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Science and Technology Reviewer


 From the Latin word “scientia” (knowledge)

 Any systematic knowledge or practice
 Acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method.
 Organized body of knowledge gained through research
 Human attempt to understand the natural world, with or without concern for practical uses of
that knowledge
 Science tries to discover facts and relationships and then tries to create theories that makes
sense of these facts and relationships

Scientific Method

 A step-by-step analysis consisting of systematic observation, measurement and experiment.

Natural World

 Volcanoes
 Gravity
 Atoms
 Plants and Animals


 Big bang theory

 Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution
 Archimedes’ principle (buoyancy)


 Newton’s three laws of gravity (law of inertia, law of acceleration, law of interaction)


 From two Greek words “techne” (skill, craftsmanship, art), and “logos” (discourse, reason)
 The human attempt to change the world
 Human activity involved with the making and using of material artifacts
 Technology is on the same level as art, politics, economics and the like.
 Involves the following:
o Tools
o Techniques
o Procedures for putting findings of science to practical use
Relationship between Science and Technology

 Science has helped develop technology to make things convenient for people
 Science explores the purpose of knowing
 Technology explores the purpose of making something useful from that knowledge
 Science drives technology by making new technology possible through scientific breakthroughs

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