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Silvestre B.

Sanchez September 12, 2022


Pre-Final Exam

After seeing the video, I found it amusing since their sweet love story was inspiring. It is
amazing story because they only meet online, and it was funny to see that they both fall in love.
You won't always believe that such a tale exists, but when love truly chooses you, there are
moments when you simply cannot turn down the blessing of the Lord. I agree with their tips and
advice regarding love after hearing their experience. Because I have noticed that many in our
generation now tend to find it extremely simple to let the concept of love go and usually do not
appear to take it seriously. They have an incomplete interpretation of what love is, they think that
love is should always about happiness, yet they are ready to end a relationship when there are
difficulties or it appears like they are experiencing problems. Because they did not really
understand the meaning of love that it is a commitment, no matter what the circumstances many
relationships fail, as I have observed. Therefore, before getting married, I think couples
definitely need the Lord's guidance, like the relationship between Gwen and Frances. They both
prayed for direction, they decided to love one another despite having differing religious beliefs.

Again, after watching the video and being inspired by their wonderful cute story, I
suddenly realized that somehow, I wish that I would have reached the point in my life when I
would have married the one, I love, the one who will be by my side forever. I get excited when I
think of it, but I am aware that the process is not simple and that building love with a partner
takes time. I pray to God that He will guide me and my future partner and that our relationship
will be centered around Him. With God's help, I pray that we will overcome our relationship

What I learned from the video in which Gwen and Frances discussed is that commitment
and love are the two main components of marriage that we seek. Finding someone who loves us
for who we are and what we do is the goal of marriage, love, and commitment. I think our
partner should be someone we can respect, trust, and depend on in difficult times. No matter
what happens, loving someone is making a conscious decision to treat them with kindness,
loyalty, respect, compassion, forgiveness, and admiration. I know that everyone has a different
idea of what marriage is. For many, it represents a form of commitment between two people who
promise to support one another regardless of the circumstances they find themselves in and I
believe that marriage should be the ceremony in the church for the couple because they will vow
to the Lord that they will be as one flesh, no matter what happens in their happiness or sorrows
or old age.

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