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NERVOUS SYSTEM NefVeltissues develop from embryonic ectoderm that is induced to differentiate in this direction by the underlying notochord. First, a MeUralitubelplaté forms; then the edges of the plate thicken, forming the Meuraligroove. The edges of the groove grow toward each other and ultimately fuse, forming the Reuralitube. This structure gives rise to the entire CNS, including neurons, glial cells, ependymal cells and the epithelial cells of the choroids plexus. Some cells lateral to the neural groove become the féUfallerest and give rise to most of the Peripheral Nervous'Systemi(PNS), as well as a number of other structures. Neural/crestderivatives include the following: Chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla Melanocytes of skin and subcutaneous tissues Odontoblast Cells of the pia mater and the arachnoid ‘Sensory neurons of cranial and spinal sensory ganglia Postganglionic neuron of sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia ‘Schwann cells of peripheral axons NOT eeNs 8. Satellite 9. Craniofacial connective tissue \Newralitube is the primordium of the brain and spinal cord. Cells beside it breaks away to form the neural crest which contributes to the: 1. Peripheral ganglia 2. Medullary parts of the adrenal gland 3. Craniofacial connective tissue The fostralineuropore (neural tube) closes first. 1. Innermostlayer(germinalayer) — sheet of neuroepithelial cells that persist as ependymal cells, lining the central canal and ventricular system. Neuroepithelialicells proliferate and migrate outward into the middle to become the, 2. Mantleslayet - immigrant cells which are precursors of neurons becomes the gray matter. Mantle layer become arranged in dorsal and ventral columns that bulge into the lumen of the tube. a. Dorsal/bulge\(alar plate) ~ dorsal hom or column, the afferentisystem b. Wentral bulge (ventral/plate) — ventral horn or column — efferent'neurons. Later fourigroupsiofineurons are organized, arranged in dorso-ventral sequence, compose the gray matter of the spinal cord: a. somatic afferent b. visceral afferent c. somatic efferent d. visceral efferent Processes of the cells extend outward and formed the, 3. Mardinalilaver — consisting of the dendrites and axons becomes the white matter. BRAIN DERIVATIVES PRIMARY DIVISIONS, ‘SUBDIVISION Telencephaion Prosencephalon Diencephalon Msencephalon ‘Metencephalon Rhombencephalon Myelencephalon Remainder of neural tube MAJOR DERIVATIVES Cerebral cortex Basal nuciet Limbic system Epithalamus ‘Thalamus Hypothalamus Tectum (Corpora quadrigemina) Tegmentum Cerebral peduncles Pons. Cerebellum Medulla oblongata Spinal cord LUMEN Lateral Ventricle Third Ventricle Cerebral aqueduct Rostral part of 4" ventricle Central canal 1. Aetiver‘cellimigration — embryonic environment into and through w/ co migrate dictates the course of their movement. 2. Passiveltranslocation — establishing patterns of pigmentation 1. Determination — commitment to develop into an auto neuron 2. Cytodifferentiation — appearance of biochemical characteristics unique to a sympathetic or parasympathetic neuron 3. Maturation * Elevation of the characteristics into an adult levels * One component involved in the maturation is the erwetgrowthifactor (INGE) + Preganglioniclinetve ending in the ganglia contains enzyme, choline acetyl transferase while Posiganglionicineuron contains tyrosine'hhydrolase (TOH) - the 1“ enzyme in the synthesis of norepinephrine Peripheralinerve — target tissue interaction Interactions between nerves and their target tissues play essential roles in the development of somatic efferent and afferent neurons and voluntary muscles. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EYE Eyes — started as an ectodermal thickening (Optieigr66Ve - 1“ neural part of the eye to appear - deepens to a lateral evagination of the brain wall to form + opticivesiele — outer wall thicken and invaginate to form + pticzeup — opens ventrally and extends proximally to form an 4 Opti¢(stalk — a constriction between the optic cup and the brain Lens placode ‘+ Ectodermal thickening overlying the optic vesicle ‘+ Invaginate to form the lens vesicle + separates from the Suffacelectodenm: the latter layer forms the —_ (superficial layer) deeper layer devived from neural crest mesenchymal cells + Lateral surface of optic vesicle forms bilayeropticteap + innerisurface give rise to neural retina uter'surface layer give rise to pigmented epithelium of the retina '* Connective tissue in the choroidssseleralandiris are derived from neural crest cells and minor contribution from mesoderm. Blood vessels that develop in the nearby mesenchyme from the hyaloid artery Hyaloidiveins — drains the area Development of the inner ear. Eariisidividiedinto; 1. external 2. middle 3. inner Each have different embryonic origin External - derived from the visceral arch 2 ‘Auricularshillock — swelling which arise from the mesenchyme found in both sides of the 1% visceral grove. — comes from the 1* visceral arch — grove between the 1* and 2™ hillock Initially. * develop on the ventrolateral surface of the head + don't shift their location but growth of the lower jaw and associated muscles, ‘expands the volume of the tissue ventral to the ear. * Associated with 7” CN Infiemear — focal thickening of the surface ectoderm called etiGiplacode Invaginate to form otic cup and comes in contact with myslencephalon ‘+ Lip of cup closes and separate from otic vesicle Classification of PN PNS consist of: 1. motor oreferentcomponen - conducts impulses away from CNS 2. — conduct impulses towards CNS Entry tissues in the body except CNS are innervated by efferent and afferent neurons although relative numbers of each type varies greatly, e.g., muSCles — have plenty of efferent and few afferent integument/skin — have plenty of afferent and also have efferent neuron to peripheral blood vessels, skin glands, as feather or hair muscles. ‘Separation of the PNS into afferentefferent components 1. Motor neurons dendritic zones and cell bodies are located in the CNS or in peripheral ganglia and axons extend to target tissues. 2. Sensory — dendritic zones are located in the peripheral tissues and axons project centrally. Most afferent neurons are located in spiral and cranial sensory ganglia except those associated with vision and olfaction All PNS neurons are categorized as: 1. Visceral includes innervation of all voluntary muscles including those of peripheral bid. vessels and the integument derived from somatic mesoderm and the head from NCC 2. Somaticvafferentiefferent — innervates voluntary muscles and related CT and those ectodermally derived epithelia like skin, mouth and other sense organ.

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