in the international sphere. The Breaking
India Forces are the biggest allies of the BJP Parivar, and the greatest assets for the
"Hindu" image of the BJP Parivar, and give it the biggest leeway in backstabbing
Hindus without fear of adverse reactions from the ranks of Hindu voters.

4. A question arises: however small the number of disillusioned Hindus who see
through the shenanigans of the BJP Parivar may be, in comparison with the
ignorant Hindu masses and the active bhakts, surely they can gather together and
form an alternative more openly and genuinely Hindu party which would serve as a
brake to the BJP's constant backstabbing? To begin with, this is difficult in the face
of the overpowering weight of the ignorant Hindus and the bhakts, who would
immediately brand this as an anti-Hindu ploy to divide the Hindu vote. The TINA
dogma has already been too deeply entrenched within the Hindu psyche for an
alternate Hindu party to be effective.

But if not effective as an alternative, it could function as a catalyst in forcing the

BJP Parivar to perforce mend its ways and become less Hindu-destructive. If all
the disillusioned Hindus, including the most eloquent among them, get together
and form a Hindu party that would cut into the Hindu votes of the BJP, the BJP
would be forced to align with them and to modify its anti-Hindu acts in order to
keep the alliance working. But there are two problems: the first one is that
historical experience has shown that it works the other way round. When the Sena-
BJP government of Maharashtra under Manohar Joshi disbanded the anti-Hindu
Shrikrishna Commission appointed by its predecessor government to probe the
Mumbai riots of 1992-93, even a stalwart like Bal Thackeray was compelled by the
BJP to reinstate the commission!

But even more to the point: such an alternative would only be possible in a
democratic country. But India under the BJP is not a democracy: it is a purely
Fascist state. Fascism (despite all the propaganda) is not a feature of any kind of
Hindutva or even necessarily of "Rightist" ideology: Fascism is not an ideological
term, it is a governmental term. Any government which seeks to establish a purely
Authoritarian and Totalitarian rule where all vestiges of opposition are completely
and forcibly wiped out is a Fascist one: whether it is the government of Mussolini
(who actually used the name Fascist for his Party), Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, or
Kim. True, a few more steps require to be taken to make it purely Fascist, like
banning all opposition parties and making elections openly a single-party process.
That stage has not yet been reached in India, and, when Fascist control can be
achieved through less blatant methods, may not even be necessary. But the way in
which India is being pushed towards becoming not just Congress-mukta but
Opposition-mukta, with the very powerfully effective use of governmental
weapons like the CBI, IT Department, Enforcement Directorate and other
government agencies, is a process that the whole of India has been watching in the
last few years, not just passively but indifferently. Every state elections sees attacks
on major Opposition party leaders in that state; and corrupt opposition leaders
(MPs, MLAs, corporators, panchayat members, etc.) are being subjected to ED
raids which either lead to their imprisonment or to their joining the BJP and
becoming cleansed of all their sins. A change of government has been effectively
brought about in various states (Goa, Maharashtra, for example) by the effective
use of these government agencies.
If there is no opposition party (Secular or Hindu) worth the name left, why bother
about winning or losing Hindu votes?

[Another aspect of the increasing power of Fascist governance in the world is the
way in which all governments are moving towards the situation depicted by
George Orwell in his book "Nineteen Eighty-Four" where every single individual
in the state is targeted as an individual and is under permanent and increasing
surveillance by the rulers. Fighting crime and terrorism is one of the arguments
advanced to do all this, and may even be acceptable to some extent. But news from
China shows how far the word has proceeded towards that nightmarish scenario. In
India, this Orwellization started with "liberalization" in 1993, went on with
compulsory Pan-cards and later Adhaar cards for every individual, complete digital
tracking of the personal private lives of every individual through IT and the
Internet, etc.
And, in the last few years, in India it is unfolding in the form of the increasing
shift of responsibilities from the collective to the personal: every individual, rather
the companies concerned, has to show dividend income in his personal IT returns;
every resident of a cooperative housing society, rather than the society as a whole,
has to individually file property tax. etc. Small things, but the purpose is Fascist: to
keep the individual continuously embroiled in official red tape and procedures, and
make him vulnerable to governmental witch-hunting, and to leave little scope for
the individual to have time to see what is going on around him].

