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TAHUN AJARAN 2021-2022

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VIII 1 / 2

I. Choose the right answer!

1. Ratih : Did you know? Wati got 100 for his English?
Wati : Wow! ....................
a. I’m sorry to hear that c. How pity he is
b. Yes, he is d. How intelligent he is.

2. Does your friend ............. about this problem?

a. Understands b.To understand c. Understand d.Understood

3. Anton : How was the food?

Lina : ...............................
a. It was such a delicious food c. it’s on the table
b. I don’t think so. d. I’m afraid I can’t see it.

4. Look at the baby! --------------

a. He has a baby boy c. He is so cute!
b. Does she have a baby? d. He is Outside

5. Zulaihah : “ What’s your opinion Face Book, Azzam?”

Azzam :” in my opinion Face Book is very useful and interesting.”The
utterance in italics expresses ..................
a. Expression about like c. Giving opinion
b. Asking for agreement d. Asking for opinion

6. Febri : “ What do you know about John Lenon?

Erika : “ Every body said that he was singer.”The utterance in italics expresses
a. Asking for opinion c. Asking for agreement
b. Giving for information d. Expression denial

7. Risa : How often does Steven practice his English?

Nada : He practices English everyday.
Rita : Oh, really?_____________
a. What a strong boy he is! c. What a careful boy he is!
b. What a diligent boy he is! d. What a stupit boy he is!
8. X : It’s really hot. I think ........
Y : Sorry, the fan doesn’t work.
a. You can turn off the fan c. You can turn on the fan
b. You can open the fan d. You can break the fan

9. Roihan : May I help you carry those boxes?

Ivan : ......... I can do it myself.
a. Yes b. Sure c. Of course d. No, thanks

10. The tourist ........... the beauty of the canyon from the bridge.
a. Can enjoy b. Can read c. Can meet d. Can open

11. Dody : Will you join me to the canteen, Lia?

Laila : ........ I have to do my task.
a. Yes, Ok b.Yes, I will c. Sure d. Sorry, I’m busy

12. X : Look! The floor is very dirty ........ please?

Y : Ok
a. Will you sweep it c. Can you do it?
b. Will you litter it d. Can you take it?

Wedding Party
Siti and yatno are waiting you to their
Time : Sunday, 19.30 PM
Date : 12th of Oktober 2020
Place : Savana Hotel
13. What does the purpose of the text?
a. To offer something or an event to the people.
b. To invite people to an event
c. To inform about an event
d. To express personal greeting and congratulation

14. What party does Siti and Yatno held?

a. Circumcision party c. Wedding party
b. Farewell party d. New born baby party

15. What day does it happen?

a. Sunday b. Monday c.Wednesday d. Friday

Dear Santika
I want you to come to my house for
dinner on Saturday at 7.00 P.M.

16. When does Sarah expect Santika to come to her house?

a. In the morning c. In the afternoon
b. In the evening d. At night
17. From the invitation card above, we know that Andika is Sarah’s .........
a. Father b. Grandfather c.Teacher d. Close friend

18. Reza : How many months in a year?

Iwan : There are .......... months.
a. Ten b. Twelve c. Eleven d. Thirteen

19. ....... a conference in my office now.

a. There is b. There are c. There was d.There were

20. She .............. her dog everyday

a. To feed b. Feed c. Feeds d. Feeding

21. ....... three sleeping rooms in his house

a. There is b. There are c. There was d. There were

22. ........... many magazines on the table

a. There is b.There are c.There was d.There were

23. My father doesn’t ............ coffee every morning

a. To drink b. Drink c. Drinks d. Drinking

24. Eko, Yoga and nanda ......... my best friend

a. Is b. Am c. Are d. Was

25. We ................... study hard if we want to be successful in the exam.

a. Must b. Mustn’t c. Should d. Shouldn’t

II. Read the following text aloud and answer the questions

Love My School
This is my school, it has many rooms. There are six rooms in my school.
There is one headmaster’s room and one teacher’s room. There is a library betwen
headmaster’s room and teacher’s room. The canteen is beside the teacher’s room.
Next to the canteen there are two rest rooms. One is for the students and the other is
for the teachers.
I love my school and I enjoy to study there.
1. How many classrooms are there in the school?
2. Where is the Library?
3. Where is the canteen?
4. Where is the rest room?
5. How many rest rooms are there in the school?

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