5. As already pointed out, the only ideology that the BJP Parivar has is "Money
and Power": mainly power for amassing money. And during its recent eight years
tenure, the BJP has brought in at least two important, corrupt or anti-national laws
(or amendments to existing laws) which have made it probably the single richest
political party in the world (except perhaps for the two major US parties, and the
CCP which controls everything in China):
a) The 2016-2017 budget amendment to the FCRA (Foreign Contributions
Regulations Act, 2010) allows foreign contributions to Indian Political Parties with
retrospective effect from 2010.
b) The Electoral Bonds scheme (notified on 2-1-2018) allows people to contribute
anonymously to Indian political parties through Electoral Bonds sold through the
government-controlled SBI. This gives the ruling party (but no one else) direct
access to knowing who is funding which political party, with predictable
consequences. It also enables people to get into the good books of the ruling party
by contributing a part of their black money to them.
c) There are also the endless and multi-billion-dollar (yes, rupee valuation would
be tame for this), or even trillion dollar, "Development" projects which enable the
ruling party, its individual members, and their family members, friends and
cronies, to amass unlimited wealth. This is a double whammy, where the massive
income is not the only benefit: the mass-propaganda effect of awing and
mesmerizing the electoral masses with the magic word "Development" allows the
BJP Parivar to eat its mammoth cake and have it too!

In all these circumstances, the BJP sees little need to "pamper" or "appease" its
Hindu vote banks for coming to power. It is more sensible to realize that the major
sections of Hindus are already deeply ensconced in their (Parivar) pockets and not
likely to budge from there under any circumstance: the only thing now is to add
new sections of voters to their kitty through various method, and the Muslim and
Christian voters are now the target groups.

but the question remains: even if it is not necessary to pay attention or give
importance to Hindu issues, what is the need to actively attack Hindu interests and
work towards the total destruction of Hinduism?

II. The American Factor.

I have been pointing out right from my college days in the late seventies (after
observing the behavior of the ex-Jana Sanghis, even before the actual formation of
the BJP by that name in 1980) that the guiding factor in the policies of "Sangh"
politicians is that America is to them what the (erstwhile Communist states of)
USSR and China were to the Communist Parties of India. I wrote an article (in a
notebook in 1978) called "Communalism" where I lambasted the Secularists and
Leftists, but noted that the Trojan Horse "Sangh" was equally de-Indianized. In my
article "Sita Ram Goel — Memories and Ideas" in the Sita Ram Goel
Commemoration Volume, published in 2005 by Voice of India (New Delhi), I put
it as follows: "the BJP represents the USA, or at least the International
Capitalist class with its base in the USA, more than it represents India. If it
was said of the CPI that its leaders 'open out their umbrellas in Delhi when it
rains in Moscow', it could be said of the BJP that its leaders 'pull out their
snow-shovels in Mumbai when it snows in New York'" (TALAGERI

In the rapid course of events since then, I had rather lost sight of this American
factor, but it was indirectly brought to my notice recently by two very profound
tweets by Koenraad Elst: on 6/10/2022, Elst tweeted: "While it is true that China
supports the Indian Left, it does not need to issue directives. The Indian Left
has its own anti-Hindu agenda. Its Hindu-bashing is not due to the CCP, the
NYT or any other foreign power centre, as nationalists imagine". This of
course, was always obvious to me: the Indian Leftists' hatred for Hinduism is based
on their own inner psychopathic compulsions, not on any "foreign" directives. But,
his second tweet on the same day was truly profound and, to me, very enlightening,
as it brought to my notice a very fundamental fact about China that I had never
thought about: "China has an objective interest in seeing India fall apart, yet it
is not attacking Hinduism. The US has an objective interest in seeing India
strong, viz. as a counterweight to China (& to global terror which it claims to
be fighting), yet it hosts all kinds of Hindu-bashing".

There is no doubt that China is an enemy of India: it has had a very major war with
India, it occupies large chunks of India territory, it supports Maoist-Leninist
insurgents in India, it arms Pakistan to the hilt and is trying to encircle and isolate
India, and it has taken an anti-Indian stand on every major issue — but it has
never made Hinduism the target of its attacks! If, tomorrow, China were to
conquer and occupy India, it is very possible that it would try to stamp out
Hinduism as an effective counter force, as it has done to Lama Buddhism in Tibet
or Islam in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous region. But Hindu India has never,
or never yet, been its target.

On the other hand, although Hindu Americans are a respected group in the USA
(or am I wrong in thinking so?), and a huge majority of Americans (as I have read
in so many articles, e.g.
hindu-beliefs/articleshow/4904634.cms) have become similar to Hindus in a great
many spiritual ways, practice Yoga, become vegetarians, believe in multi-
culturalism, prefer to be cremated rather than buried, use Hindu terms (like
moksha, nirvana, mantra, guru, etc.) in their speech, etc., and yet America and
some of its European allies are the most militant in their blatant Hinduphobia and
Hindumisia. All anti-Hindu movements are financed by America: let me clarify
that alternate terms for what I simply call "America" in this context could be "the
American Wokists", "the American Fundamentalists", "the American Deep State",
"the International Capitalist Class", or even simply just "the entrenched Western
Establishmentarian Class".

And American money, in billions and trillions of dollars accompanied by

technological and logistic support of all kinds, flows towards anyone who is
engaged in attacking and destroying Hinduism. Those are generally the "Breaking
India Forces", and the organizations and individuals who receive these funds need
not necessarily be in positions of political power anywhere. There are countless
American financed anti-Hindu individuals who must be attracting American
money in huge amounts. American political directives are taken to heart even by
parties which are not traditionally considered pro-American. Can we forget how
the Congress PM Manmohan Singh was willing to sacrifice his government in
August 2007, when the two Communist parties threatened to withdraw support to
the coalition government led by him if he signed the Nuclear Deal with the USA?
Of course, the compulsions of electoral politics then made him take back his words
two months later.

When America and its western allies are the main unlimited source of funds to any
and every section of Indians who want to destroy Hinduism, it is obvious which
entity would be the main and most important recipient of unlimited funds and
strategic, logistic and intelligence support: an entity which could do the deepest
and most permanent damage to Hinduism by maneuvering itself into the role of the
Only Alternative for Hindus, coming to power on Hindu issues, making a few
showy and expensive gestures (grand temples, grand statues, place-renaming,
photo-ops in front of murtis and Hindu sages, etc) and election-time stunts (Hindu
issues and border issues), keeping Hindus divided on caste lines, and then actively
working to destroy Hinduism from within with the conscious or unconscious
support of masses of ignorant or unthinking Hindus and unshakable bhakts. Is it
any wonder that the BJP is working so hard to please the anti-Hindu western
masters, with some coordinated help from the Breaking India Forces which have
the same masters?

I have nothing to add here to all the above.

But a few concluding remarks:

1. All this is not something new that I am saying now. The awareness of the
Trojan-horse and backstabbing nature of the BJP Parivar was present in my mind
right from the Janata Party days in the late seventies. I wrote in a private notebook
for my own edification, until my preface to the 2003 reprint of my 1993 book "The
Aryan Invasion Theory and Indian Nationalism" (Voice Of India, New Delhi,
2003). After that, I wrote a section detailing these continuous betrayals in the last
section "Pseudo-Hindutva" of my article "Sita Ram Goel — Memories and Ideas"
in the Sita Ram Goem Commemoration volume "India's only Communalist"
(Voice Of India, New Delhi, 2005).

I have been putting my views on these matters in many of my blog articles,

a) Leftists and Rightists 15/10/2019.
b) The BJP Gives People Choices 7/1/2021.
c) The Andaman Islanders and Indian Civilization 4/2/2021.
d) Raping India's Forests - The Highest Point of Political "Hindutva"
e) The Buddha vis-à-vis Brahmins 7/10/2022.

2. For the record, I am a very staunch Hindutvavadi (and I have absolutely no

objections to being described as a Hindu Nationalist, because according to me, a
true Nationalist will have respect for the culture and identity of all nations and
cultures). But I would not mind being called an SJW because I (unlike the leftist
and wokist vultures who are honored with that title) am also a strong supporter of
Social Justice and Environment. And the only -isms that I have no respect for are
the different -isms which constitute the Breaking India forces, because they are
based on hatred. But, this does not translate into hatred of or aversion to Muslims
and Christians: a large percentage of my best friends have been Muslims,
Christians and Parsis, right from my school, college, office and outside, and most
of them trust me and respect my beliefs even if they don't like them. And yes, a
large percentage of my friends are also RSS people (i.e. BJP Parivar people): of
course, I don't know how many of them would respect my views on the BJP

3. I will not bother to respond to personal attacks on this present article, because
they are only to be expected, and I think have said everything I have had to say on
the subject. Of course genuine, non-hostile and non-repetitive discussion is always

4. What was the purpose of this whole article? Do I expect to make any change in
the situation in any way? Obviously not: most of the hundreds or few thousands
who read this article may not approve or "agree" at all, and I am under no illusions
of my being a game-changer in political matters at least.

One purpose could be simply to try to detoxify my mind of all the despair and
frustration which all this treachery arouses, by expressing it in words.

But another more concrete purpose is to have my views on record. I am a

worshipper of Truth, and have a high respect for History and Posterity. When, a
hundred years after today, India has become a fully Islamic nation, or has been
broken into many Islamic and Christian countries, or become a part of the
nightmarish future predicted by George Orwell in his book "Nineteen Eighty-
four", I want the stray historian who reads the history of present times, and
wonders whether anyone had noticed the developments taking place and recorded
his/her views on the subject, I want my name to be present on the Roster of Honor
in this respect.

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